Ass. Prof. Azemina Mashovic
Faculty of Economics
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Economics, Faculty of Economics, University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius" of Skopje - Skopje, North Macedonia, 2017,
Title of Doctoral thesis „Business Environmental Factors and Their Impact on the Performance of Multinational Companies, as a Basis for Improving the Business Climate in the Republic of Macedonia“
- Master (MSc) in MBA Management, Faculty of Economics, University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius" of Skopje - Skopje, North Macedonia, 2011,
Title of Master Thesis: „The Specifics of the Control on the Strategy Implementation of Multinational Companies“
Bachelor of Management, Faculty of Economics, University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius" of Skopje - Skopje, North Macedonia, 2005
Short narative bio:
Ass. Prof. Azemina Mashovic started her academic engagement in 2006 at the European University - Republic of Macedonia. From 2006 to 2013, she was engaged as a teaching assistant in the field of management at the Faculty of Economic Sciences within the European University - Republic of Macedonia. In 2018, she was elected as an Assistant professor in International Economics and International Management at the Integrated Business Institute Skopje.
Since October 2022, she continues her academic engagement at the American University of Europe – FON.
Course that has been teaching and courses that she is teaching currently:
- International Business,
- Business planning,
- Applied Economics
- Macroeconomics
Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis that she has supervised and is interested in supervising:
International management, international business, business planning, strategic management, international economics
Research interests:
Research interests include topics and issues related to International management and International Economics.
List of published articles:
- Mashovic, Azemina, Ignjatovic, Jelena and Kisin, Jovana. „Circular Economy as an Imperative of Sustainable Development in North Macedonia and Serbia“. Ecologica, Vol. 29 (106), 2022: 169-177;
- Kisin, Jovana, Igjnatovic, Jelena and Mashovic, Azemina. „Dynamics, Scope and Structure of External Trade of the Republic of Serbia“, Business Economics, Vol. XXV (1), 2022: 32-48;
- Ристовска, Н. и Машовиќ, Аземина. Економика на претпријатија: Современи менаџмент и бизнис аспекти. Скопје: УТМС, март 2022;
- Mashovic, Azemina and Dragicevic Radicevic, Tatjana. „Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Labour Markets in the Western Balkans“. SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe, 24 (2), 2021: 159-165;
- Dragičević Radičević, Tatjana, Nestorović, Milica i Mašović, Azemina. „Potencijal zemalja Zapadnog Balkana u direktnom stranom investiranju“. Međunarodna naučno-stručna konferencija „Inovacija kao pokretač razvoja“, Zbornik radova, Beograd, Srbija 2021: 282-287;
- Kisin, Jovana, Mashovic, Azemina and Igjnatovic, Jelena. „Growing Public Debt as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Western Balkans Region: The Case of North Macedonia and Serbia“, Business Economics, Vol. XXIV (2), 2021: 66-85;
- Ignjatovic, Jelena, Kisin, Jovana and Mashovic, Azemina. „Economic Aspects of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Western Balkans Region“. International Scientific Conference „Sustainable Economic Transformation in the Postpandemic Period“, Proceeding, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2021: 63-87;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „The Effect of Work-related Stress on Employee Satisfaction: A Case Study“. X International Conference on Social and Technological Development, Proceedings, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 8-11 October 2020: 199-206;
- Mashovic et al. (2021) Fisibility Study of Implementation E-learning System - Central European Initiative. Skopje: Integrated Business Institute, 2021;
- Mashovic, Azemina & Kiraca, Aleksandra. „The Impact of Political Environment on Foreign Direct Investment Decisions of Multinational Companies“. IX International Conference on Social and Technological Development, Proceedings, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 8-11 October 2020: 196-202;
- Kiraca, Aleksandra & Mashovic, Azemina. „Force Majeure and Change of Circumstances in International Trade – Conditions for Exemption from Liability in Case of Breach of Contact“. IX International Conference on Social and Technological Development, Proceedings, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 8-11 October 2020: 184-195;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „Key Financial and Nonfinancial Measures for Performance Evaluation of Foreign Subsidiaries“. Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues, 5 (2), Skopje, 2018: 63-74;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „Socio-cultural Factors and Their Impact on the Performance of Multinational Companies”, Ecoforum Journal, 7 (1), 2018: 141-151;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „Approaches for Adjusting the Financial Statements of Foreign Subsidiary on the Impact of Inflation in the Host County”. Journal of Sustainable Development, Integrated Business Faculty–Skopje, 7 (18), 2017: 70-82;
- Mashovic, Azemina. „The Relationship Between National Culture, Managerial Leadership Style and Multinational Performance”. Socioeconomica–The Scientific Journal Theory and Practice of Socio-economic Development, 6 (12), 2017: 141-150;
- Mashović, Azemina. "Distinction Between Subsidiary Performance and Its Management Performance," XIII International Scientific Conference "The Teacher of the Future," Institute of Knowledge Management, Budva, Montenegro, May 2017: 541-546.