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International cooperation

Internationalisation is one of AUE- FON strategies as we seek to be a world-class University. AUE -FON has been in a process of intense internationalization for several years. AUE- FON cooperates with universities from all over the world through bilateral agreements, research collaborations, networks and cooperation programmes. As the exchange of experience is the basis for knowledge improvement, many agreements for international bilateral and multilateral cooperation were signed with the academic institutions from all continents. 

Cooperation programmes


The University participates in Erasmus+ programme – European Union’s flagship programme for collaboration in higher education. The programme offers opportunities for international exchange and strategic collaboration projects, and funding for policy reforms. Key actions within Erasmus+ include: Erasmus+ exchange mobility (K1), joint Master’s degrees, strategic partnerships, knowledge alliances and capacity building projects (K2) and support for policy initiatives (K3). Jean Monnet activities are also included. To take part in this programme the AUE- FON applied and was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) - the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities a higher education institution may carry out within Erasmus+. Recently, for the new 2021 – 2027 duration of the Erasmus+ programme a new ECHE application was submitted.


Erasmus+ exchange mobility

The exchange mobility within Erasmus+ is based on bilateral agreements between higher education institutions. These agreements lay the foundation for exchange of students and teaching staff,receiving grants for exchange purposes. There are also grants for students’ internships and work placements and for administrative staff. The funding is primarily for cooperation between European universities, but there is also some funding for cooperation with higher education institutions outside Europe. The aims of the programme are increased international mobility among students and teaching staff, greater openness, and recognition of academic study and qualifications.

  • Students at all levels (Bachelor's, Master's and PhD) can study for 3–12 months in a programme country or partner country.
  • Academic and administrative staff at higher education institutions have the opportunity to teach, conduct job shadowing or undertake other academic activities at partner universities in programme countries and partner countries. Higher education institutions can also invite employees from businesses or organisations to teach.

Strategic Partnerships

Supports initiatives addressing one or more fields of education training and youth and promote innovation, exchange of experience and know-how between different types of organisations involved in education, training and youth or in other relevant fields. Examples of possible activities include joint course development, conferences, intensive programmes, professional development initiatives or experience exchanges. Applications should involve at least three partners from three different programme countries. Currently, the AUE FON has a pending application for “Strategic Partnership for Transdisciplinary Balkan Studies: Geophilosophy of the Balkans" with the universities Singidunum from Belgrade, Serbia, Panteion, Athens, Greece, L’Orientale, Naples, Italy and Verona, Italy.

Knowledge Alliances

Supports projects that focus on collaboration between universities and enterprises which aim to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, employability, knowledge exchange and/or multidisciplinary teaching and learning. Such projects could include the development of new learning methods, the development of programmes and activities in collaboration with business, course development in collaboration with business, or the introduction of a stronger focus on entrepreneurship in study programmes. Knowledge alliance projects are to include at least six partners from at least three different programme countries, of which at least two must be universities and at least two must be companies. Within this framework, one such initiative is the “European Universities” - transnational alliances promoting European values, and working to revolutionise the quality and competitiveness of European higher education. Currently, the AUE FON has a pending application for “EUniversiTECH” designed to bridge the gap between higher education institutions, the private and public sector with regards to digital transformation. Partners in the project are universities FUSP CEU (USP and UCH), Spain, Howest University of Applied Sciences, Belgium, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, LUMSA,  Italy,  Estonian Business School, Estonia & Finland and the Danish School of Media&Journalism, Denmark,

Capacity-building projects

Provides funding for joint projects to develop new courses, curricula, education centres, higher education administration or national education reforms, and contribute to the modernisation of higher education and to democratic development in the partner countries. Universities, individually or in collaboration can apply for funding for partnerships with Erasmus+ partner countries worldwide.

Joint Master’s Degrees

Erasmus+ provides support for the development of joint Master’s degrees, such as Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (under Key Action 1), as well as scholarships for students to participate in a degree programme being offered. Applications to offer a joint Master’s degree must involve at least three universities from three different programme countries. It is also possible to cooperate with higher education institutions in other countries. The degrees are to include compulsory mobility between at least two countries within the consortium.

Joint/dual degree cooperation

Our activities has allowed us to reach 3.5 % international students of enrolled students at the University from Western Balkan, neighbouring EU countries, Asia and Africa who come to study full degrees across the range of programs offered. In this framework, the AUE FON has offered the degrees with the following partners:

  • Mykolas Romeris University, Republic of Lithuania;  
  • CIFE, Nice, France;
  • Poli. Design Consortium of Milan Polytechnic, Italy and  with
  • UMEF, Switzerland.

General education and scientific international cooperation agreements

International networks

AUE-FON is the confounder of Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities (ACEU) establishing cooperation in multilateral projects, curricula development, academic mobility, joint teaching and research projects and exchange of experiences, and other types of scientific collaboration.



Accreditations abroad

Also, the international visibility of the University is broaden to the EU neighbour states by accreditation in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Recent endeavours are undertaken for accreditation of the AUE-FON University at the Council for Higher Education Office for Accreditation Ankara, Turkey.