проф. д-р Саво Ашталкоски
Факултет за економски науки
Кратко наративно био:
Дипломира на Економскиот факултет при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” во Скопје на насоката финансии и банкарство во 2000та година.
Истата година, се запишува на последипломските студии по монетарна економија. На 10.03.2004 успешно го одбранува својот магистерски труд и се стекнува со звање Магистер по економски науки од областа на монетарната економија.
По магистрирањето работи на докторска дисертација, која успешно ја одбранува на 23.08.2007 и се стекнува со звање Доктор по економски науки.
Професионална кариера
2004 - на Факултетот за општествени науки е избран за асистент по Основи на економија.
2005 - на Факултетот за економски науки при Европски Универзитет е избран за асистент по Монетарна економија.
2007 - на Факултетот за економски науки при Универзитет ФОН е избран за доцент во областите Финансии и Банкарство.
2012 - на Факултетот за економски науки при Универзитет ФОН е избран за вонреден професор во областите Финансии и Банкарство.
2017 - на Факултетот за економски науки при Универзитет ФОН е избран за редовен професор во областите Финансии, Банкарство и Бизнис економија.
Бил претседател на Комисијата за признавање на испити, Комисијата за Самоевалуација, Комисијата за ЕКТС како и Универзитетско тело за уписна политика.
Членува во научни и издавачки одбори на меѓународни научни списанија, публикации и конференции.
Учествува во работа на проекти, меѓународни и домашни научни и стручни конференции, семинари и обуки.
Автор/коавтор е на повеќе научни и стручни трудови, универзитетски учебници и книги. (види прилог)
Од 2021 а година е избран за Декан на Факултет за економски науки при АУЕ-ФОН.
Објавени трудови:
1. “The impact of strategic human resource management on organizational performance”, KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol. 35.1 Bansko, Bulgaria, December 2019 pp. 327-332
2. “The impact of leadership styles on employee turnover in the organization” KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol. 31.1 Budva, Montenegro, June 2019 pp. 265-271
3. “Regional policy in the Republic of Macedonia in context of EU integration policies”, KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol. 28.1 Bansko, Bulgaria, December 2018 pp. 323-328
4. “The role and impact of organizational culture on organizational performance in the Republic of Macedonia”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific papers Vol. 23.1 Institute of knowledge management, Budva, Montenegro, May 2018, ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version), ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version), Global impact and quality factor 1,322 (2016), pp.261-267
6. “The negative effect of employee turnover in business operations in the organization”, VIZIONE International magazine for social sciences, Open access journal EBSCO (2014), ISSN: 1409-8962 – print form, ISSN: 1857-9221 electronic form, UDC:005.32: 331.101.3]: 336.71 (497.7), p.343-354, Skopje July 2018
7. “The role of leadership in managing organizational changes”, KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol. 25 August 2018, p.65-71
8. “Policies and measures for prevention of financial crisis”, KNOWLEDGE – International JournalVol. 20.3 Bansko, December 2017, pp.1309-1315
9. “The Role of the World bank in the Republic of Macedonia”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific Papers, Vol. 19.1., 29.9-1.10.2017, Agia Triada, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 77-81
10. “The impact of the process of managing results on the profitability of organizations”, XIII International May Conference on StrategicManagement - IMKSM 2017, Book of proceedings, Technical Faculty in Bor, Srbija, Maj 19-21, 2017, accepted in the EBSCO Host base, ISBN 978-86-6305-042-6, p. 313-320
11. “Credit risk in the banking in the Republic of Macedonia”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific and Applicative Papers V17 Institute of knowledge management, 2017, ISSN 1857-923X, Budva, Montenegro, Global impact and quality factor 1,322 (2016), pp.831-839
12. “Financial sustainability of civil society organization”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific and Applicative Papers V16 Institute of knowledge management, 2017, ISSN 1857-923X, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, Global impact and quality factor 1,025 (2015), pp.497-507
13. “The impact of planning the performance of the employees on organizational performance in the small and medium enterprises”, IMPACT: International Journal of Research inBusiness Management (IMPACT: IJRBM), ISSN(P): 2347-4572; ISSN(E): 2321-886X, Vol. 4, Issue 11, Impact Factor: 2.9867, ICV Factor: 59.44; NAAS Rating: 3.09, IBI Factor: 2.7; Nov 2016, pp.47-54
14. “E-banking as a prerequisite for improving market positioning of companies in the Republic of Macedonia”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific and Applicative Papers V15.3 Institute of knowledge management, Skopje, 2016, ISSN 1857-92, Global impact and quality factor 1,025 (2015), pp.945-952
15. “The link between the alignment of the individual goals with the organizational goals and organizational performance”, XIIInternational May Conference on StrategicManagement - IMKSM 2016, Book of proceedings, University of Belgrade, Srbija, 2016, accepted in the EBSCO Host base, ISBN 978-86-6305-042-6, p. 438-446
16. “The use of ICT as a tool for improvement of the communication between the local government and the citizens”, International Scientific Conference on “POWER OF COMMUNICATION 2016”, Proceedings, Pan-European University Apeiron, Banja Luka, 2016, ISBN ISBN 978-99955-91-90-8, p.197-210
17. “The dependence of the municipal services on the foreign aid funding sources in the region”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific papers V12/1 Institute of knowledge management, Bansko, Bulgaria, ISSN 1857-92, Global impact and quality factor 1,025 (2015), 2016, pp.151-157
18. “The meaning of motivation of human capital in banks in the Republic of Macedonia“ VIZIONE International magazine for social sciences, Open access journal EBSCO (2014), ISSN: 1409-8962 – print form, ISSN: 1857-9221 electronic form, UDC:005.32: 331.101.3]: 336.71 (497.7), p.309-321, Vizione 25/2016, Skopje
19. “Structure of sources of funding as a factor for the competitiveness of the business entities from the Republic of Macedonia”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific Papers V11/1, Institute of knowledge management, 2015, ISSN 1857-92, Global impact and quality factor 1,025 (2015),p.213-219
20. “The application of different methods of funding and their effects on the financial sustainability of the civil society organizations”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific and Applicative Papers V10/1, Institute of knowledge management, 2015, ISSN 1857-92 Global impact and quality factor 1,025 (2015)
21. “Relationship between career development of employees and financial performance of organizations”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific and Applicative Papers V10/1, Institute of knowledge management, 2015, ISSN 1857-92, Global impact and quality factor 1,025 (2015), (во коавторство)
22. “The role and importance of assessing employee performance on the success of organizations in the Republic of Macedonia”, KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific and applicative papers V9 Institute of knowledge management, Skopje, 2015, ISSN 1857-92, Global impact and quality factor 1,025 (2015), pp.131-137
23. “The future of banking institutions under conditions of digitalization”, Journal of Process Management - New Technologies - JPMNT-International, Republic of Serbia, ISSN: 2334-7449 (Online), as Special Edition Vol. 7. November 2014, Index Copernicus Journals Master List 2012, ICV 2012: 4.09, pp 101-104, reprinted from the International scientific conference: KNOWLEDGE –CAPITAL OF THE FUTURE, Bansko, Bulgaria, Nov. 2014, Knowledge International Journal Scientific and applicative papers, Vol.7, Institute of knowledge management, Skopje, 2014, ISBN 978-608-65653-7-4, COBISS.MK-ID 97382922, pp.108-112
24. “The crisis and the banking sector in the Republic of Macedonia - What's changed?”, Proceedings of Educons University for social science, The great recession and crisis neoliberal economy, UniversityEducons, Novi Sad 2014, ISBN: 978-86-87785-52-6, p.233-241
25. “The impact of employees dedication and their commitment to work in banks on increasing their financial performance in the Republic of Macedonia”, Journal of Process Management - New Technologies – JPMNT - International, 2014, Republic of Serbia, ISSN: 2334-7449 (Online), as Special Edition Vol. 4. November 2014, Index Copernicus Journals Master List 2012, ICV 2012: 4.09, pp 166-170, reprinted from the International scientific conference: KNOWLEDGE –CAPITAL OF THE FUTURE, Bansko, Bulgaria, Nov. 2014, Knowledge International Journal Scientific and applicative papers, Vol.4, Institute of knowledge management, Skopje, 2014, ISBN 978-608-65653-8-1, COBISS.MK-ID 97384202, p.154-159
26. “The impact of strategic human resource management on organizational performance”, Conference of strategic management, University of Belgrade, Srbija, 2014, accepted in the EBSCO Host base, ISBN: 978-86-6305-019-8 p. 227-237
27. “Crisis as a factor for the appearance of conflicts between labor force in organizations and strategies to overcome them”, UniversityEducons, 2013, UDK: 338.124.4:330.11 ISBN: 978-86-87785-45-8, p.129-135
28. “Foreign direct investment as a factor for raising the level of the living standard”, International scientific conference on economic development and standard of living “EDASOL 2012 - Economic development and Standard of living”, Pan-European University Apeiron, Banja Luka, 2012, ISBN 978-99955-49-93-0, p.18-26
29. “How corporate culture can influence the financial performance of banks”, May conference on strategic management, University of Belgrade, Bor, Srbija, 2012, ISBN: 978-86-80987-96-5, p.929-934
30. "The new role of banks in the financial sector and the need for changes in the regulation", International Scientific Meeting, Second wave of economic crisis - the effects on the economy of the region and possible solutions, Educons University, Sremska Kamenica, 2012, UDK: 338.124.4:330 (082) ISBN: 978-86-87785-36-6, p.21-31
31. “Frustration of working as a problem of human resources management”, UTMS Journal of Economics, 2012, Print ISSN: 1857-6974, Electronic ISSN: 1857-6982, p.193-198
32. “Support in the development of small and medium enterprises”, International Conference for Strategic Management, Zajecar, Serbia, 2011, ISBN: 978-86-80987-85-9, p.620-628
33. “The power of capital and the role of banks in the system”, International scientific journal, “International review”, PEP, Belgrade, 2011, ISBN: 978-86-6069-062-5, p. 41-55
34. "A regular human potential in companies as a comparative advantage over competitors" International Scientific Conference - Knowledge as capital for the future, ISBN: 97899-295-4-8, Ohrid, 2009
35. "The problems that set the fluctuation of the workforce in the human resource management", International Scientific Congress, University of Tourism and Management, Skopje, 2009, p.272-281
36. "Problem with bank liquidity and strategies for its improvement," Annual proceeding, FON University - Skopje, p. 310-323, 2009
37. "The impact of globalization processes on the international movement of capital" (doctoral dissertation), Institute of Economics, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius ", Skopje, 2007
38. "Current trends in the development of the financial sector" Ekot, no. 2, Skopje, 2005
39. "The importance of investment funds and their perspectives in the Republic of Macedonia“, Faculty of Social Sciences, Skopje, 2004
40. "The role of intermediaries in the capital market," (MA thesis), Faculty of Economics, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius ", Skopje 2004
1. „Campaigning Manual For civil society organizations in Macedonia that work in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development”, Skopje, December 2018
2. „Guidance for innovation and entrepreneurship” C.E.S, Skopje, 2016
3. „Payment operations", University of tourism and Management, Skopje, 2010
4. „Global management of capital in the economy“, Faculty of Economics, FON - University, Skopje 2009
5. „Banking Economics”, Faculty of Economics, First Private University - FON, Skopje 2008
6. „Banking", Faculty of Economics, European University, Skopje, 2007
7. „Payment operations", Faculty of Social Sciences, Skopje 2005
8. „Banking”, Faculty of Social Sciences, Skopje 2005
9. „Monetary Economics - Monetary and Credit Theory and Policy“, Faculty of Social Sciences, Skopje 2004