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What is studying at AUE FON like?

Chairman of the board: Sefer Canoski

Your academic years are the time when you invest in your future. Your efforts and active participation in the curriculum will enable you to develop your intellectual capacities. American University of Europe- FON offers you the ways and means to make you qualified for your future career. The student activities will broaden your intellectual and business horizons. The opportunities for interaction, socializing, clubbing, partying and other typical student activities, as well as the student publications at the university, will enable you to develop your already existing talents and acquire some new ones.

Invest your time, mind and spirit at AUE FON and enjoy the benefits that will come out of your selfless effort and dedication during your academic life. We will follow and assist you every step of the way.


The Board of Directors of the American University of Europe - FON is implementing the strategic and general course of this higher education institution. At the same time, the board of directors is considered a controller of the entire educational process.

The Board of Directors is elected by the founder and consists of professionals with extensive experience in higher education. In addition to members from our country, this year the board of directors is enriched with members from the United States, Spain, Slovakia, Germany and Lebanon.


The President’s office is an executive body of professionals working on the dynamic pursuit of the goals and objectives embodied in the mission of the University. The President’s office provides leadership to foster cooperation between campus and community in fulfilling theUniversity's teaching, research, and public service responsibilities.It is composed of the following centers:

- Campus life and inclusive excellence Centar

This Centaracts as orientation, transition, and retention counseling, health promotion and advocacy Center for the students.

The centar also provides various services for domestic and international students and scholarsincluding conduct and conflict resolution servicesenhancing the AUE- FON's campus climate.

AUE – FON celebrates equity, diversity, and inclusiveness. Therefore, the Centar is fostering a culture of open-mindedness, compassion, and inclusiveness among individuals and groups at the University and its campus. The Centar has the role in actively building comprehensive array of programs and services to promote diversity and understanding of differences between the academic communities whose members have diverse cultures, backgrounds, and life experiences. It has a role to create and maintainopportunities and initiatives for student involvement, community engagement, education, and discourse related to issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

- University Communications Center

It has a role is to timely deliver to the students and the academic community in whole, accurate information regarding the latest University’s activities and evet.Also the Communication Centre is a hub of communication and writing practice, support, and research on campus. Writing a paper? Designing a portfolio?  The Centar is here to help you to work through all stages of the communication process. Study and work at the University communication Center.

- University Budget and Finance Resource Center

This Centar develops annual and long-range university budgets and runs the University’s budget process providing a direct link between resource allocations and the University’s strategic plan.

The Centar developsfunding opportunities for the students in areas of strategic focus.We will establish new ways to support the work of the students across a range of disciplines.

- General secretariat

The Secretariat is to promote good governance and provide a high level policy legal and procedural  support to President, the Council  and the University bodies  considering any relevant legislation and policies.


The Provost is a governing body of the University. He is primus inter pareshas special responsibility for fostering intellectual interactions across the University. The provost has the broad responsibility for ensuring that University programs and faculty are of the highest quality. The provost directs the development and implementation of its academic plans and policies, and supervises the work of its faculties, departments, institutes, and research centers.The Provost also acts to help improve the quality and efficiency of central services organized under the President’s office.

The Office of the Provost directs the development and implementation of University academic plans and policies, and supervises the work of faculties, departments, institutes, and research centers principally through the work of the offices of these vice provosts.

The University has more Vice Provosts selected from among the University professors: Vice provost for undergraduate enrollment,Vice provost for undergraduate education, Vice provost for research, Vice provost for academic administration, Vice provost for remote learning.

The provost's Board consists of the Provost, the Vice-provosts, the Deans of the Schools, the Directors of the Accredited Scientific Institutions and the Representatives of the Students.The Rector’s Board is managed by the provost. The broader responsibility of the Rector’s Board is toprepare and suggest acts and materials to be decided by the University Senate;make decisions on current international cooperation of the University;regulates the issuance of diplomas and other documents for completed studies of higher education; decide upon issues related to the University publishing activities and other duties as regulated by the University Statute.

Alumni Association

Since its establishment, AUE-FON as a serious, quality and modern higher education institution has built its reputation through the success and achievements of its students. In the past few years, serious steps were undertaken to unite all AUE-FON alumni together in one association.

The Alumni center is open for the Alumni and the students from AUE-FON. These two groups are the core of the work of the Alumni Center,  an interface of  current  students and Alumni a spot to share  their experiences, offers the free work places from the companies. Alumni association   in cooperation with the School of professional and extended studies also offers the AUE-FON Alumni additional trainings, conferences enhancing their carriers.

Information department

This office is responsible for managing and maintaining the University databases, information catalogues and web resources, making sure that the information that is managed by the University is is safe, secure and easily accessible.

Human Resource Department

HR department plays a key role in helping the AUE-FON to deal with a fast-changing environment and the greater demand for quality employees. It is charged with finding, screening, recruiting, and training job applicants, and administering employee-benefit programs.