проф. д-р Силвана Јовческа
Факултет за економски науки
Кратко наративно био:
- докторат, универзитет “Св. Кирил и Методиј”, Скопје, доктор на економски науки (2011 - 2014 год.)
- магистерски студии, универзитет “Св. Кирил и Методиј”, Скопје, магистер по менаџмент на човечки ресурси (2007-2009)
- додипломски студии, универзитет “Св. Кирил и Методиј” Скопје
Работно искуство:
- (2014 год. – тековно) – АУЕ - ФОН Универзитет, Факултет за економски науки, Скопје, доцент и научен истражувач од областа на меѓународниот менаџмент и бизнис менаџментот
- (2009 - 2014 год.) - асистент од областа на менаџментот на ФОН Универзитет, Скопје
- (2011 год. – тековно), кооридинатор на Центарот за кариера и алумни, АУЕ-ФОН Универзитет
Дополнителна научна дејност:
- (2019 год. – тековно) – рецезент, член на редакцискиот одбор на научно меѓународно списание на IndraStra Global, (Thomson Reuters Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics), New York, USA
- (2013 год. – тековно) - рецезент, член на редакцискиот одбор на научно меѓународно списание на државниот Универзитет за националнa и меѓународна економија (УНСС), Софија, Р. Бугарија
- Д-р Силвана Јовческа е акредитиран ментор од страна на “Одбор за акредитација и евалуација на високото образование”, Министерство за образование и наука, Р. Македонија и има менторство на значителен број магистри и специјализанти при ФОН универзитет и е член на комисија за одбрана на магистерски и специјалистички трудови;
Д-р Силвана Јовческа има учествувано на значителен број меѓународни и домашни конференции, семинари и научни собири и има издадено голем број на научни и стручни трудови на меѓународно ниво. Таа активно работи на научни меѓународни и домашни проекти.
Предмети кои ги предава/лa:
- Меѓународен менаџмент,
- Стратегиски менаџмент,
- Проектен менаџмент,
- Теорија на организација,
- Деловна етика и комуникација,
- Организациско однесување,
- Професионален развој и кариера
Теми и области во кои менторира дипломски работи и магистерски трудови
меѓународен менаџмент, стратегиски менаџмент, менџмент на човечки ресурси, деловни комуникации.
Истражувачки интерес:
Доц. д- р Силвана Јовческа има учествувано на повеќе научни меѓународни и домашни проекти од областа на меѓународниот менаџмент, стратегискиот менаџмент и менаџмент на човечки ресурси:
“И во македонската култура: лидерството е моќ на личноста, не на полот”, Министерство за култура на Р. Македонија, Скопје, 2019
“Студентска музичка пролет”, Министерство за култура на Р. Македонија, Скопје, 2018
"Remembrance and Intercultural Dialogue", ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy, Normandy, France, E.U. held in Skopje, R. Macedonia, 2017
Tet-a-tet With the Euro – Atlantic Values, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung offices of Skopje and Paris, 2013;
Tet-a-tet With the Euro – Atlantic Values, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung offices of Skopje and Paris, 2012;
Factory of Knowledge, FON University, Skopje, year – 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012…
Објавени трудови , изложби и аудиовизуелни дела : текстови во академски списанија, во зборници или објавени книги
СПИСОК НА ПОЗНАЧАЈНИ ОБЈАВЕНИ НАУЧНИ И СТРУЧНИ ТРУДОВИ со Open Access Journals (EBSCO) и Global Impact and Quality Factor
Oбјавени трудови:
1. Јовческа С., “Меѓународен менаџмент”, универзитетски учебник, АУЕ-ФОН, 2022
2. Jovcheska Silvana, “International Managers”, LAP Lambert, Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2017
3. Јовческа С., Тодоров Т., “Основи на научната методологија на истражување во областа на економијата”, универзитетски учебник, ФОН Универзитет, 2011
Мeѓународни научни публикаци:
1. Jovcheska S., “Modern Organizational Identity Through Digital Management”, Economic Development, Journal of the Institute of Economics- University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, Year. 24 No. 1/2021 (EBSCO, CEEOL);
2. Jovcheska S., "Effects on international management during COVID-19”, University of Nacional and World Economy, International Conference: “19th International Scientific Conference: Bulgarian Memebrship in the European Union - Thirteen Years Later”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020
3. Jovceska, Zununi, “The strategic role of international human resource management”, SPECTRUM, 1. Studious and scientific magazine, AUE-FON University – Skopje, 2020
4. Jovcheska S., “The Necessity of Professional Mentors for Successful Expatriate’s Adaptation on Their Retrieval to Their Home Countries” Knowledge, (International Journal Scientific and Applicative papers V30.6), 2019 (EBSCO, Copernicus, Global Impact & Quality Factor 1.822)
5. Jovcheska S., “Multinational and International Teams - Strategy for Performing Critical Organizational Projects”, Vizione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.32, 2019 (EBSCO, Proquest & Cite Factor)
6. Jovcheska S., Zununi Z. “Brand Management and Intellectual Property”, Vizione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.30, 2018 (EBSCO, Proquest & Cite Factor)
7. Jovcheska S., Zarezankova Potevska M., “Correlation Between the Way of Managing Human Resources and Strategy to Compete in the International Market”, ANNUAL of ISPJR, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Volume XLI, 2017 (EBSCO, 4.0 International Licence)
8. Jovcheska S., “Strategic Approach to Permanent Education and Profesional Development in a International Scale”, Vizione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.27,2017 (EBSCO, Proquest & Cite Factor)
9. Jovcheska S., Zarezankova Potevska M., “Types of Concepts of Organizational Culture” Knowledge, (International Journal Scientific and Applicative papers V17.4), 2017 (EBSCO, Global Impact & Quality Factor 1.322)
10. Zarezankova Potevska M., Jovcheska S., “Personal Moralof Entrepreneurs” Knowledge, (International Journal Scientific and Applicative papers V16.4), 2017 (EBSCO, Global Impact & Quality Factor 1.023).
11. Jovcheska S., “Identification of Management Potential to Work at International Market” Knowledge, (International Journal Scientific and Applicative papers V15.3), 2017 (EBSCO, Global Impact & Quality Factor 1.023).
12. Jovcheska S., Jankova N., “The global market and the global work force” Knowledge, (International Journal Scientific and Applicative papers V12.2), 2016 (EBSCO, Global Impact & Quality Factor 1.023).
13. Jovcheska S., Popovski V., “Professional profile of a successful international manager” ANNUAL of ISPJR, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Volume XXXIX, 2015 (EBSCO, EBSCO, 4.0 International Licence)
14. Popovski V., Borota P.M., Jovcheska S., “Factors Ranked by Expatriate Managers for the Successful Implementation of the International Task” Economic Development N.3/2014, Journal of the Institute of Economics, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje (EBSCO, CEEOL-Frankfurt, Germany)
15. Jovcheska S., Chudoska I., Zununi Z., “Profile of Professional and International Managers”, Vizione 24, Visione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.24, 2015 (EBSCO, Proquest & Cite Factor)
16. Zunni Z., Jovcheska S., “General Electric Company – Successful Strategy for Successful Performance in the International Market” Vizione 23/2015, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology (EBSCO, Proquest & Cite Factor)
17. Jovcheska S. “Evaluation of Training Programs and Professional Development of Human Resources” Knowledge Vol.9, 2015 (International Journal Scientific and Applicative papers V9) (EBSCO, Global Impact & Quality Factor 1.023).
18. Zununi Z., Jovcheska S., “Planing Human Resources – Practice for Working of Modern and Successful Companies in a Global Level” Vizione n.21, 2014 (International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, (EBSCO, Proquest & Cite Factor)
19. Јовческа С., “Бизнис и професионална кариера во национални размери”, New Knowledge for the New People”, Knowledge Vol.1&2, 2014, International Journal Scientific and Applicative papers V9, (EBSCO, Global Impact & Quality Factor 1.023).
20. Јовческа С., “Поддршка во развојот на мали и средни претпријатија”, VII Majska konferencija o strategijskom menadzmentu i VII Studentski simpozijum o strategijskom menadzmentu, Zajecar, Srbija, 2011(EBSCO, Proquest & Cite Factor)
21. Јовческа С., “Стратегија за развој на образованието во земјите од Западен Балкан”, I Međunarodni naučni skup o ekonomskom razvoju i životnom standardu, EDASOL, Panevropski Univerzitet Aperion, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina, 2011(EBSCO, Proquest & Cite Factor)
Останати трудови:
1. Jovcheska S., “Profesional Managers for Profesional European Values” International Scientific Conference “European Union’s Strategy for the Danube Region in the 21st century” (27th Conference “Danube- River of Cooperation”), Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, September, 2016
2. Jovcheska S., Zununi Z., “The New Role of Multinacional Corporations” Crossroads, The Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal, nov.2015, Vol.IV. No.3
3. Jovcheska S., “The Principles of Action of Multinational Corporations in the International Environment Management” International Scientific Conference “European Union’s Strategy for the Danube Region in the 21st century” (26th Conference “Danube- River of Cooperation) , Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, September 27-28th 2015
4. Jovcheska S. “International Communication – a Visa for Successful Accomplishment of an International Task”, University of National and World Economy, Department of International Economic Relations and Business”, Sofia, October, 2014
5. Jovcheska S., “International Business – Creator of a New Economic Structure with New Functional Characteristics of the International Organizational Structures and New Typology of International Corporate Cultures” “The Old and New World Order – Between European Integrations and Historical Burdens: Prospects and Challenges for Europe in the 21st Century”, Institute of International Politics and Economics, Beograd, May, 2014
6. Jovcheska S., “Distance learning in contemporary international corporations – a key to successful management”, International on-line publication, Distance Education Network, Baden, april, 2014
7. Јовческа С., “Професионалниот развој на менаџерите како стратешка алатка на меѓународниот менаџмент на човечки ресурси за настап на меѓународниот пазар”, докторска дисертација, Економски институт “Св. Кирил и Методиј”, Скопје, 10.06.2014;
8. Jovcheska S., “Competitiveness of the European Countries in the World Economy”, The European Union: Six Years After It’s Eastern Enlargement, University of National and World Economy, Department of “International Economic Relations and Business”, Sofia, 11 October 2013
9. Jovcheska S., “Management Strategic Directions of Development for the Countries of Western Balkans”, “Strategic Developments and Establishment of Serbia’s Position in Contemporary International Relations”, Institute of International Politics and Economics, Beograd, 22-23 april, 2013;
10. Jovcheska S., “Shperngulja e popullsise nga rajoni i Mavroves dhe Rostushes per ne Turqi”, Studime Albanologjike, Instituti i trashegimise shpirterore e kulturore te shqiptareve, Skopje, 2012
11. Jovcheska S. “Population Migration – A Never Ending Process”, Crossroads, The Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal, sep.2011-march.2012, Vol.III. No.1
12. Jovcheska S., “Levizija natyrore e populates se pergjithshme ne fshatrat te cilat sot I perkasin Komunes Mavrove dhe Rostushe”, Visione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.17, 2011j
13. Jovcheska S., Zunun Z., “Europeization and Macedonian Emigration in the European Countries – Example of Italy”, Identity in the Era of Globalization and Europeanization, International Scientific Conference, University “St. Ciril and Metodij”, Skopje, 2011
14. Јовческа С., “Имплементација на квалитетна социјална политика предуслов за побрз економски раст и развој на Р.Македонија”, Visione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.16, 2011
15. Јовческа С., “Дизајнирање на тимската работа клучен фактор за организациска ефективност”, магистерски труд, Институт за социолошки и политичко правни истражувања “Св. Кирил и Методиј” – Скопје, 2009
16. Јовческа С., “Невработеноста резултат на степенот на образование” – Knowledge – Capital of the Future, International Scientific Conference, Ohrid, 2009
17. Јовческа С., “Комуникациски процес” – Knowledge – Capital of the Future, International Scientific Conference, Ohrid, 2009
18. Јовческа С., “Тимската работа клучен фактор за организациска ефективност” – Knowledge – Capital of the Future, International Scientific Conference, Ohrid, 2009
1. Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgarde, “XII International Scientific Conference Emerging Trends in Business Economics: Towards Competitiveness, Digitalization and Financial Innovation”, Belgrade, 28-29.10.2020
2. AAB College, International Academic Conference: The Perspective of Integration of the Western Balkans into the EU, Pristina, Kosovo, 2021
3. University of Nacional and World Economy in Sofia, International Conference: “19th International Scientific Conference: Bulgarian Memebrship in the European Union - Thirteen Years Later”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020
4. MakeLearn & TIIM International Conference: “Thriving on Future Education, Industry, Business and Society”, Piran, Slovenia, 2019
5. University of Nacional and World Economy, International Conference: “The EU Six Years After It’s Last Enlarement: Problems and Prospects”, Sofia, 2018
6. University of Nacional and World Economy, International Conference: “Competitiveness of the European Countries in the World Economy”, The European Union: Tenth Years After, Sofia, 2017
7. Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgarde, European Union’s Strategy for the Danube Region in the 21st century”, “Danube- River of Cooperation, Belgrade, 2016
8. University of Nacional and World Economy, International Conference: “Competitiveness of the European Countries in the World Economy”, The European Union: Ninth Years After, Sofia, 2016
9. University “Goce Delchev” Shtip, International Conference FILCO: Jankova Natka, Jovcheska Silvana - THE ART OF BUSINESS ENGLISH .
10. Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgarde, European Union’s Strategy for the Danube Region in the 21st century”, “Danube- River of Cooperation, Belgrade,2015
11.University of Nacional and World Economy, International Conference: “Competitiveness of the European Countries in the World Economy”, The European Union: Eight Years After, Sofia, 2015
12. Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgarde, “The Old and New World Order – Between European Integrations and Historical Burdens: Prospects and Challenges for Europe in the 21st Century”, Belgrade, 2014
13.University of Nacional and World Economy, International Conference: “Competitiveness of the European Countries in the World Economy”, The European Union: Seven Years After It’s Eastern Enlargement, Sofia, 2014
14. Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgarde, “Strateski pravci razvoja i utvrdivanja polozaja Srbije u savremenim medzunarodnim odnosima”, Belgrade, 2013
15.University of Nacional and World Economy, International Conference: “Competitiveness of the European Countries in the World Economy”, The European Union: Six Years After It’s Eastern Enlargement, Sofia, 2013
16. “Western Balkans and relations with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, NATO, Brussles, Belgium, 2012
17. “Current Political Issuies and Chicago Summit” NATO, Brussles, Belgium, 2012
18. “SHAPE and Allied Command Operations”, SHAPE, Brussles, Belgium, 2012…