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Ass. Prof. Dr.art Marko Ruzhin

Faculty of Design and Multimedia

Function: Design

Short narrative bio:

Marko Ruzin (born June 04, 1991) is a professor of Multimedia at the Faculty of Design and Multimedia - The American University of Europe – FON, Skopje.

Having spent his early years in foreign countries, Marko has grown up influenced by numerous cultures including French, Belgian, American and Spanish. During his life he has been heavily influenced by Japanese art and culture.

Marko first started expressing himself with musical instruments. This ultimately led him to design.

He started learning computer programs related to design in the early 2000s and in 2004 he had his first projects with Adobe Photoshop and Autodesk Autocad.

He applied as a student to the Faculty of Design and Multimedia at the Fon University in 2009. He graduated in 2012 and defended his master thesis in 2016.

In 2015, he joined the academic team of the Faculty of Design and Multimedia as a student demonstrator.

In 2016, he is employed as an assistant by the university.

In 2019, he is employed as a assistant professor.

He passionately follows the latest trends in 3d, motion design and UI/UX design. He also has an affinity for audio production.

Course he has have been teaching and courses he is teaching currently:

Computer Tools
Multimedia 3
Multimedia 4
3D Modeling
Multimedia Advanced Level 1

Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis he supervised and is interested in supervising:

3D Modeling, 3D Rendering, Motion Graphics, UI/UX Design

Research interests: 

Systems for the rendering of stylized and photorealistic 3d scenes

List of published articles:

International Journal KNOWLEDGE - Institute of Knowledge Management
Scientific Papers: Humanities Vol.30.5 - (ISSN 2545 - 4439; ISSN 1857 - 923X)
KIJ; Vol.30 No.5; pp1085-1352; SKOPJE 2019 - Global Impact & Quality Factor 1.822 (2017)

1 - Scientific paper under the title:

Design in Japan: From tradition to the highest modern creation

2 - Scientific paper under the title:

The design: The essence of the Japanese spirit

3 - Scientific paper under the title:

Japanese calligraphy

4 - Scientific paper under the title:

Japanese posters, graphics and decorative arts

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International Magazine for Social Sciences VIZIONE - VIZIONE 32/ 2019; UDC 73 - 0519520:4 - Skopje, February 2019

5 - Scientific paper under the title:

Japanese artistic creations – An inspiration for European impressionists

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European Center for Peace and Development - Publication - VII ECPD Global Youth Forum - Youth Mobilization to redress the present trends (Novi Sad, 26-27 October 2019)

6 - Scientific paper under the title:

Cultural influence of “Japonisme” on European arts and design

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International Art Festival Entry:

The 24th Japan Media Arts Festival
Japan Media Arts Festival

Registration No. AD001972 0000000019729 Up Division Art Division Category Graphic art (including photographs)

Title of work Izanagi Enters the Land of Yomi to Save Izanami
Artist's name RUZHIN Marko

Submission Receptionist c/o Nikko Graphic Arts Co. Ltd 12-2 Ryutsu Center, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-city, Shizuoka, Japan