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Ass. Prof. Dr.sc Gorgi Kakasevski

Faculty of Communication and IT

Function: IT

Master's Thesis: "Model for Evaluating the Usability of E-Learning Systems"


• Informatics for 6th Grade, Skopje 2009.
• Informatics for 5th Grade, Skopje 2009.
Edubuntu Linux & Open Office, Skopje 2009.
• Projects in Informatics, Teaching Manual, Skopje 2008.
Ubuntu Linux, Skopje 2007.
• Operating Systems, Skopje 2007.

Scientific Papers:

• I.Dimitrovski, G.Kakasevki, A.Buckovska, S.Lokoska, B.Proeski, Grid Enabled Computer Vision System for Measuring Trafic Parameters, Int. Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, CISSE, USA 2006.

G.Kakasevski, S.Lokovska, I.Kraljev, I.Dimitrovski, S.Chungurski, Medical Image Gathering System, Infoteh-Jahorina, 2007.

• Ivica Dimitrovski, Suzana Lokovska, Gorgi Kakasevski and Ivan Chobev; Video Content-Based Retrieval System, EURCON, Warsaw, Poland, 2007.

Kakashevski, G., Loskovska, S., Buckovska, A., Dimitrovski, I.; Grid Enabled Medical Image Gathering System; ITI 2007. 29th International Conference on 25-28 June 2007.

• S. Chungurski, S. Arsenovski, I. Kraljevski, G. Kakaseski; SCORM as a Base Standard for Building and Representing Educational Contents with e Testing Suport; Information Technology Interaces, 2007. ITI 2007. 29th International Conference on 25-28 June 2007 Page(s):293 - 298.

Ѓорги Какшевски, Ивица Димитровски, Анета Бучковска, Сузана Локовска; Гридифициран систем за собрање и пребарвање на слики од Веб; ЕТАИ 2007.

• I. Dimitrovski, A. Buckovska, S. Loskovska, G. Kakasevski - Image Clustering, VII National Conference ETAI 2007, I6-5.

• Ivan Kraljevski, Sime Arsenovski, Slavcho Chungurski, Gorgi Kakasevski, Speech quality meaurement in mobile and packet switched networks using DTW algorithm, T2-5, ETAI 2007.

Gorgi Kaksevski, Martin Mihalov, Sime Arsenovski, Slavcho Chungurski; Evaluating usability in learning management system Moodle; ITI 2008.

Gorgi Kakasevski, Anastas Misev and Boro Jakimovski; Heterogeneous Distributed Databases and Distributed Query Processing in Grid Computing; ICT Innovations 2011 conference, 14-16 September 2011, Skopje, Macedonia.