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Assoc. Prof. Dr.sc Sejdefa Djafche

Faculty of Law & Political Science

Function: Dean, Law

Title, Name and Surname

Prof. d-r Sejdefa Dzafche

Short narrative bio

As a Doctor of Law in the field of financial law, her research interests are in the field of legal aspects of business and finance, including the administrative and administrative-judicial protection of entities, legal entities and individuals. She realized her formal education, Bachelor of Law (2006), Master of Law (2009) and doctoral studies (2012) at the Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" of the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje. Regarding professional development, in parallel with her formal education, she have been within the academic environment since 2017:selectedfor junior assistant (2007), assistant (2010), assistant professor (2012), associate professor (2017) at the Faculty of Law at FON University in Skopje in the field of financial and business law. Full professor at Bisnese University in Prishtina, since 2012 years to now.

Within the framework of professional development, she held the position of Acting Dean of the Faculty of Law (2018-2019). She has a status of a visiting professor at the University "St. Kliment Ohridski", at the Faculty of Law, undergraduate and doctoral studies (2015-2016).

In addition to academic work, she is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal Visions, member of the Supervisory Board of the professional magazine "Lawyer", managed by the Association of Lawyers of the Republic of North Macedonia; Honorary member of the Chamber of Mediators.

Within the University structures, she is the head of the Department of Business Law; member of the commission for preparation of the statuteof the University; member of the commission for recognition of examinations; member of the Editorial Board of the Annual Publication of the FON University (2008/2009); Technical Secretary of the Anthology of Scientific Papers: The Republic of Macedonia on the Road to NATO and the European Union, Conditions and Perspectives, published by FON University (2007); chairman of the commission for preparation of schedules at the Faculty of Law; President of the Commission for Enrollment of Students at the Faculty of Law at FON University; member of the commission for preparation of the elaborations for the study programs for the first and second cycle of studies within the Faculty of Law and Political Science. I have also been involved in a number of projects at the level of the University, such as: Knowledge Factory, Measured Education and others.

Currently she is the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science and her efforts and activities are aimed at raising the quality of legal education. The interests and efforts are oriented towards greater involvement of clinical teaching in the educational process through the process of organizing and developing the legal clinic within the Faculty.

She presented her above-mentioned scientific papers from the specified areas at domestic and international, professional and scientific gatherings.

Course that has been teaching and courses that are teaching currently:

  • Financial law;
  • Administrative law;  
  • Tax law;
  • Company law;
  • International financial law, bankruptcy and bankruptcy decision;
  • Academic writing;
  • Right to security.

Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis are  supervised and are interested in supervising:

  • Financial law;
  • Tax law;
  • International taxation;
  • Business law;
  • Administrative;
  • Administrative-judicial protection.

Research interests:

  • Financial law;
  • Tax law;
  • International taxation;
  • Rights of taxpayers;
  • Administrative law;

List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books:

1. Сејдефа Џафче, Даночо право, прво издание, Скопје, 2021, учебник; ISBN 978-608-245-657-7;

2. Sejdefa Dzafche, New Local Revenues from the Property Taxes in North Macedonia, Real Property Taxes And Property Markets In Cee Countries And Central Asia, ed. M. Radvan, R. Franzsen, W. J. McCluskey & F. Plimmer, Lex Localis, 2021; Date of first publication (11) 2021, ISBN 978-961-7124-04-0 (PDF),  http://www.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/RealPropertyTaxes

3. Sejdefa Dzafche, "Environmental taxes as instruments in the environmenal protection policy of the european union – special emphasis on the ecological component during taxation of motor vehicles" Seventh International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", Shtip, 2020;  ISBN 978-608-244-778-0;

4. Sejdefa Dzafče, Theoretical and empirical analysis of the impact of fiscal policy on economic growth, International Scientific & Professional Conference MEFkon 2021: “Innovation as an Initiator of the Development” International Conference Proceedings, Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance Belgrade, 2021, ISBN 978-86-84531-55-3;

5. Sejdefa Dzafče, Pravo na imovinu u kontekstu oporezivanja – analiza slučaja Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, Proceedings of the 34th Meeting of Kopaonik School of Natural Law – Slobodan Perović, INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Belgrade, 22 December 2021 Tom II/Volume II, ISBN-978-86-81956-08-3 (serija) / ISBN-978-86-81956-05-2, 2021;

6. Comparative analysis of the minimum state and the state of welfare from the aspect of the financial activity of the state”, Vizione, No. 38/2022, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2022) Pro Quest & Cite Factor Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & Cite Factor First Published in August 2004 ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form;  ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form, 142 pp, UDC 336.02 (497.7)UDC 336.02 (497.7), publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club”, Skopje, 2022;

7. Sejdefa Dzafche, Taxpayers’ rights in mutual legal assistance in tax-related issues, Zbornik radova u casti profesora emeritusa Dejana Popovića, Liber amicorum, Pravni fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 2021;

8. Sejdefa Dzafche, Protection of the rights of taxpayers by constitutional courts with special focus on Republic of North Macedonia, Pravne teme, br. 13, Novi Pazar, 2019;

9. The character of the administrative dispute within the European Convention on Human Rights, Vizione No. 38/2022, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2022) Pro Quest & Cite Factor Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor First Published in August 2004 ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form;  ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form, 142 pp, UDC 336.02 (497.7)UDC 336.02 (497.7), publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club”, Skopje, 2022;

10. Sejdefa Dzafche, Collision of Tax Jurisdictions, International magazine for social sciences Vizione No. 37, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2021) Pro Quest & Cite Factor Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor First Published in August 2004 ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form;  ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form, 142 pp, UDC 336.02 (497.7)UDC 336.02 (497.7), publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club”, publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club”, br. 37, Skopje, 2021;

11. International framework on information exchange for tax purposes, International magazine for social sciences Vizione No. 34, publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club”, Skopje, 2020, co-author

12. Pravna zaštita poreznih obaveznika, Pravni život, Kopaonička škola prirodnog prava, Beograd, 2019, co-author

13. The presumptions for formation of organs of the public administration and principles of its organization, KNOWLEDGE, Internation Journal, Vol.23.4, Budva Montenegro, Maj, 2018, str. 967-972. co-author

14. International legal assistance in tax matters in the national legislation of Republic of Macedonia, International magazine for social sciences Vizione No. 31, publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club”, Skopje, 2018, co-author

15. Credit insurance contract and the judicial relations emerging from its signing, International magazine for social sciences Vizione No. 32, publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club”, Skopje, 2019, co-author

16. Правна заштита на даночните обврзници во рамките на постојанта даночна постапка и новиот закон за управен спор, Деловно право, бр. 40, Скопје, 2019, (author)

17. Legal and taxation relation in the macedonian tax - related legislation, VIZIONE br. 26/2016,  Skopje, August 2016,  co-author

18. Pravna zaštita poreskiih obaveznika u okviru Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima, PRAVNE TEME, бр.3/6,  Novi Pazar, decembar 2015,  author

19.  Labor market of the republic of macedonia conditions and perspectives VIZIONE br. 26/2016,  Skopje, August 2016, str. 239. co-author

20.  Sejdefa Dzafche, Taxation of civil societuy organization in the Republic of Northean Macedonia, SPECTRUM, 1. Studious and scientific magazine, Skopje, 2020;

21.  Sejdefa Dzafche, The importance of the right to education for inclusive social development and progress, International magazine for social sciences Vizione No. 33, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2019) Pro Quest & Cite Factor Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2020), Proquest & Cite Factor First Published in August 2004 ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form;  ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form,142 pp, UDC 336.02 (497.7)UDC 336.02 (497.7),publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club”, Skopje, 2019, co-author;

22. Sejdefa Dzafche, The right of shareholders in the process of major deals, Magazine of Social Sciences “Vizione” no.28, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2017) Pro Quest &  Cite Factor Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2017), Proquest & Cite Factor First Published in August 2004 ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form;  ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form, 142, UDC 336.02 (497.7)UDC 336.02 (497.7), Skopje , 2017 p.p. 371-382, co-author;

23. Pathology of the Gowernment in the Work in the Work of d-r Archibald Reiss “Hear the Serbs”, Vizione Nr. 28/2017, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2017) Pro Quest & Cite Factor Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & Cite Factor, First Published in August 2004 ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form;  ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form, 142 pp, UDC 336.02 (497.7)UDC 336.02 (497.7), publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club”, Skopje, 2017;

24. Сејдефа Џафче, Специфики при оданочување на моторните возила - анализа на моделите на оданочување во рамките на државите членки на Европската Унија и Република Македонија, Правник бр. 348, 2021;

25. Sejdefa Dzafče, Danočniot system vo funkcija na zaštita na zivotnata sredina, Pravnik, број 337, 2020;

26. Сејдефа Џафче, Специфики во оданочувањето на типовите на доход согласно Законот за личен доход, прв дел, Правник, број 350, Скопје, 2021;

27. Сејдефа Џафче, Специфики во оданочувањето на типовите на доход согласно Законот за личен доход, втор дел, Правник, број 351, Скопје, 2021;

28. Sejdefa Dzafche, Аctualization of the rights of taxpayers in the procedures of international legal assistance in tax matters, - Second Virtual Conference of the Center for Scientific Exchange and Education, Center for Scientific Exchange and Education, https://sciedu.mk/, 07. Maj 2021; ( во фаза на објавување)

29. Sejdefa Dzafche, Legal protection of taxpayers under the European Convention on Human Rights, X Scientific conference on The occasion of The Day of The Faculty of Law, on general topic „Controversies of The contemporary Law“, which is organized Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo, COLLECTION OF ABSTRACTS “Contradictions of the Contemporary Law“, date> 30.10.2021, (во фаза на објавување)

30. The role of international agreement for avoiding double taxation  in integration process, Јournal for labour and social affairs in eastern europe, European Trade Union Institute, Volume 17, 2014.

31. Role of the european court in creating communitarian tax law,VIZIONE br. 24/2015, Skopje, August 2015, str. 93. co-author 

32. Аdministrative measures for protection of living environment in the republic Macedonia, European Scientific Journal February 2014 /SPECIAL/ edition vol.2 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431, 2014, Tirana, 2014. (коавтор) Index Copernicus Impact Factor, ICV 2013 = 8.25) co-author

33. Modeli na odanočuvanje na dohodot, Institut za menadzment na znaenjeto, 25-26, мај, Knowledgre, International journal scientific applicative papers, Vol. 1,2, 2014. Охрид, 2014. co-author

34. Начела на даночната постапка во Република Македонија,  Centrum No. 4 – 2015, стр. 296. author

35. Pravna zaštitan na danočnite obvrznici vo Republika Makedonija, Pravnik, maj, Skoplje, 2014. author

36. Сејдефа Џафче,  Уставите во функција на заштита на правата на даночните обврзници преко ограничувањето на субјективното даночно право на државата, Centrum No. 1 – 2013,  Скопје, стр. 201. author

37. Sejdefa Dzafce, Tax exemptions aimed at balanced regional development in the Republic of Macedonia, II. International scientific conference,  2ND Climate change, economic development, environment and people conference, Prešov, Slovak Republic, 2012. author

38. The Effects of tax reforms in the Republic of Macedonia on fiscal capacity, EDASOL 2012, Economic development and Standard of living, Banja Luka, 2012. Author

39. Pravna zaštitan poreskih obaveznika u postupcima pred finansiskom policijom, Pravni život, godina LVIII, br. 10/2012, Beograd, 2012. co-author

40. Harmonizacija direktnih u Evropskoj uniji i u Republici Makedoniji, zbornik radova međunarodne naučne konferencije: Bosna i Hercegovina i euro-atlanske integracije – trendovi izazovi i perspective, str. 187-196, Bihać, 2012. co-author

41. Police activities in function to achieve the right to security and freedom of citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, Security and Euroatlantic perspectives of the Balkans, police science and Police Profession (States and perspectives), International scientific Conference, 25-26 may 2012, Ohrid, 2012.  co-author

42. Pravo na odgovarajući životni standard kao prirodno ljudsko pravo i uloga države u njegovom ostvarivanju,  EDASOL 2012, Economic development and Standard of living, Banja Luka, 2012. str. 371   co-author

43. Даночно право, авторизирани предавања, Скопје, 2017.

44. Pravo na obrazovanje u funkciji sticanja znanja kao resursa razvoja, Economic Development and Standard of Living, International Scientific Conference, Banja Luka, 2011, Zbornik radova, str. 467-477. co-author

45. The right to a healthy climate as a function of the right to life, Proceedings of 1 Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People Conference,  International Scientific Conference, CCEDEP 2011, 14-15. September 2011, Novi Sad,  page 183-195. co-author

46. The right to security as natural human right, Security in the post-conflict Balkans: Transition and challengers faced by the Republic of Macedonia, International scientific Conference, Tom II, page 182-193, Skopje, 2011. co-author

47. Колизиони норми во меѓународното даночно право, Правник, број 233, Скопје, 2011. author

48. Одбегнување на двојното оданочување на македонските работници, Деловно право, година XII, бр.25, Скопје, 2011. co-author

49. Tendencies processes of developmental and approaches of the Macedonian tax law in the area of direct taxes in the European Union, Vizione br.17/2011, Skoplje, 2011. author

50. Договори за одбегнување на меѓународното двојно оданочување склучени од страна на Република Македонија, Правник, бр. 214, Скопје, 2010. author

51. Flat Tax: the Case of Republic of Macedonia, Kopaonička škola prirodnog prava, 12-17 decembra 2009, Kopaonik, Pravni Život, broj 11/2009, Beograd, 2009. co-author

52.Трендови на прифаќање на рамниот данок во светот, Правник, бр. 212, Скопје, 2009. author

53. Стечајна постапка или смрт на претпријатието во Република Македонија vis a vis Европската унија, Правник бр. 211, Скопје, 2009. author

54. Факторинг работење во меѓународната и домашната практика, Правник, број 192, Скопје, Април 2008. author

55. Концепти на оданочување на компаниите: класичен систем или систем на полна интеграција, Годишник на ФОН Универзитетот, Скопје, 2009. author

56. Даночното право на Република Македонија во постапка на усогласување со даночното право на Европската Унија, Зборник на трудови: Република Македонија на патот кон НАТО и Европската унија, состојби и перспективи, ФОН Универзитет, Скопје, 2007. author