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Ass. Violeta Angelkoska, Msci

Faculty of Communication and IT

Function: IT

Title, Name and Surname Teaching assistant, Violeta Angjelkoska

Short narrative bio:

I have graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje at the Institute of Mathematics in 1999, in the study program Mathematical Education. I have received my master's degree at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje, at the Institute of Mathematics in the study program for Mathematical Education in 2010. I have started PhD studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje, at the Institute of Mathematics , in the study program in Mathematical sciences and applications, in 2011. All scheduled exams I have passed with an average grade 9.67. Currently I am working on a PhD thesis in Algebra. I am working at the First Private FON University since February 2004.

Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently

As a teaching assistant at FON University Skopje, I teach the following subjects: Statistics for business, Mathematics for business, Calculus 1, Calculus 2,

List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books:

- Анѓелкоска В., Анѓелкоски М., Докоска М, Употреба на софтвер по предметот Математика во Петта Приватна гиманзија, IV Конгрес на математичарите во РМ, Струга, 19-22 Октомври, 2008;

- Анѓелкоска В., Сарваноска Л., Споредба на наставната програма по математика за основно образование (осумгодишно) и реформирано гимназиско образование во Р. Македонија и наставната програма за К-12 од провинцијата Британска Колумибија од Канада на содржината од темите Геометрија и Мерење, Математичка конференција: 85 години од животот на проф. Благој Попов, Охрид, 5-7 Септември, 2009. - Angjelkoska V., Gorachinova - Ilieva L. Statistical Education of students in Macedonia, Quality of learning and teaching conference proceeding, Tetovo, SEEU, 2013 - Анѓелкоска В., Неделкоска Г., Анѓелкоски М. Статистичкиот пакет SPSS во лингвистичките истражувања , Електронските ресурси и филолошките студии, Филолошкиот факултет “Блаже Конески” Скопје, 12 – 13 септември, 2013 - Nedelkoska G., Angjelkoska V., Correlation between multilingualism and scores on mathematics tests,3-rd International Conference “Education across borders” - Education and Research across Time and Space (1100th Death Anniversary of St. Clement of Ohrid) – Bitola on 6th-7th October, 2016 -Angelkovska V., Dimovski D., On a special case of Wilf’s conjecture, 8th International Conference FMNS- Blagoevrad, 201.