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Assoc. Prof. Dr.sc Tanja Kitanovska

Faculty of Sport Management

Function: Sports

Title, Name and Surname


Tanja Kitanovska Stojkovska, Аssociate professor

FON University, Faculty of Sports Management – Skopje, R. Macedonia

e-mail: [email protected]


Short narrative bio (max 250 words)


Born in Kumanovo, where  she finished primary and secondary education. In 1999 she enrolled in studies at the National Sport Academy in Sofia, R. Bulgaria and there she directed all her sports practical and theoretical training. In 2003, she graduated as a sport dance coach at the Faculty of Coaching, with a professional qualification - sport manager acquired through the additional module Sport Management. She immediately continued with her master's studies as a scholarship holder at the Academy due to the highest success of the 2003 generation (first as a foreign student and second on the list of the entire study generation with an average of 9.58). In 2005 she completed a master's degree at the Faculty of Education - "Sports in School and Leisure" program and earned a Master of Sports title. Since 2007 she have been working at FON University as an assistant at the Faculty of Sports Management and research has directed her to continue to upgrade in the field of sports management and more precisely in the field of sports management in the educational process. In 2010 she enrolled in doctoral studies in the field of sports management again in NSA-Sofia, in 2014 she defended her dissertation and in 2015 she was selected as an assistant professor at FSM at FON University. Apart from being a professor, she has bee also involved in various additional functions that she fulfill in order to develop the Faculty and the University. She also have a National Judicial Dance License for sports dances, as well as the highest "Master" license for a dance sport coach.


Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently


At the Faculty of Sport Management she teach courses on the first and second cycle of studies in the field of kinesiology and in the field of sports management:

- Dance activities;

- Introduction to Kinesiology;

- University courses Sport 1 and Sport 2;

- Moral and Ethical aspects in sports;

- Sport for all;

- Management of sport in education;

- Sport marketing;

- Management of sports events;

- Sport administration;

- Management of marketing strategies of sport in education.

Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising


The topics as mentor are from the areas of the subjects  she teach, which means that research papers with students are in the field of various sport activities, development of motor skills and their management in schools, sport clubs and leisure. Strategies and development aspects for sport and sport activities at local and national level.

Research interests (and on-going research, if you are conducting one)


She has been constantly upgrading herself in the field of sport and sport management, and she is also improving as a coach and judge of sport dances. She works and research in the field of school sport and more specifically on the management of sport activities in the education system and the various educational levels in our country and abroad. Her narrower area is the sport dances from the technical-tactical aspect and the management activities of the dance clubs.

List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books


Kitanovska T., Chakareska L.: "Opportunities for optimal management of a sports dance club", Proceedings, Institute for Knowledge Management, Ohrid, 2009.
Kitanovska T.: „Historical and contemporary development of marketing“, 4thInternational Sport Sciences Student Congress, Istanbul, 2011.
Kitanovska, T., Chakareska L. Cvetokov C.: “Physical education in preschool institutions in Kumanovo, R. Macedonia ", Novi Sad, 2012.
Kitanovska T., Cvetkov C. "Study the interests and needs, ie the sports activities of the students in R. Macedonia ", NSA, Sofia, May 2013.
Kitanovska T., Chakareska L., Cvetokov C., “Management of sports activities in these high schools in R. Macedonia ”, UNSS - Sofia, November 2013.
Chakareska L., Kitanovska T., “Attractive potential of the inter-university leagues in R. Macedonia - Problems and Challenges ", UNSS - Sofia, November 2013.
Kitanovska T., Chakareska L., “Organizational management structure of the system for sports and physical education in R. Macedonia ", International Scientific Conference in the field of sports, Federation of Sports Educators of R. Macedonia, April 2014, APAS 2015 edition.
Kitanovska, T., Chakareska L.,„Organization of the sports and physical education management system structure in the Republic of Macedonia“, Activities in Physical Education and Sport. International journal of scientific and professional Issues in physical education and sport. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 121-125, 2015. (indexed in EBSCO). https://fsprm.mk/apes-2015-vol-1-no-1/ ; http://fsprm.mk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Pages-from-APES-_1_2015_za-email-31.pdf
Kitanovska Stojkovska T., „Social and Market Component of Sports in Primary Education in the Republic of Macedonia“, Activities in Physical Education and Sport. International journal of scientific and professional Issues in physical education and sport, Veles, APES 2017, Vol.7, №2, pp.177-179. (ISSN 1857-8950).
Kitanovska Stojkovska T., Pantekovska C. L.,„Analyses for establishing conditions for managing sport activities at the Universities – Republic of Macedonia Case Study“, International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMKSM17, May 19-21, 2017 Bor, Serbia, p. 288-293. - https://menadzment.tfbor.bg.ac.rs/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Book_of_Proceedings_IMKSM17.pdf
Kitanovska Stojkovska, T., Pantekovska, L., „Motives of users towards fitness services and factors that influence the choice of fitness center – in the role of residents and tourists“, International magazine for social sciences „Vizione“ 33/2019, Skopje, pp.393-405. - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1szpplCn1P0KO_t_sU2Ha0pcnsRUvXZg2/view
Kitanovska Stojkovska, T. Gjorgjiev, D., „Methodical approach management and modern assessment of sports activities for students at secondary schools“,International journal „Knowledge“, Vol.31.2, June 2019 Skopje, pp.607-615.


Kitanovska T .: “Functional asymmetry of students who are engaged and do not deal with sports dances in R. Macedonia ”, Proceedings, Yearbook FON, First Private University, Skopje, 2008/2009.
Chakareska L., Kitanovska T .: "Innovative technologies in function of the development of sports form", Proceedings, Institute of Knowledge Management, Ohrid, 2009.
Chakareska, L., Kitanovska, T., Chakaroska, M .: "Disturbed eating pattern in the code of athletes with different levels of risk - analysis of attitudes in a few clubs in Macedonia", Novi Sad, 2012.
Chakareska, L., Kitanovska T., „Tourist Behavior of Non - Competitive Athletes In The Republic Of Macedonia Based On Certain Socio-Demographic Characteristics“, IBBSC, Trakya University, Edrine, Turkey,2015;
Liza C. Pantekovska, Tanja Kitanovska–Stojkovska, „Quality of sport and recreational services in tourism od Struga region (R. Macenonia) – Application of adopted serqual model“, International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMKSM17, May 19-21, 2017 Bor, Serbia, p. 262-270. – https://menadzment.tfbor.bg.ac.rs/wpcontent/uploads/2017/07/Book_of_Proceedings_IMKSM17.pdf
Pantekovska C. Liza, Dalibor Dimovski, Kitanovska S. T., „Participation of sports – animative contents in the structure of the leisure time to the student – tourist“, Knowledge International Journal, Vol. 23.5, with Global Impact Factor 1.322, Budva, Montenegro, p. 1683-1690, May, 2018.

– https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/1732/1639 ; https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/issue/view/38

Pantekovska C. Liza, Kitanovska S. T., „Assessment of motivation related to participation in outdoor sport tourism activities: through the example of students from Private High School “Yahya Kemal”-Struga“, Knowledge International Journal, Vol. 35.6, p. 2129-2136, Bansko, 2019.

– https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/2625/2505 ; https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ

Kitanovska Stojkovska, T., Pantekovska, L., „Program activities through sport dances – animation and recreation“, International journal „Knowledge“, Vol.35.6, p. 2167-2172, Bansko 2019. – https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/2630/2510 ; https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ
Kitanovska Stojkovska, T., Kostov K., „Conflict situations in sport clubs – municipality of Stip“, International journal „Knowledge“, Vol.34 Conferece 2021.