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Prof. Dr.sc Stefan Budjakoski

Faculty of Law & Political Science

Function: Law

Title, Name and Surname

Full time Professor Stefan Budzakoski

Teaching scientific title: Full time professor

Scientific areas: Introduction to law and Criminal law



  • PhD of Law, Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, 2001;
  • Master in the field of criminalistic, Faculty of Security, St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, 1995;
  • Graduated criminalistic, Faculty of Security and OSZ, St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, 1992;

Lawyer, Department of Security, Faculty of Security and OSZ, St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, 1983.


Short narrative bio

  • From 1984 to 2003, I had worked in the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia;
  • In 2002 I got consent from the Ministry of Interior to conduct classes at university;
  • In 2003, at the Home Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences in Skopje (in the establishment), I have been selected as a teacher in the subject of Criminal Law in the title of Assistant Professor, where since 01 October 2003, I have established a full-time employment;
  • Since 2004, by the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences Skopje, for the academic year 2003/04 I have been entrusted with teaching the subjects:  Introduction to Law in the field of European Law and Law of the European Union and Diplomacy and International Politics, and also the subjects Intelligence and National Security, sources of threat and security analysis in the field of Diplomacy and International Politics;
  • In 2007, by the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law at the First Private University-FON, I was elected as a teacher in the title of Associate Professor of Criminal Law;
  • In 2011 I was elected in the teaching-scientific title Full time professor at the subject Introduction to law and in subjects from the criminal law field;
  • I was a member of the Board for Accreditation and Evaluation of Higher Education of the Republic of Macedonia (two mandates);
  • During my working life, I have held several managerial positions, including acting Dean of the Faculty of Law, Vice-Rector of FON University, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science within the European University - Republic of Macedonia and Head of the FON University, Department in Struga in 2004.

Among other activities in the professional career, I single out:

  • Organizer of a debate on the topic: "For or against the legalization of marijuana" (03-04 December 2010);
  • Organizer and educator of the debate on the topic: "Youth participation in the institutions in the Republic of Macedonia" (May 17, 2011);
  • Holder, organizer and implementer of the project Improvised trial 2005-2006, Faculty of Law, FON University (11-14 June, 2006);
  • Holder, organizer and implementer of the project Macedonia without drugs since 2007 approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia;
  • Holder, organizer and implementer of Improvised trial 2006-2007 (June 2007) in the capacity of instructor of students at second year at the Faculty of Law, FON University;
  • Holder, implementer and organizer of Improvised Trial 2008-2009 (December 2008) Faculty of Law, FON University; with final product: “Criminal Law Practicum on Disclosure of Offenses and Stages of the Criminal Procedure”, Published in Skopje, December 2008, FON University;
  • Holder, organizer and implementer of Improvised Trial 2009-2010 (June 2010), Faculty of Law, FON University;

Holder, organizer and implementer of the project Improvised trial 2010-2011, Faculty of Law, FON University.


Subjects that you have taught and are teaching at the moment

  • Introduction to Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Intelligence
  • Criminal Law - Special Part
  • Criminalistics
  • Comparative Criminal Material and Procedural Law


Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising

  • Criminal Law
  • Intelligence
  • Criminalistics


Research interests 

My research interests include topics and issues related to the criminal with criminal law and issues related to the security-intelligence system.


List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books

Published articles

  • Criminal-legal and security aspects of the election process, First Private University-FON, Skopje, 2006;
  • Drug Abuse in the Republic of Macedonia, Proceedings dedicated to honorary doctors, doctors and masters of science: (2001-2006), Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, Academic Press, 2006;
  • Suppression of crime, topic: Detection of organized drug crime, Faculty of Law, University of Kragujevac, Institute of Law and Social Sciences / Center for Criminal Law, Police Academy-Belgrade, Higher School of Internal Affairs – Zemun, 2004 Kragujevac;
  • Interetnic balance attainment in Republic of Мacedonia as a successful pattern for social and economic growth, Thematic collection XVIII  science SCOOP, Technology, Culture and Development, Technology and Society Association Belgrade 2011, coauthor;
  • Аnalysis of the negative factors which are restricting the social progress in the prism of cultural development, Thematic collection XVIII science SCOOP, Technology, Culture and Development, Technology and Society Association Belgrade 2011, coauthor;
  • Practiced criminal law area with a view to detecting offenses and stages of criminal proceedings, FON University, Skopje, 2011, coauthor;
  • The eradication of drug trafficking in the EU  through  the countries of the western Balkans,  Humanities and Social Sciences Review  ISSN: 2165-6258 :: Volume 01:: Number 04 (2012), Copyright © 2012 by University Publications.net , coauthor;
  • Coordinated security cooperation in the Western Balkans - condition for faster integration processes, coauthor, International Conference, EUROREGIONS Integrating Societies - Generation Growth - Caring Resources, Struga, Republic of Macedonia, 2013, http://ispn.org.mk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ EUROREGIONS-abstract.pdf, coauthor;
  • Analysis of the organization of the narcotics crime, with special emphasis on penal policy in Macedonia, International Conference, Promoting Human rights recent developments, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2013;
  • Criminal law protection of the economic system of the Republic of Macedonia, International Conference for Business, Economy, Sport and Tourism, ICONBEST 2013, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2013, 04-06 October, 2013, coauthor;
  • Corruption and political connections, Vizione, 20/2013, The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club” – Shkup,  coauthor;
  • The role of the security system of the EU in the process of reconciliation in the Western Balkans, Academic conference „Western Balkans after 2013 enlargement-Escape from the limbo, Panel 3- EU and Western Balkans – Regional Political and Security issues, 31 October – 03 November, 2013, Kopaonik, Serbia, coauthor;
  • Analysis of criminal policy in the Republic of Macedonia on adoption of rules of penalties, International scientific conference Criminalistic education, situation and perspectives – 20 years after Vodinelic, Skopje, R. Macedonia, 2016, http://www.fb.uklo.edu.mk/fs?file=collectionyear/Vodinelic%20II%20del.pdf  
  • Preventive-repressive system in the prevention of organized crime, Vizione, 26/2016, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxZD7QA_5LVLYkc1TVhBdEJFaGc/view 
  • Analysis of the application of the detention measure with reference to the Public Prosecutor's Office in the Macedonian criminal legislation, Centrum 6/2016, http://www.centrum.mk/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/296-314.pdf
  • Тhe collaborator of justice in the Macedonian criminal legislation, Vizione, 28/2017;
  • Comparative analysis of covert agents in the fight against severe forms of criminality, Vizione, no.30, 2018;
  • Institutional cooperation as a challenge for efficient implementation of the approach of reducing drug supply, Vizione, 32/2019;
  • The role of the operational technical agency (OTA) in the implementation of the communications interception measure, Vizione, 34/2019.


  • Specifics in the commission and detection of crime in the tourist season in the Ohrid region, Master's thesis, Faculty of Security, Skopje, 1995;
  • Drug abuse in the Republic of Macedonia, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, Skopje 2001;

University textbooks

  • Intelligence (textbook), Kosta Abrashevic, Ohrid, 2005;
  • Introduction to law, (textbook), AD Kiro Dandaro, 2007, Bitola;
  • Criminal law, general part, (textbook), IMZ - Institute of Knowledge Management - Skopje, 2008;
  • Criminal law, general part, (textbook), first edited edition, Kosta Abrash-Ohrid, 2014;
  • Intelligence (textbook) first and modified edition, Kosta Abrash, Ohrid, 2014.

Other books

  • Tourist Crime, Macedonia Prima, Ohrid, 1995;
  • Prevention of drug abuse, Letra, Ohrid, 2002;
  • Police Management, Letra, Ohrid, 2003;
  • Criminal Law Practicum on Disclosure of Offenses and Stages of the Criminal Procedure”, Published in Skopje, December 2008, FON University;
  • National Security, Sources of Threat and Security Analysis, Authorized Lectures, Faculty of Social Sciences Skopje, 2004;
  • Criminal law-special part, authorized lectures Faculty of Law, FON University, Skopje, 2008;
  • Macedonia without a drug - manual, First Private University FON, 2008;
  • Practicum from the criminal-legal field with reference to the detection of criminal offenses and the stages of the criminal procedure, FON University, Skopje 2011 (co-authorship with Ass. M.Sc. Natasha Todorovska);
  • National Security, Authorized Lectures, Faculty of Law, Skopje 2012;
  • Practicum in the field of criminal law and criminology, Kosta Abrash-Ohrid, 2014 (co-authorship with Ass. M.Sc. Natasha Todorovska);
  • Criminal procedural law, authorized lectures 2018 (co-authorship with Ass. M.Sc. Natasha Todorovska);
  • Criminalistics, Authorized Lectures, 2019.