The main objective of the COST Action IC0904: Towards the Integration of Transectorial IT Design and Evaluation is to harmonize research and practice on modern design and evaluation methodologies across disciplines. Design and evaluation in each of these areas demands different suites of interdisciplinary expertise and methodologies, given their specific underpinning disciplines, preferred metaphors, assumptions, goals, and values. As a result of new demands, third generation of D&E principles emerges, that aims to summarize all the existing knowledge that is by nature multidisciplinary.
Full professor, d-r Solza Grceva from the Faculty of Informatics, at FON University is a Member of the Management Committee.
As a group we consider the participation in this COST action as a good opportunity to network with the researchers targeting different D&E methodologies from different angles and disciplines. We can participate in the working groups and we are also confident that the knowledge transfer can go both ways. It will be of a great benefit for our institution, but also for our country where this research is gaining in importance.
Prof. d-r Solza Grceva