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Assoc. Prof. Dr.sc Aleksandar Chavleski

Faculty of Law & Political Science

Function: Law


Title, Name and Surname Prof. d-r Aleksandar Chavleski (Associate Professor)

Short narrative bio:

Professional experience: -from 2008 – present, I worked first as Assistant Professor, then Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law (now Faculty of Law and Political Science), FON University-Skopje; - since 2017 - Head of the Department of International and EU Law at the same Faculty; - since 2017 – President of the Faculty Commission for Self-Evaluation and member of the University Commission for Self-Evaluation. -from 2004-2008 I was a Teaching Assistant first at the Faculty of Social Scinces, then FON University (also covering subjects at the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, as well as the Faculty of Applied Linguistics – Bussiness Module) -In 2004 I’ve passed the Bar Exam (Ministry of Justice) Education: in 2008 I’ve obtained my PhD degree at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, University “St. Cyrill and Methodius”- Skopje; after completing the postgraduate studies in 2004, I’ve obtained my MPhil in International Law at the the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, University “St. Cyrill and Methodius”- Skopje; In 2001 I’ve obtained my Bachelor of Laws degree at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, University “St. Cyrill and Methodius”- Skopje.

Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently:

EU Law, Institutions of the European Union, EU Justice and Home Affairs Law, EU External Relations Law, EU and CoE Procedural Law, Civil Procedure Law,

Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising EU Law, Civil Procedure Law, Procedure before the CJEU and the ECtHR,

Research interests

My research interests are focused mainly on EU Law, EU Institutional Law, EU Procedural Law, EU Justice and Home Affairs Law, EU External Relations Law, Jurisprudence of the CJEU and ECtHR, EU Counter-Terrorism Law

List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books


2.Chavleski, A., Mickovski, N., Markoski, A., ASSET CONFISCATION IN EU CRIMINAL LAW: STATUS PRAESENS, International Scientific Conference "Days of Archibald Reiss" Belgrade, 2018, Thematic Proceedings, Volume I, pp. 271-281.

3.Chavleski, A., DEFENCE RIGHTS IN EU CRIMINAL LAW: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, International Scientific Conference "Days of Archibald Reiss" Belgrade, 2017, Thematic Proceedings, Volume II, pp.301-311.

4. Chavleski, A., THE EUROPEAN UNION COUNTER-TERRORISM POLICY AFTER THE TERRORIST ATTACKS IN PARIS, International Scientific Conference "Days of Archibald Reiss" Belgrade, 2016, Thematic Proceedings, Volume II, pp. 356-365.

5. Chavleski, A., Cybersecurity Policy of the European Union: Recent Trends, Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference “Freedom and Security in the Real and Cyberspace”, Belgrade, 2018.

6. Chavleski, A., EUROPEAN UNION’S RESPONSE TO HATE SPEECH: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, International Scientific Conference "Power of Communications 2018", Belgrade, Proceedings, pp.13-29.

7. Chavleski, A., Galev.G., GATHERING E-EVIDENCE IN CROSS-BORDER CASES: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN EU LAW, KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol.32.1 July, 2019, pp.155-162.

8. Chavleski, A., Gligorova, A., Financing EU Military Operations: The Athena Mechanism, International Refereed Scientific Journal Vision, Volume 3, Issue 2, December 2018, pp.65-80.

9. Chavleski, A., Chudoska-Blazevska, I., Gligorova, A., EU EMMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, Vision, International Scientific Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2019, pp.87-102.

10. Aleksandar Chavleski, Anita Gligorova, Temelko Risteski , EU Cyber Defence Policy: Recent Developments, Proceedings from the 8 th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT AND PEOPLE (CCEDEP 2019), pp. 179- 194.

11. Temelko Risteski, Aleksandar Chavleski, Anita Gligorova, Ecologic Cadastre: Comparative Overview of the EU and Macedonian Law, Proceedings from the 8 th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT AND PEOPLE (CCEDEP 2019), pp. 245-260.

12. Aleksandar Chavleski, Aleksandar Markoski, Temelko Risteski, Anita Gligorova, Vida Popovska-Kochiska, THE NEW EU DIRECTIVE ON COMBATTING TERRORISM: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL, “ARCHIBALD REISS DAYS” Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019, THEMATIC CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE VOLUME I & II, pp.373-384. Textbook: Institutions of the European Union, Skopje, 2008 (co-author with Prof.d-r Aleksandar Nikolovski).