Faculty of Communication and IT
Subjects: Education:
Software Development of electronical service and repair shop. Developing my own software from ground zero, covering all of their processes, according to their workflow and also a billing system and archive systems for all their documents.
Creating incoming and outgoing repair reports and other financial documents, while real-time watching over the quantity of stock in the storage.
Project Catalyst
by Cardano, Idea Scale
Role: L0 Project Community Reviewer
Virtual Bitcoin Mining (V-Mining)
Bitcoin Talents
Role: Full-Stack Developer
DLT Talents
DeFi Drop
DeFi Talents
Role: Co-Founder, CTO
IT-Fenix Dooel, Skopje
Role: Development and implementation of an innovative augmented reality (AR) platform for educational e-books and written materials
Plant disease detection system based on machine learning
BioCybrix, Skopje
Role: Development of control algorithms and structures for the needs of the scientific research project
Polyglot – Online Language Learning Platform
Interlink, Skopje
Role: Web Application Tester
Smart agriculture using IoT (Internet of Things) technology
A2OGenix, Skopje
Role: Development of software solutions for the needs of the scientific research project
Jelena Gjorgjev, Aleksandra Petkova, Sahso Gelev, Aleksandar Sokolovski, “Performance analyses of QoS in VOIP/IPTV in Computer networks using IPv4 and IPv6 routing and addressing”, CITYR 2011, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Jelena Gjorgjev, Martin Milosavljev -Apostolovski, Sasho Gelev, Aleksandar Sokolovski, “Usability Aspect of The Cloud solutions in used in enterprise environment, the case of Microsoft 365”, Faces of Crisis 2012, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Jelena Gjorgjev, Milena Zivadinovikj, Sasho Gelev, Aleksandar Sokolovski,”ICT Business’ value of using a cloud based system in an enterprise environment, the case of Microsoft 365″, Faces of Crisis 2012, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Risto Hristov, Galina Josifovska, Martin Milosavljev – Apostolovski, Jelena Gjorgjev, “Mobile Teacher, On -Line creator of teaching content for presentation”, TIO 2012, Čačak, R. Serbia
Risto Hristov, Saso Gelev, Jelena Gjorgjev, Martin Milosavljev – Apostolovski, “Multimedia, hypermedia, mobile devices, marketing”, The role of the media in the promotion of products and services 2012
Jelena Gjorgjev, Martin Milosavljev – Apostolovski, Risto Hristov, “Animation techniques and OpenGL”, CITYR 2012, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Risto Hristov, Riste Temjanovski, Jelena Gjorgjev, “E-Decisions – Mobile Informationa Decision Support System”, Yearbook – Faculty of Economics, Univerzitet “Goce Delchev” – Shtip, Vol.6, ISSN: 1857- 7628, Shtip, R.Macedonia, 2014
Mitko Bogdanovski, Jelena Gjorgjev, “Evaluation of the parallel computing performances based on the nVIDIA GeForce GPUs”, Journal of Society for Development of Teaching and Business in New NET Enviroment in B&H, Techincs Techologies Education Management – TTEM, Vol.10, No.1, ISSN 1840-1503, DRUNPP, Sarajevo, B&H, 2015
Kire Jakimoski, Oliver Iliev, Gorgi Kakashevski, Biljana Stojchevska, Jelena Gjorgjev, Elena Petrova, “Cyber Risk Management Tool for Improving the Cybersecurity Maturity in the Companies”, AIIT International Conference of Applied Internet and Information Technologies – AIIT 2023, Faculty of ICT Bitola, Macedonia, 13 October 2023
Nexhibe Sejfuli – Ramadani, Jelena Gjorgjev, Valentina Angelkoska, Florim Idrizi, Marko Porjazoski, Aleksandar Risteski “System proposal for integration of offline blockchain payment models in a fully offline EV authentication and charging procedure”, 2024 7th International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) – Seventh International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking 2024
Jelena Gjorgjev, Nexhibe Sejfuli-Ramadani, Valentina Angelkoska, Pero Latkoski and Aleksandar Risteski, “Use Cases and Comparative Analysis of Blockchain Networks and Layers for DApp Development “, MECO’2024 & CPSIoT’2024 & SS-CPSIoT’2024, Budva, Montenegro
Nexhibe Sejfuli-Ramadani, Florim Idrizi, Valentina Angelkoska, Pero Latkoski, Jelena Gjorgjev and Aleksandar Risteski, “Advancements and Applications of Blockchain Technology in Diverse Domains: A Literature Review”, MECO’2024 & CPSIoT’2024 & SS-CPSIoT’2024, Budva, Montenegro
Panel 2: Crypto, Blockchain, Web3 and The Future of Work
Speakers: Laure Merlin, Chaimae Semdani, Petra Engelking, Olga Kuri, Jelena Gjorgjev and Erol User Host: Sabrina Goerlich Summary: Blockchain and Web3 technologies can transform a decentralized, democratized, and sustainable economy.
Navigating the Future: The Rise of Blockchain and Web3
American University of Europe – FON, Skopje
Role: M-r. Ass. Prof. Jelena Gjorgjev, Blockchain technologies Laboratory
Watch it here
Quality staff, traditional expertise and modern teaching
Role: Informatics Teacher at High School SUGS “Rade Jovchevski Korchagin”