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Prof. Dr.sc Oliver Iliev

Faculty of Communication and IT

Function: IT


Short narrative bio 

Area of his scientific interest is Computer based Control and Intelligent Systems.

Since 1994, he is member of IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control)

Since 1996, he is member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Eng.)

Since 2004, member MASIT IT Experts Council (Macedonian Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies)

Since 2012, Scientific Advisory Board Member of SDEWES (Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems)

Since 2012, Reviewer at Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – JSDEWES.

Since 2013, Reviewer at International Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems

Since 2015, European Commission Registered ICT Expert (Exp.ID. EX2014D229433)

Since 2018 member of Intellisys Conference Technical program Committee

Since 2019 member of International Conference on Machine Learning, IOT and Blockchain (MLIOB) Program Committee

Since 2020 member of Future Technologies Conference (FTC) technical Program Committee

Since 2020 member of Advanced Natural Language Processing Conference (AdNLP) Program Committee

Since 2021 member of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (AISO) Program Committee

Since 2022 member of International Conference on Machine Learning & Trends (MLT) Program Committee


Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently


1.  Digital Design

2.  System Analysis and Design

3.  Intelligent Systems

4.  Basics of Software engineering

5.  Business Processes

6.  Embedded Systems

7.  Design of Information Systems

8.  Industrial Information Systems


Post graduate


1. Systems Theory

2. Knowledge based Systems

3. Data Flows and Business Process Reengineering




Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising


Computer based Control
IoT- Internet of Things
Machine Learning / Deep Learning


Research interests (and on-going research, if you are conducting one)


Research Interests:

Deep Learning, IoT,   Intelligent Control


Ongoing Projects:

Computer based control of Protected Cultivation.
Intelligent Farming using IoT.
Deep Learning based systems for Plant Diseases recognition
Intelligent Control of photo bioreactors for production of Arthrospira Platensis cyanobacteria.


List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books, exhibitions and audiovisual works



Oliver L. Iliev, “Information & Communication Technologies”, FON University (2006). ISBN 998957-448-0


Published Papers: 


  1. Iliev,O.L., Z.Icev i G.Dimirovski, (1989), "Intelligent microprocessor based controller for measurement and control systems" (In macedonian) Proc. III Sym. ETAI, pp. 100-112, Ohrid,
  2. Iliev, O.L. and Percinkova B. (1990), "A new algorithm for graph coloring" Proc. XIV Sym. Info. Tech. Sarajevo (BiH), Vol.2, pp.207 (1-9),
  3. Davcev D., D.Mihajlov, L.Grcev, Z.Icev, K.Mitrevski, O.Iliev, V.Arnautovska, S.Jordanovski, T.Trajkovski, B.Bogatinovski, S.Angelova, (1990) "Information system for labor, health and social policy in Republic of Macedonia" Proc. XIV Symp. Info. Tech. Sarajevo, (BiH), Vol.2, pp.206 (1-9)
  4. Dimirovski, G.M., R.M.Henry, N.E.Gough and O.L.Iliev (1990), “Internal model approach to stability problem of interconnected deterministic systems and CAD techniques: System analysis;”. In Proc. JUREMA 35- 6th Symp. on Process Control, Zagreb (Cr-YU), Late Paper A.1.8/9.
  5. Dimirovski, G.M., R.M.Henry, N.E.Gough and O.L.Iliev (1990), “Internal model approach to stability problem of interconnected deterministic systems and CAD techniques: Subsystem analysis”. In Proc. JUREMA 35- 6th Symp. on Process Control, Zagreb (Cr-YU), Late Paper A.2.8/9.
  6. Babanovski, P.,G.Dimirovski, B.Percinkova and O.Iliev (1990), “Simulation of robotized tecnological systems with the use of language SIMAN”(in Macedonian).In Proc. XXXIV Yugoslav Conf. ETAN, Zagreb, The ETAN Association, Beograd (Sr-YU), vol.IX-X-XI, pp.133-140.
  7. Iliev, O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, N.E.Gough, R.M.Henry and B.R.Percinkova (1990), “Computer- aided graph-network path-motion recognition in MIMO FMS structures”. In O.Kaynak (Ed.) Proc. IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Motion Control (Selected Papers), Istanbul, The IEEE, New York,vol.II, pp. 871-875.
  8. Iliev, O.L., B.R.Percinkova and G.M.Dimirovski (1990), “Graph colouring and frequency assignment”.In Proc. Yugoslav Symp. on Operations Research, Kupari, The OP-IS Society & The ETAN Association , Beograd, Paper 5.
  9. Iliev, O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, R.M.Henri, B.R.Perxinkova and N.E. Gough, (1990), "Modeling, simulation and control of robtized FMS-type system with Petri nets” Round table about Theoretical researches in technical sciences in Macedonia" (akad.B.Popov red.), ref. 2.20, sesion 2, MANU, Skopje (MK), 22-23 Novem..
  10. Dimirovski,G.M., O.L.Iliev and B.R.Percinkova (1991), “A computer-aided approach to the study of FMS-like systems”. In J.L.Alty & L.I.Mikulitch (Eds.) Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Selected Papers), The IFIP & Elesevier North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 373-377.
  11. Iliev,O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, N.E.Gough,R.M.Henry and B.R.Percinkova (1991), “Computer- aided simulation and analysis of controlled FMS-type systems”(in Macedonian). In Proc. XXXV Yugoslav Conf. ETAN, Ohrid, The ETAN Association, Beograd (Sr-YU), vol.X-XI, pp.93-103.
  12. Dimirovski,G.M., N.E.Gough, R.M.Henry, B.R.Percinkova, V.P.Deskov,I.H.Ting, O.L.Iliev, D.M.Joskovski and N.Sadaoui (1991), “Personal computer CDCS environment for hierarchical controls of interconnected systems”. In H.A.Barker (Ed.) Prepr. 5th IFAC/IMACS Symp. Computer Aided Design in Control Systems, The IFAC & University of Swansea, Swansea , pp. 45-50.
  13. Iliev, O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, N.E.Gough,R.M.Henry and B.R.Percinkova (1991), “Computer aided graph-network path-motion recognition in robotized MIMO FMS structures”. In B.Zajc & F.Solina (Eds.) Proc. IEEE Mediteranean Electrotechnical Conference (Selected Papers), Ljubljana, The IEEE, New York, vol. II, pp.904-907.
  14. Dimirovski,G.M., N.E.Gough, O.L.Iliev, B.R.Percinkova,R.M.Henry and A.Zakeri (1991), “A motion-path algorithm for multivariable FMS structures based on graph networks”. In H.Bera (Ed.) Proc. 6th ISPE Conf. on CAD/CAM, Robotics & Factories of the Future (Selected Papers), The ISPE & South Bank Polytechnic, London, pp.542-548.
  15. Dimirovski G M, Janusevski M B, Gough N E, Iliev O.L., Pernikova B, Henry R M, and Zakeri A. (1991) A Path Motion Algorithm for Multivariable FMS Structures based on Graph Network. International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future. South Bank, UK, 19-22 August 1991.
  16. Hristovski, N.T., Z.A.Ivanovski, G.M.Dimirovski, V.P.Deskov and O.L.Iliev (1992), “An expert system for controlling the peranosporys growth”. In F.L.Xiong (Ed.) First IFAC Workshop on Expert Systems in Agriculture,Huangshan, The IFAC &Institute of Intelligent Machines - Academia Sinica, Heifei (P.R.China), Paper E-02.
  17. Srai, M.S.,N.E.Gough, G.M.Dimirovski, M.J.Leach and O.L.Iliev (1992),“Application of variable structure control to air conditioning systems”. In P.Albertos & P.Kopacek (Eds.) Prepr. 3rd IFAC Symp. on Low Cost Automation, The IFAC & OPWZ, Vienna (A), pp.257-261; also apeared in P. Albertos & P.Kopacek (Eds.) Low Cost Automation Techniques & Appliactions (Selected Papers),Pergamon Press, Oxford
  18. Iliev, O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, R.M.Henry and N.E.Gough (1992), “CAD of heuristic control strategies based on Petri net models”. In Proc. XXXVI Conf. ETAN, Kopaonik, The ETRAN Society, Beograd (Sr-SRY), vol. X-XI, pp.167-174.
  19. Mickovska, L.D., G.M.Dimirovski,O.L.Iliev, N.E.Gough, R.M.Henry and T.D. Kolemi-sevska (1992),“CAD analysis of heuristic fuzzy-logic algorithms for navigating factory robotic vehicle”. (in Macedonian). In Proc. XXXVI Conf. ETAN, Kopaonik, The ETRAN Society, Beograd (SrSRY), vol.XXI, pp. 183-190.
  20. Iliev O. (1992), “Modelling and Analysis of Flexible Manufacturing Systems by Stochastic Petri nets”, Msc Thesis, University of Sts Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, R. of Macedonia
  21. Dimirovski, G.M., O.L.Iliev, M.K.Vukobratovic, N.E.Gough and R.M.Henry (1993), “Modelling and scheduling control of FMS based on stochastic Petri nets”. In R.Evans (Ed.) Prepr. 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney,The IFAC & The Instn.Engrs. of Australia,Barton Act, vol.2, pp.117-120
  22. Dimirovski, G.M., N.Hadzi-Nicev, O.L.Iliev, V.P.Deskov, N.E.Gough, and N.Sadaoui (1993), “Design and implementation of an automated indusrtial electrical reheating furnace”. In R.Evans (Ed.) Prepr. 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, The IFAC & The Instn. Engrs. of Australia, Barton Act, vol.6, pp.285-288.
  23. Iliev, O.L., A.Zakeri, G.M.Dimirovski and N.E.Gough (1993), “Methodology for modelling and simulation of flexible manufacturing systems using stochastic Petri nets”. In P.J.Nolan (Ed.) Proc.of Irish Manufact. Comm. Conf. on Innovation and Product Development, The IMC & University College Galway, Galway (Eire), pp.1049-1061.
  24. Henry, R.M, O.L.Iliev and G.M.Dimirovski (1993), “On Petri nets and enhanced control of batch processes”. In Synposis Prepr. Bulgarian Nat. Conf. AVTOMATIKA‟93, The Union for Automatics and Informatics, Sofia, pp.80-81.
  25. Iliev O.L., Radojcic P., Markovic N. & Henry R.M.(1993), "Contributions to modelling and Control of complex processes in Robotized FMS using PETSIM" Proc. of Ist Balkan IFAC-type conference on applied automatic systems In G.M.Dimirovski (Ed.), Ohrid (MK), pp. 173-174.
  26. Z.Ivanovski, V.Deskov, O.L.Iliev i Z. Kostoska, (1993), "Low-cost Integrated Management Information System for an Industry with Low-lewel automation" Proc. of Ist Balkan IFAC-type conference on applied automatic systems In G.M.Dimirovski (Ed.), Ohrid (MK), pp. 48-49.
  27. V.Burzevski, S.Ikonomovski &O.L.Iliev, (1993), "A new defuzzyfication algorithm for Multivariable Process Control" Proc. of Ist Balkan IFAC-type conference on applied automatic systems In G.M.Dimirovski (Ed.), Ohrid (MK), pp. 140-141.
  28. Dimirovski,G.M., O.L.Iliev, V.N.Burzevski,N.E.Gough,A.Zakeri,I.H.Ting and R.M.Henry (1994), “Fuzzy-logic control algorithms in navigation of a factory floor vehicle-robot”. In IEE Pub. No 389 on CONTROL 1994 (Selected Papers), The IEE, London, vol. 1, pp.282-287.
  29. Dimirovski, G.M., P.C.Radojicic, N.B.Markovic, O.L.Iliev, N.E.Gough, A.Zakeri and R.M.Henry (1994), “Modelling, control and animated simulation of complex processes in robotized FMS”. In G.Buja (Gen. Chairman) Proc. IEEE Conf. IECON94 (Selected Papers), Bologna (I), The IEEE, New York, vol. 2, pp. 1141-1146.
  30. Dimirovski, G.M., R.Hanus, V.N.Burzevski, O.L.Iliev and S.V.Ikonomovski (1994), “A generic fuzzy controller for multivariable processes”. In G.Buja (Gen. Chairman) Proc. IEEE Conf. IECON94 (Selected Papers), Bologna (I), The IEEE, New York, vol. 2, pp.1359-1364.
  31. Iliev, O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, N.E.Gough and A.Zakeri (1995), “A program package to simulate AGV motion using fuzzy control”. In I.Dumitrache (Chairman) Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, 24-26 May 1995,Faculty of Control &Computers POLITEHNICA University, Bucharest (RO), Paper 2.3.
  32. Gough,N.E., I.H.Ting, G.M.Dimirovski and O.L.Iliev (1995),“Simulationof characteristic delays in multivariable control systems using WCBSL”. In EUROSIM Int. Conf. on Simulation, Technical University of Vienna, European Simulation Society, Paper SE371.
  33. Iliev, O.L., G.Stojanov,G.M.Dimirovski and N.E.Gough (1995),“Program package for simulation of fuzzy controlled AGV”.In A.Ollero & P.Bidan (Chairmen)Prepr.IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Components for Autonom. and Semi-Autonomous Vehicles, LAAS, Toulouse (F), Paper 030/S2.5.
  34. Dimirovski, G.M., O.L.Iliev, N.E.Gough, A.T.Dinibutun and O.Kaynak (1995), “A contribution to fuzzy-logic analytical-simulation methods for AGV motion navigation”. In O.Kaynak, M.Ozkan, N.Bekiroglu & I.Tunay(Eds.) Proc.ICRAM95 on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics, Bogazici University, Istanbul (TR), Vol. II, pp. 678-683.
  35. Iliev, O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, N.E.Gough, A.Zakeri and R.M.Henry (1995), “A contribution to Petri-net analystical-simulation methods for two-server queueing ntworks”. In O.Kaynak, M.Ozkan, N.Bekiroglu & I.Tunay(Eds.) Proc.ICRAM95 on Recent Advances in Mechatronics,UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics, Bogazici University, Istanbul (TR), Vol. II, pp. 963-967.
  36. T. D. Tashev and O.L.Iliev (1995) “Posibilities of Applying the Tensor analysis in interconnected information processes described through Petri nets” Bulgarian National conference “Automation and Information „95” Sofia (BG) 07-09 November 1995. Pp. 41-47
  37. O.L. Iliev, G.M. Dimirovski, N.E. Gough, Harries and Maude, N. (1995), “Simulation of Building Egress Using Stochastic Petri Nets”, 7th European Simulation Symposium,ESS95, ErlangenNuremberg, (D), Paper SPS.03
  38. Oraifige, I.A., Zakeri, A., Gough, N.E., Dimirovski, G.M. &Iliev, O.L. (1996) Development of an integrated simulation system for design of two station flexible manufacturing systems. accepted for Int. Symp. on Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Systems and Technologies (AMPST), University of Bradford, 26-27 March 1996.
  39. Iliev O.L.,G.M.Dimirovski, Z.M.Gacovski, N.E.Gough and I.Griffith (1996),“Discrete event object oriented modelling of intelligent communication protocols”. In World Automation Congress Symp on Intelligent Automation and Control, Montpellier (F), May, Paper WdA13-2; to appear in M.Jamshidi (Ed.) Volume 4 of TSI Press Series on Robotics and Manufacturing (Selected Papers), Albuquerque NM (USA), 1996.
  40. Iliev,O.L., N.E.Gough, G.K.Stojanov, G.M.Dimirovski and A.Zakeri (1996), “Obstacle avoidance for intelliegent AGVs based on fuzzy control and expectation”. In Prepr. of 13th IFAC World Congress (J.B.Cruz, Jr., IPC Chairman), San Francisco CA (USA), Q, pp.441-447
  41. Gough, N.E., I.H.Ting, G.M.Dimirovski and O.L.Iliev (1996), “Multivariable control system studies using WCBSL”. In Prepr. of 13th IFAC World Congress ( J.B.Cruz, Jr., IPC Chairman), San Francisco CA (USA), July, Paper IFAC-1279
  42. Iliev, O.L., Gough, N.E., G.M. Dimirovski and Harries, G. and Maude, N. (1996) Parallel distributed simulation and control of a building egress model using stochastic Petri nets, Proc. 11th Int. Conference on System Eng. ICSE'96 11th Int. Conference, pp. 390-395, Las Vegas, July 9-11,
  43. Iliev, O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, N.E.Gough, (1996) Discrete event object-oriented modelling of intelligent communication protocols, ICSE'96 11th Int. Conference on Systems Eng., pp.733738, Las Vegas, July 9-11,
  44. O.L.Iliev, G.M.Dimirovski and N.E.Gough (1996), “Petri Net models of knowledge representation st scheme”. Book of abstracts, 1 Congress for matematics and Informatics, MIS, Skopje, pp.69
  45. O.L.Iliev, G.M.Dimirovski and N.E.Gough (1996), “Petri Net models of information processes and st their tensor transformations”. Book of abstracts, 1 Congress for matematics and Informatics, MIS, Skopje, pp.70
  46. S. Nikolovska, O.L.Iliev and B.Asprovska (1996) Development of an Integrated Information system in the Archive of Macedonia”, International Conference “Current Tasks of The Archive at the time of Transition” Ohrid (Mk), 10-12 June
  47. Gough, N.E., Ting, I.H., Dimirovski, G.M. and Iliev, O. (1996) Modelling of Characteristic Delays in Multivariable Control Systems Using
  48. Windows Convolution-Based Simulation Language” Journal of Mathematical Modelling of Systems.
  49. Gacovski, Z.M., I.I.Ivanoska, T.D.Kolemishevska, O.L.Iliev and G.M.Dimirovski (1996), “Investigation of a cascade control-system architecture with two-level fuzzy logic controller” In 40th Conference of ETRAN, Budva (CG-FRY), Paper RO2.2, June; to appear in Proceedings of ETRAN Section on Robotics and Flexible Automation, The Society for ETRAN, Beograd (SrFRY), 1996.
  50. Iliev O.L. (1997), ”Object Models and Two Level Control Systems with Distributed Intelligence for a class of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, PhD Thesis , University of Sts Cyril and Methodius Skopje (MK), October
  51. Nikolovska, S., O.L. Iliev, B. Asprovska and S.Dragicevic (1997), “Integrated Information system of The Archive of Macedonia” Proc. of Int. Conf. “Electronic Records and Informatization of the Archives” Osijek (CRO), 8-10. October
  52. Oraifige, I., A.Zakeri, N.E.Gough, G.M.Dimirovski and O.L.Iliev (1997), “A decision support tool for coordination and control of FMS operations”. In Proceedins 32nd Intl. MATADOR Conference, University of Manchester Intitute of Technology, Manchester (UK), Paper FMS.(1-6)
  53. Oraifige, I., A.Zakeri, N.E.Gough, G.M.Dimirovski and O.L.Iliev (1997), “A comparative study of general purpose versus specialised simulation software methods”. In Proceedings 14th Intl.Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee, Trinity College, Dublin (Eire), Paper FMS.(1-10).
  54. Zakeri, L. Mahdjoubi, R. Bond, N.E. Gough, O. Iliev, (1997) Application of Virtual Manufacturing Methodology in the Tool Making Industry, Accepted for MJIM'97 Conf., Feb. 1997 Vienna
  55. L. Mahdjoubi, A. Zakeri, B. Ambrose , N.E. Gough and O. Iliev, (1997) Graphical Tools for Virtual Simulation of Manufacturing Processes, Accepted for MJIM'97 Conf., Feb. 1997 Vienna.
  56. I.A. Oraifige, A. Zakeri, N.E .Gough, G.M. Dimirovski, O. Iliev , Software Development for FMS Scheduling Using Visua; Environment , 22nd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, ICC , December 20-22, 1997, CAIRO, EGYPT.
  57. Oraifige, I A, Zakeri A, Gough N E, Dimirovski G, Iliev, O.(1997) On-Line Monitoring System for FMS Scheduling 13th ISPE/IEE International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics & Factories of the Future‟ 97 , 15-18th December 1997, Universidad Technologica de Pereira, Colombia.
  58. Iliev. O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, N.E.Gough, A.Zakeri (1998),” A Petri net Analytical Simulation Method for Two – Server Queuing Networks”, CONTROLO‟98, Coimbra, Portugal 9-11 September, (Paper 98039)
  59. Iliev. O.L., S.N. Nikolovska and K.Dojcinovski (1998), “Integrated Information System of the Archives of Macedonia” International Conference of The Round Table on Archives CITRA, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-12 September (Paper 98-0626)
  60. Iliev. O.L., S.N. Nikolovska and K.Dojcinovski (1998), “Designing of Integrated Systems for Archive Management – Object Oriented Approach” International Conference of The Round Table on Archives CITRA, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-12 September (Paper 98-0627)
  61. Iliev O.L., G.M.Dimirovski and N.E.Gough,(1998), “Two Level Control System for FMS - Object Oriented Approach”, IASTED International Conference on Control and Application CA‟98, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 12-14 August (Paper #: 288-116)
  62. Iliev O.L., G.M.Dimirovski, N.E.Gough, A.Zakeri and I. Oraifige, (1998), “Object Oriented Approach in Modelling of FMS”, IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation AMS‟98, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 12-14 August (Paper #: 286-083)
  63. Iliev O.L., G.M.Dimirovski and N.E.Gough,(1998), “Two Level Control System for FMS – An Object Oriented Approach”, 5th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Gramado, Brasil (9-11) November
  64. S. Nikolovska, B. Asprovska, S. Dragićević and O.L. Iliev, (1998), “The integrated information system of the Archives of Macedonia, Arh.vjesn., god.41(1998), pp.67-86,Zagreb, Croatia, UDK930.25 (497.17)
  65. Iliev O.L., B.Percinkova, N.E.Gough, and A. Zakeri (1999), “Two Level Control System for FMS – An Object Oriented Approach”, 14th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control, Beijing . P.R. China (5-9) July, Pre-print A-1c-05-1.
  66. Iliev. O.L., S.N. Nikolovska and K.Dojcinovski (1999), “The Integrated Information System of the Archives of Macedonia” 14th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control, Beijing . P.R. China (5-9) July
  67. V. Atanasov, O.L.Iliev “Procedural Knowledge representation based on Petri Net Theory” International Congress MASEE 2003, 15-21 September, 2003 Borovets, Bulgaria pp 141
  68. O.L.Iliev, V. Atanasov “Tensor methodology for net models” International Congress MASEE 2003, 15-21 September, 2003 Borovets, Bulgaria pp 143,
  69. E. Vlahu, O. L. Iliev, V. Atanasov “ Inteligent Agents- State of the Art and perspectives”, VI National Conference ETAI 2003, I-123-128, Ohrid 17-20.09,2003, Republic of Macedonia
  70. O.L.Iliev, A.P.Ilieva, V.Atanasov “Petri net models for Knowledge representation“, VI National Conference ETAI 2003, I-123-128, Ohrid 17-20.09,2003, Republic of Macedonia
  71. V.Atanasov, O.L.Iliev, E.Vlahu“ Tensor Transformation of Petri Net Models“ VI National Conference ETAI 2003, I-123-128, Ohrid 17-20.09,2003, Republic of Macedonia
  72. N. Vanevski, O.L.Iliev, N.Samoska “National credit card system – Design and Implementation of communication subsystem” VI National Conference ETAI 2003, I-123-128, Ohrid 1720.09,2003, Republic of Macedonia
  73. J. Vrtanoski O.L.Iliev, S.Nikolovska “New Steganographic Algorithms“ VI National Conference ETAI 2003, I-123-128, Ohrid 17-20.09,2003, Republic of Macedonia
  74. S. Nikolovska (O.L.Iliev- Mentor) “Archive Integrated Information Systems‟ PhD Thesis University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia
  75. S.Nikolovska, O.Iliev (2005) “Archive Computerization”, Librarian Vol.23 (2005) No1. pp 19-36
  76. Vlahu, E., Iliev, O., and Rendevski, N., 2009, Multi-agent Systems Based on Petri Nets in Socionic (MK lang.), In Proceedings of IX National conference for Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation, Informatics - ETAI 2009.
  77. Vlahu-Gjorgievska, E., Iliev O., Rendevski, N., and Bazevska- Tabakovska, N., 2010, Modeling the process of decision making using Petri nets and multi-agent systems, In Proceedings of 4th International Conference of Information systems and Grid technologies 2010.
  78. Kamceva Е., Iliev О. and Ramadani Ј.Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making –MCDM. In Cvetko Mitrovski, editors, International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy systems and Technologies, volume 482 , pages 461-465, 2010.
  79. O.L.Iliev, Inevitable synergy, 8th SEEITA -7th ICT Forum, Masit Conference, oct.2010
  80. E.Kamceva, Z.Gacovski, O.L.Iliev, Modelling of queues by using of Petri Net Simulator. 8th Conference for Informatics and Information Technologies CIIT2011 March 2011, Bitola, Macedonia.
  81. O.L.Iliev, P. Sazdov, A. Zakeri Fuzzy Logic based control of Protected Cultivation 9th Conference for Informatics and Information Technologies CIIT2011 March 2011, Bitola, Macedonia.
  82. O.L.Iliev, P. Sazdov, A. Zakeri,Fuzzy Logic Controller for Integrated Greenhouse control, IFAC Conference on Dynamics and Control in Agriculture and Food Processing DYCAF 2012, 13-16 June, 2012 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  83. O.L.Iliev, P. Sazdov, A. Zakeri, Fuzzy Logic based control of Protected Cultivation 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Book of Abstracts, pp.114115, ISBN 1847-7186, July,01-06,2012, Ohrid, Macedonia.
  84. O.L.Iliev, P. Sazdov, A. Zakeri A Fuzzy Logic based Controller for Integrated Control of Protected Cultivation, ICT Innovations 2012 Conference, 12-15.09.2012, Ohrid, Macedonia
  85. O.L.Iliev, P. Sazdov, A. Zakeri A Fuzzy Logic based Controller for Integrated Control of Protected Cultivation,XI International Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements ConferenceSAUM 2012, 14-16.11.2012, Nis, Serbia,
  86. O.L.Iliev, A. Zakeri, P. Sazdov, A.M. Baytelieva (2013)“A Fuzzy Logic Based Approach for Integrated Control of Protected Cultivation”, World
  87. Applied Sciences Journal 24 (5): 561-569, 2013, ISSN 1818-4952
  88. O.L.Iliev, P. Sazdov, A. Zakeri A Fuzzy Logic based Controller for Integrated Control of Protected Cultivation, (2013) FACTA Universitatis Journal, Series: Automatic control and Robotics
  89. O.L.Iliev, P.Sazdov, A.Zakeri Fuzzy logic based Control for Protected Cultivation, Journal Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 25 Issue 1, 83-92.
  90. K. Jakimoski, S. Chungurski, S.Arsenovski, L. Gorachinova, O.Iliev, L. Djinevski, E. Kamcheva. "Performance Analysis of Linux-based TCP Congestion Control Algorithms in VANET Environment", Int. Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol.9, No.4, April, 2016.
  91. K. Jakimoski, S. Chungurski, S.Arsenovski, L. Gorachinova, O.Iliev, L. Djinevski, E. Kamcheva. "Measurements of Available Bandwidth in Computer Networks", International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, Vol. 9, No. 4, April, 2016.
  92. K.Jakimoski, S.Chungurski, S.Arsenovski, L.Gorachinova, O.Iliev, L.Djinevski, E.Kamcheva "Evaluation of Caching Techniques for Video on Demand in Named Data Networks", 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2016, Opatija, Croatia
  93. K.Jakimoski, S.Chungurski, S.Arsenovski, O.Iliev,”Performance Analysis of Reprogramming Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks”, SERC International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking (IJFGCN)
  94. O.L.Iliev, A. Zakeri, A. Huseini, (2016), “Intelligent Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems - A Holon based Approach” IEEE Conference on Optimization and Modeling of Complex systems, Tangier, Morocco
  95. O.L.Iliev, A. Zakeri (2016), “Fuzzy logic based controller for integrated control of protected plant cultivation” IEEE Conference on Optimization and Modeling of Complex systems, Tangier, Morocco
  96. Kyaw Min Naing, Ahmad Zakeri, Oliver Iliev, Navya Venkateshaiah (2018),” Application of Deep Learning technique in UAV’s Search and Rescue Operations”, Intelligent Systems Conference, 6-7 September 2018 | London, UK
  97. Ahmad Zakeri, Navya Venkateshaiah, Keith Burnham, Oliver Iliev, (2018) “Real Time Plant Monitoring and Control in Electroplating Industry using Zigbee and IoT Technology” International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology – ICSET Goa, India 28th - 29th April, 2018.
  98. Kyaw Min Naing¹, Ahmad Zakeri¹, Oliver Iliev² and Navya Venkateshaiah¹ “ Application of deep learning in UAV’s SAR operations” 2nd International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICAEASM-2017),  Osman University, Hyderabad, India,
  99. Oliver L. Iliev, Ahmad Zakeri, Kyaw Min Naing and Navya Venkateshaiah,“Greenhouse Cultivation Control - Fuzzy Logic based Approach” 2nd International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICAEASM-2017),  Osman University, Hyderabad, India
  100. KM Naing, A Zakeri, O Iliev, N Venkateshaiah (2018), “Application of Deep Learning Technique in UAV’s Search and Rescue Operations”, - Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference, pp.893-901, Springer
  101. Navya Venkateshaiah,  Ahmad Zakeri, Oliver L. Iliev, (2019), Developing a self-organised Smart Tank Station for Electroplating Process Plant-5th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, IoT and Digital Revolution , WF-IoT 2019, University of Limerick, P685
  102. O. L. Iliev, A. Zakeri, B.Despodov, N.Venkateshaiah, S. Ivkovska, K.M.Naing, A.Dojcinovska, A.Stojkovski, (2020), “Intelligent Farming as a response to Global Climate changes”  1st International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Trends and Multidisciplinary Issues in Nowadays Society”, Session 3.1, Luarasi University, October, Tirana, Albania
  103. K.M. Naing, A. Zakeri, O.Iliev (2020) “Wireless Energy transfer to long distance flying Intelligent Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) using reactive power transfer techniques”, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) ISSN: 2458-9403 Vol. 7 Issue 9, September
  104. O.L. Iliev, A. Zakeri, B. Despodov, N. Venkateshaiah, S.Ivkovska, K.M. Naing, A.Stojkovski, (2020), “Smart farming”, International Conference on Machine Learning, IOT and Blockchain (MLIOB 2020), November,  Dubai, UAE
  105. B. Despodov, O.L. Iliev and A.Zakeri, (2021) “Computer simulation for stochastic inventory management”. Transport&Logistics International Journal, 21 (50). ISSN 2406-1069