Assoc. Prof. Radica Dishlieska
Faculty of Economics
Short narrative bio:
Graduates from the Faculty of Economics in Skopje at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius”of the Department of Financial Management in 2002.
She received her master's degree at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje, in the study program in Monetary Economics in 2008.
She successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje on the topic of financial markets and institutions in October 2013 and received the title of Doctor of Economics.
She has been working at the First Private FON University since February 2005, first as a junior assistant, and since May 2009 as an assistant in a group of finance courses.
She was elected as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics at FON University in Skopje in a group of subjects in the field of finance in February 2014.
She was elected associate professor at the Faculty of Economics at FON University in Skopje, in the field of finance and accounting in January 2019.
In the period from September 2010 to June 2018, she actively participated in the project "Factory of Knowledge" - a project of FON University and the business community.
In addition, she was actively involved in several expert commissions at the Faculty of Economics at FON University in Skopje, such as:
1) Chairman of the Transfer Commission
Course she has been teaching and courses that she is teaching currently:
As a teacher at FON University Skopje, she teach several subjects: Introduction to Business, Fundamentals of Finance, Macroeconomics, Financial Accounting, Financial Planning and Analysis, Auditing, Corporate Finance, Investment Management, Monetary Analysis, and Contemporary Concepts of Money and Credit.
Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis she supervised and interested in supervising:
During her work experience, she has been a mentor on topics such as: monetary analysis, banking, macroeconomic analysis and international finance.
Research interests:
Research interests are mainly focused on the following fields: macroeconomics, monetary policy, financial markets and institutions, and banking.
List of published books:
1. Dishlieska, R., Spirkoski, B., (2014), “Restraints and prospects for the process of securitization in Republic of Macedonia”, 301-310 pp, UDC 336.719.2 (497.7), International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 21/2014, Open Access Journals, ProQuest&Cite Factor, First Published in 2004, ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form.
2. Spirkoski, B., Dishlieska, R., (2014), “Twin Deficit and Case of Republic of Macedonia”, 313-326 pp, UDC 336.719.2 (497.7), International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 22/2014, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014) ProQuest&Cite Factor, First Published in 2004, ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form.
3. Dishlieska Gramatikova R., Spirkoski B., (2018), “Financial System Development and Economic Growth in the Eastern European Countries”, Knowledge – International Journal Scientific Papers, Vol.24, July, 2018, pp.71
4. Spirkoski B., Dishlieska Gramatikova R., (2018), “Historical Overview of the Employee’s Shareholders in the Republic of Macedonia”, Knowledge – International Journal Scientific Papers, Vol.24, July, 2018, pp.101
5. Dishlieska Gramatikova R., Spirkoski B., (2018), “Consequential effects of Budget Deficit on Economic Growth of the Republic of Macedonia”, 389-398 pp, UDC 336. 143. 232 : 338 .121 (497.7), International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 30/2018, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2018) ProQuest&Cite Factor, First Published in 2004, ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form.
6. Dishlieska Gramatikova R., Spirkoski B., (2018), “The Impact of Interest Rate Margin on the Profitability of Three Major Commercial Banks in the Republic of Macedonia”, 435-448 pp, UDC 336. 71 (497.7), International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 30/2018, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2018) ProQuest&Cite Factor, First Published in 2004, ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form.
7. Spirkoski B., Dishlieska Gramatikova R., (2018), “Are fiscal consolidation and sustainable growth rates feasible simultaneously in the Republic of Macedonia”, 295-305 pp, UDC 336.02 (497.7), International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 30/2018, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2018) ProQuest&Cite Factor, First Published in 2004, ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form.
Participation in scientific conference:
- Global Financial Crisis on the Process of Securitization in US and European Capital Markets. UACS. June 2009.
- Spirkoski, B., Dishlieska, R., Macedonian public debt before, during and after global and debt financial crisis, Scientific Conference: "Тhe Great Recession and crisis of neoliberal economics”, organized by EDUKONS University, Sremska Kamenica, Republic of Srbija, May 2013, Proceedings of EDUKONS UNIVERSITY for social science, Book 5, Univerzitet Edukos - Naucno-istrazivacki centar, Sremska Kamenica, UDK: 330.11(082), ISBN: 978-86-87785-52-6, pp. 9-21;
- Dishlieska, R., Spirkoski, B., Using Knowledge Management within Small and Medium – Size Enterprises, International scientific conference: Kowledge Capital of the Future, Bansko, Bulgarija, Nov. 2014, print Knowledge International Journal Scientific and applicative papers Vol.4, Institute of knowledge management, Skopje, 2014, pp.89-93, ISBN 978-608-65653-8-1, COBISS.MK-ID 97384202;
- Spirkoski, B., Dishlieska, R.,: “Risk Assessment and Price of Lease for an Apartment in Skopje”, International Conference: Knowledge Capital of the Future, Topic Knowledge for Capabilities & Skills, 04-06. December, Bansko Bulgaria, print Knowledge International Journal Scientific and Applicative Papers Vol.11/1, Institute of knowledge management, Skopje, 2015, pp.200-2005, ISSN 1857-92;
- Spirkoski, B., Dishlieska, R.,: “Fiscal consolidation of the Republic of Macedonia without delay”, International Conference: Knowledge Capital of the Future, Topic Knowledge for Capabilities & Skills, 04-06. May, Budva, Montenegro, print Knowledge International Journal Scientific and Applicative Papers Vol.11/1, Institute of knowledge management, Skopje, 2015, pp.200-2005, ISSN 1857-9