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All applicants applying for studies at one of the study programmes must submit the necessary documentation (nostrified) latest by 30th of September 2023.

In case the students are using University services to facilitate the nostrification procedure, all documents must be submitted to the University latest by 25th of July 2023.

For application deadlines for Training, Academia and courses, please contact Enrollment office or see University calendar.


All Full time programs for foreign students: 4000 EUR  

The tuition fees for study programmes at AUE - FON are paid per semester and remain unchanged for the entire course of study.

On costs for courses please follow our website or contact the Enrolment office.

*Foreign students from Non-EU countries pay the tuition fee for one academic year.

Payment Periods

The tuition payments are made whit in the deadlines according to the calendar for the academic year and in accordance with the dynamics set in the study agreement.

Payment Methods

  • In person at the AUE - FON 
  • Via bank transfer

Other costs/services

The tuition fees at AUE  - FON do not cover other costs and services. On prices of other cost and services please visit https://fon.edu.mk/content.aspx?cid=7 or contact enrolment office [email protected]