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The Senate of the American university of Europe FON is a managing and expert body consisting of representatives of the faculties, the founder of the University and the students. The students make 10% of the Senate’s members. The representatives of the faculties are chosen by the Teaching and Scientific Council. Each faculty has at least one representative in the Senate. The Rector is an ex officio member of the Senate.

The Vice-rector, the Director of the University and the General Secretary participate in the work of the Senate without the right to vote. The number of members and the procedure for electing and relieving of duty of the Senate’s members, as well as the calling and holding of a Senate’s session are determined by the University Statute and the Rules of Procedure of the Senate.

The mandate of the Senate’s members coming from the line of teachers and the founder’s representatives lasts for four years. The mandate of the Senate’s members coming from the line of the students lasts for two years.

The University Senate is authorized to:

  • adopt the University Statute;
  • decide on issues related to the teaching, scientific, artistic and vocational, as well as applied activities of the University;
  • adopt the study programs of the faculties;
  • determine the teaching and scientific areas, as well as the teaching disciplines within the study program of the faculties;
  • propose an establishing of new streams and organizational units within the University;
  • adopt standpoints and proposals for the founder in respect of merging, division, transformation or conjoining of streams and faculties;
  • propose to the founder annual, for year or perennial programs for the activities and development of the University;
  • give opinions and submit proposals for the Programs on the development of higher education and scientific and research activities in the Republic of Macedonia;
  • adopt the annual report of the University;
  • appoint full time professors at the faculty;
  • award the title Professors Emeritus;
  • award the titles Doctor honoris causa and Profesor honoris causa;
  • select and revoke the Rector and the Vice-rectors;
  • confirms the Deans the Rector has appointed;
  • give opinion regarding the norms and standards for higher education at the Rectors Conference;
  • submit Rulebooks on the criteria and procedures for appointing academic and scientific, academic, academic and professional, as well as associate titles;
  • create Rulebooks on the requirements, criteria and rules for enrolment and studying at the faculties;
  • adopt a Rulebook on ECTS and transfer from on one to another study program, as well as from one to another faculty within the University;
  • adopt a Rulebook on issuing university diplomas, diploma supplements, professional i.e. scientific titles and other documents for completed studies and on the requirements and the procedures for revoking an issued university diploma;
  • adopt a Rulebook on publishing;
  • adopt decisions on the requirements necessary for transferring from another University, i.e. faculty not part of the University to one of the faculties within the University;
  • Program for international cooperation;
  • form an University Self-evaluation Commission;
  • adopt the Rules of procedure for the Senate;
  • elect members from within for the Rectors conference of private universities and the Rectors conference of the universities in RM;
  • form Commissions on complains, legal issues, the Statute and the University enactments;
  • decide on disputes related to the Rector’s veto on decisions reached by the Rector’s Board;
  • decisions for joining or stepping out of organizations and association, upon a previous consent from the founder;
  • other activities prescribed with the law, statute and other enactments of the University.

Members of the Senat:

  • Prof. Naser Etemi, PhD - president
  • Prof. Stefan Budjakoski, PhD
  • Ass. Prof. Mimoza Klekovska, PhD
  • Ass. Prof.  Tanja Kitanovska Stojkovska, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Nada Petrusheva, PhD
  • Prof. Oliver Iliev, PhD
  • Ass. Prof. Anita Gligorova, PhD
  • Ass. Prof. Iskra Stamenkoska, PhD

The senate can reach a decision if more than half of the total number of members is present at the session, and the decisions are reached by a majority vote of the present members. On issues related to statutory changes, election of university bodies and appointing of full time professors, the Senate can reach a decision if at least 2/3 of the total number of members is present at the session, and the decisions are reached by a majority vote.

Rules of Procedure for the Senate (Download Document)