Assoc. Prof. Ljubica Kardaleska
Faculty of Applied Foreign Languages
Dean, Languages
Title, Name and Surname:
Ljubica Kardaleska-Radojkova
Short narrative bio:
As a PhD in Philology, my research interests are focusing on the language systems of English as a foreign language and Macedonian, use of Contrastive Analysis and translation, as well as acquisition of reading skills. Upon completion of the training on English Language Teaching to Adults (in Great Britain, London), I obtained the Cambridge CELTA certificate. The interest in topics related to language acquisition, including specific language related difficulties was further enhanced by the cooperation with the Institute of experimental phonetics and speech pathology in Belgrade and training on topics including Bilingualism, Early recognition and prevention of language difficulties with emphasis on reading skills and dyslexia. Regarding contrastive analysis including English and Macedonian, I was involved in the cooperation with the Research Center for Areal Linguistics at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Additionally, through translation related projects (in Krakow and Warsaw Poland, Tallinn Estonia and Stockholm Sweden), I had an opportunity to enrich my insight into contrasting the two language systems. In the domain of foreign language acquisition, I was a member of the FON University research team in a project ,,Effects of early exposure to foreign languages” supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of RM. My research papers in the above areas of linguistics were presented at national and international conferences.
Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently:
Theories of Translation
Language, culture and communication
Business English
English for Specific Purposes
Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising:
Theories of Translation
Language, culture and communication
Reading difficulties
Research interests:
Grammar of English and Macedonian
Contrastive Analysis
Acquisition of Reading Skills
Reading and Dyslexia
List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books:
“A Comparison of the Effects of Two Reading Comprehension Approaches: Metacognition and Graphic Organizers - A Case Study of a Reader with Dyslexia” во Current Topics in Language and Literature: An International Perspective, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, pp. 139-148
"Teachers as material designers - insights from designing an ESP course book in English for political science and diplomacy" - Positioning English for Specific Purposes in an English Language Teaching Context, University of Nis, Serbia, no.1, July 2018, стр. 94-100.
"Revisiting the view of phonological and phonemic awareness as early predictors in reading difficulties", VIZIONE Skopje 29/2018, pp. 23-31;
“Parallel Thinking Tools in ESP language instruction” Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, University of Nis, Vol. 4, no.2, 361-365, стр. 2016;
“Points of intersection between linguistics and law-enforcement”, International annual proceedings, Faculty of Security, Skopje, 2016/2, pp. 94-100
“Individualized approach as a form of adjustment in reading instruction for dyslexic pupils” International magazine for social sciences VIZIONE Skopje 24/2015, pp. 47-57.
“On parents’ beliefs about early second language acquisition”,–ELLSEE Conference proceedings – Faculty of Philology, Department of English, Belgrade, 2014.
“The impact of jigsaw approach on reading comprehension in the ESP classroom” – Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes –University of Nis, Serbia, Vol.1, no.1, 2013, pp. 53-58.
“Active learning techniques as instructional tools aimed at fostering reading comprehension in the ESP classroom”, Department of Foreign Languages, Academy of the Interior Troops, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2013;
,,Early introduction of foreign languages – biological and sociological factors, Literaturen zbor (4-6), 2012;
,,Developmental dyslexia as language difficulty”, Literaturen zbor (1-3), 2012;
,,The impact of contrastive analysis approach in acquisition of the English present perfect semantics” - Conference, Research in Philology Today, Belgrade, 2012;
,,Most frequent difficulties in acquisition of components of present perfect tense in English by students with Macedonian as L1” - Applied Linguistics Congress, University of Novi Sad, 2011;
,,Ambiguity as an instrument in verbal expression”, Communication and Culture, issue II - online journal (peer-reviewed), 2011;
,,Continuity of language teaching at all levels of the formal education system”, Proceedings, Conference – Science and contemporary university, Nish, 2011;
,,Language purism and globalization - based on contemporary Macedonian examples”, Institute of Macedonian Language, Skopje, 2011;
,,Status of negation in specific sentence structures in Macedonian”, Contributions Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, XXXVI, 1-2 (dedicated to prof. Zuzana Topolinska), 2011;
,,Specific features of language development in twins”, Literaturen zbor (1-3), 2009;
,,Synonymous strings in vocabulary acquisition”, Literaturen zbor (4-6), 2009;
“Verbs + ing forms and Verbs + (to) Infinitive” - distinctions - HUPE – Newsletter, Zagreb, 2009;
,,Language and social prestige”, Annual proceedings, FON University, 2009;
“Building and Maintaining an Adequate Vocabulary”, MELT - Newsletter, ELTA, Белград, 2008;
,,Exponents od adversative relation in English and Macedonian”, Slavia Meridionalis, Polish Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2003;
,, Formal exponents of the category Definiteness - contrastive analysis - use of articles in English and Macedonian” – Proceedings, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, 2003;
,,Bilingual children” – II International symposium of bilingualism, University of Vigo, Spain,2002;
,,The Tower of Babel – blessing or curse” - Proceedings - Conference of Applied Linguistics - Novi Sad, 2001.
University textbooks:
Assessment and strategies - students with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, 2018
SPD (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia) - Faculty of Philosophy, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, 2016
ESP Political Science and diplomacy - (vocabulary and reading comprehension exercises) (peer - reviewed), 2012