Assoc. Prof. Zorica Siljanovska
Faculty of Law & Political Science
Title, Name and Surname: Assoc. Prof. Zorica Siljanovska
Teaching scientific title:
Associate Professor Scientific areas: Business law & Labor law Education: 2000 – 2004 University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Faculty of Law “Justinian I” - Skopje Bachelor of Laws, LL.B VII/1 2006 – 2010 University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Faculty of Law “Justinian I”- Skopje, Postgraduate studies in business law Title of Master Thesis:”The relevant law on the merits of the dispute in proceedings before international trade arbitration” 2010; LL.M in business law 2011 – 2014 University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Faculty of Law “Justinian I”- Skopje, Doctoral Studies Title of Doctoral thesis “The right to develop corporate governance models after the latest global economic crisis”, 2014, PhD in law
Short narrative bio:
My academic engagement began in 2006 at FON University as an associate in the field of legal sciences. From 2006 to 2010 I was engaged at the Faculty of Law in the title of junior assistant, and from 2010 to 2015 in the title of assistant. In 2015, I was selected as a teacher in the field of business law as an assistant professor, and in March 2020 as a teacher in the field of business law and labor law, in the title of associate professor. From this period until today, I have teaching engagement in subjects in the field of business law, such as: Commercial law, Corporate governance, Insurance law, Labor law, E-commerce law, Contract law, Commercial law (applied program) and Labor law (applied program) at the Faculty of law and political sciences within FON University. From the academic year 2018/19, together with academician Vlado Kambovski, I also teach the subject Methodology of legal & political research. Apart from the Faculty of law and political science, I am also engaged at the Faculty of economics, the Faculty of foreign languages and the Faculty of informatics at the First private university - FON. In the period from 2009 until today I am a member of the Coordinating Body of the Project "Factory of Knowledge" at FON University, from 2015 to 2019 President of the Commission for Self-Evaluation of the Faculty of law, member of the University Coordinating Body for Registration Strategy from 2016 to 2019, a member of the Examination Commission from 2019 until today. I participate in the work of several working groups at the University. In May 2018, I successfully passed the judicial exam. I have taken an active part in numerous international conferences, roundtables and consultations in the field of trade law, corporate governance, labor law and international trade arbitration. During 2019, I was engaged in the realization of the project for raising awareness among managers in Macedonian companies about the importance of corporate governance. At this moment, as a member of the General Assembly of SOS Children's Village, I am actively participating in the realization of the regional project "Strengthening young people through new employment opportunities."
Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently:
1. Commercial law
2. Labor law
3. Corporate governance
4. Contract law
5. E-commerce law
6. Insurance law
7. Commercial law (applied program)
8. Labor law (applied program)
Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis:
Commercial law, Labor law, Corporate governance, Business insurance, International trade arbitration and E-commerce law you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising
Research interests:
My research interests include topics and issues related to business law such as corporate governance, commercial law, company law and labor law.
List of published articles:
- Organizational change and development, Vizione 34, International magazine for social sciences, Skopje, 2020;
- Efficient and effective corporate governance system a prerequisite for business success, International Journal Scientific & Applicative Papers, Institute of knowledge management Skopje, Macedonia, Bulgaria, 13-15.12.2019;
- OECD principles for good corporate governance and their impact on process of standardization, International Journal Scientific & Applicative Papers, Institute of knowledge management Skopje, Macedonia, Greece, 11-13.10.2019;
- Корпоративното управување во земјите од БРИКС – предизвик за глобалната економија, Шеста меѓународна научна конференција, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип, Правен факултет, 05-06.09.2019;
- The impact of the globalization process on the development of corporate governance, International Journal Scientific & Applicative Papers, Institute of knowledge management Skopje, Macedonia, Budva, 06-09.06.2019;
- Судска заштита на правата на доверителите во постапка за обезбедување на побарување со претходни мерки, Vizione 32, International magazine for social sciences, Skopje, 2019;
- Corporate social responsibility – one of the basic proposals for good corporate governance, International Journal Scientific & Applicative Papers, Institute of knowledge management Skopje, Macedonia, Agia Triada, 27-29.09.2018;
- Strategy of the monetary central bank monetary policy and the need for supervision, Vizione 30, International magazine for social sciences, Skopje, 2018;
- Formal, transparent and corruption – resistant management in the public sector, Vizione 30, International magazine for social sciences, Skopje, 2018;
- Економската важност на корпоративното управување во Европска Унија и нејзината улога во процесот на конвергенција, International Journal Scientific & Applicative Papers, Institute of knowledge management Skopje, Macedonia, Budva, 23-26.05.2018;
- Градење систем на добро корпоративно управување неопходност, а не избор во 21век, Стручно списание Правник, април 2018;
- Авторизирани предавања „Корпоративно управување“, 2017;
- Placing an universal international standards for good corporate governance on international level, Vizione 28, International magazine for social sciences, Skopje, 2017;
- Model of corporate governance of a modern enterprise in the 21st century, Journal of Process Management-New technologies, International, Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2017;
- The global economic crisis brought on sight a new world order, International Journal Scientific & Applicative Papers, Institute of knowledge management Skopje, Macedonia, 16-18 December, 2016 Bansko, Bulgaria;
- Effects of the second wave in eurozone crisis, Vizione 26, International magazine for social sciences, Skopje, August 2016;
- Влијанието на светската економска криза врз финансиските текови на глобално ниво, Vizione 25, international magazine for social sciences, Skopje, February 2016;
- The global economic crisis has highlighted the need for transparency in the management, International Journal Scientific & Applicative Papers, Institute of knowledge management Skopje, Macedonia, Greece, 2-4.10.2015;
- Corporate social responsibility, Third International Scientific Conference: Knowledge – Capital of the future, Institute of knowledge management Skopje, Macedonia, Bansko, R. Bulgaria, November 27-29, 2014;
- The Impact of BRICS from Economic, Legal and Political Aspect in the International Community, The European Scientific Institute (ESI), “Vitrina” University and The University of the Azores- Portugal, Tirana, Albania, 2013;
- Impact of globalization the convergence of the models of corporate governance, International scientific conference, Promoting Human Rights: Recent Development, MIT University Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, September 25-27, 2013;
- The global financial crisis highlights the shortcomings of fiscal transparency, International scientific conference, Promoting Human Rights: Recent Development, MIT University Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, September 25- 27, 2013;
- The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Trade Flow in the Republic of Macedonia, Eight ECPD International Conference, RECONCILIATION, TOLERANCE AND HUMAN SECURITY IN THE BALKANS-NEW BALKANS IN A CHANGING WORLD, Beograd, October 20-21, 2012;
- Investments in Sustainable Development of Renewable Energies in the Republic of Macedonia, 2nd Climate change, economic development, environment and people conference, University of Prešov, Slovak Republic, 2012;
- The inflow of foreign direct investments in the west Balkan countries within the process of EU accession, I International Scientific Conference on economic development and standard of living, EDASOL, September 23-24, 2011;
- Арбитражна спогодба, Годишник ФОН Универзитет, Скопје, 2008/09;
- Социјалната политика и стратегија за вработување – денес во фокусот на активностите на Европска Унија, Зборник на трудови Република Maкедонија на патот кон НАТО и ЕУ – состојби и перспективи, Скопје, 2007;
- Остварувањето на избирачкото право – основа на демократијата, Зборник на трудови Парламентарните избори 2006 и македонските аспирации за членство во ЕУ и НАТО, Скопје, 2006.