Ass. Prof. Gorgi Kakasevski
Faculty of Communication and IT
Master's Thesis: "Model for Evaluating the Usability of E-Learning Systems"
• Informatics for 6th Grade, Skopje 2009.
• Informatics for 5th Grade, Skopje 2009.
• Edubuntu Linux & Open Office, Skopje 2009.
• Projects in Informatics, Teaching Manual, Skopje 2008.
• Ubuntu Linux, Skopje 2007.
• Operating Systems, Skopje 2007.
Scientific Papers:
• I.Dimitrovski, G.Kakasevki, A.Buckovska, S.Lokoska, B.Proeski, Grid Enabled Computer Vision System for Measuring Trafic Parameters, Int. Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, CISSE, USA 2006.
• G.Kakasevski, S.Lokovska, I.Kraljev, I.Dimitrovski, S.Chungurski, Medical Image Gathering System, Infoteh-Jahorina, 2007.
• Ivica Dimitrovski, Suzana Lokovska, Gorgi Kakasevski and Ivan Chobev; Video Content-Based Retrieval System, EURCON, Warsaw, Poland, 2007.
• Kakashevski, G., Loskovska, S., Buckovska, A., Dimitrovski, I.; Grid Enabled Medical Image Gathering System; ITI 2007. 29th International Conference on 25-28 June 2007.
• S. Chungurski, S. Arsenovski, I. Kraljevski, G. Kakaseski; SCORM as a Base Standard for Building and Representing Educational Contents with e Testing Suport; Information Technology Interaces, 2007. ITI 2007. 29th International Conference on 25-28 June 2007 Page(s):293 - 298.
• Ѓорги Какшевски, Ивица Димитровски, Анета Бучковска, Сузана Локовска; Гридифициран систем за собрање и пребарвање на слики од Веб; ЕТАИ 2007.
• I. Dimitrovski, A. Buckovska, S. Loskovska, G. Kakasevski - Image Clustering, VII National Conference ETAI 2007, I6-5.
• Ivan Kraljevski, Sime Arsenovski, Slavcho Chungurski, Gorgi Kakasevski, Speech quality meaurement in mobile and packet switched networks using DTW algorithm, T2-5, ETAI 2007.
• Gorgi Kaksevski, Martin Mihalov, Sime Arsenovski, Slavcho Chungurski; Evaluating usability in learning management system Moodle; ITI 2008.
• Gorgi Kakasevski, Anastas Misev and Boro Jakimovski; Heterogeneous Distributed Databases and Distributed Query Processing in Grid Computing; ICT Innovations 2011 conference, 14-16 September 2011, Skopje, Macedonia.