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Ass. Prof. Dr.sc Jasmina Trajkoska Naumovska

Faculty of Law & Political Science

Function: Political

Short narative bio:

She is Associate Professor at FON University in Skopje. She gained her Ph.D. studies in 2016 at “Ss. Cyril and Methodius University”, Faculty of Law, on topic ‘Inter-ethnic conflicts in the EU and their economic consequences’. Since 2010, she holds an MA degree from FON University-Skopje on topic ‘The diplomatic methods in inter-ethnic conflicts reconciliation in the Former Yugoslav Federation.’ Since 2016 - 2017 she was the Vice-president and from 2017 was General Secretary of the Macedonian Political Science Association. In 2016 she was one of the founders of DIALOGUE- Center for deliberative democracy in Prilep.

She worked as part of domestic and international projects like in 2015 together with Ali Pajaziti, Ylber Sela as authors of the research project about “Multiculturalism in Macedonia: Case study of Kumanovo”- Institute for political and international studies, founded by the Government of R.Macedonia, Secretariat for implementation of Ohrid agreement. In 2018, Project Coordinator, Impact assessment of the regulation on the use of languages by the part of the Network for better legislation – “RIA Network”, and the sub-granting organizations of the project ‘ Regulatory Impact Assessment in the Shadow ; Fostering evidence- based policy making’. In 2020, Josipa Rizankoska and Jasmina Trajkoska Naumoska, authors of the study: Emigration of one generation “Independent Macedonia” - DIALOGUE  – Center for Deliberative democracy Prilep, Project: The Empty Nest.

Course you she has been teaching and courses she is  teaching currently:

  • Science of politics
  • Political system
  • Political participation
  • Right to vote, Elections’ systems and election processes
  • Political parties and interests groups   

 Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising:

The instrument of parliamentary questions as an important tool for control of the executive power by the legislative power – Case study of the Republic of North Macedonia; Civic and political participation beside informal actors into development of cultural diplomacy from the Republic of North Macedonia in the European countries.

Research interests: 

Main topics of interest are Comparative political systems, political participation, civic society, deliberative democracy, inter-ethnic conflicts, and peace building processes.

Published articles/ books: 

  1. May 2020, Jasmina Trajkoska Naumoska and Josipa Rizankoska, KNOWLEDGE international Journal Vol. 38  „Annoying buzzers or productive bees? The role of civil society organizations in the policy making processes in North Macedonia“.
  2. 2019. Јосипа Ризанкоска и Јасмина Трајкоска, Journal of Liberty and International affairs Vol.5.No.1, „Explaining public support for the Law on the use of languages in Macedonia“
  3. 2019, Josipa Rizankoska and Jasmina Trajkoska, Southeaster Europe 43.1: BRILL, A Social Movement in the First Person Singular: The Colours of the  “Colorful Revolution in North Macedonia”, DOI:10.1163/18763332-04301001
  4. 2018, Јасмина Трајкоска, KNOWLEDGE-International Journal, Vol 26.1, Inter-ethnic relations in the European Union and the concept of European civil society. ISSN 2545-4439, ISSN 1857-923X
  5. 2018, Jasmina Trajkoska and Josipa Rizankoska, KNOWLEDGE-International Journal, Vol 22.3, „Ethnocetrism and party politics: are political parties devoted to the project of building multicultural Macedonian society on the path to EU?“. ISSN 2545-4439, ISSN 1857-923X
  6. 2017, Josipa Rizankoska and Jasmina Trajkoska, Journal Political Thought No.53 , “The Colorful Revolution’ and the movement ‘For a Shared Macedonia’ symbols of an awakening participatory civic culture or indicators of deep party divisions in Macedonian society- a case study Prilep”