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Admission Information

The admission and the study process at the faculties within the University are organized according to the Law on Higher Education.

According to article 108 from the Law on Higher Education a person that has passed the state Matura or the international Matura can be admitted to the first cycle of university or vocational studies.
According to article 108 paragraph 2 from the Law, if there are not enough candidates, which fulfill the requirements from paragraph 1, upon the announcement for admission of students to the first cycle of university and vocational studies in the first admission deadline, persons that have passed the school Matura from a general secondary school or a final exam of the corresponding vocational secondary school with a duration of four years will also have the right to enroll to a first cycle of studies.

Additionally to the certificate of passed Matura, the candidates shall submit:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Citizenship certificate;
  • Secondary-school diploma;
  • School transcripts for all 4 years;
  • Entrance exam where it applies.

All original documents are kept in the student’s file during his studies. In the application form the student chooses the faculty he/she is applying for, as well as the language in which he/she wishes to study. The lectures at AUE- FON are organised in English, Macedonian and Albanian language. A person that has finished secondary education abroad and which has been recognised by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of North Macedonia can also be admitted. Foreign citizens can also be admitted under the same requirements. The studies at AUE-FON are personally financed. The tuition payment and the other obligations and rights of the students and the University are regulated by a Study Agreement concluded after the final ranking list of admitted candidates has been announced.