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Filis Ajrush

Faculty of Architecture


Short narrative bio: 

Born on 20.05.1996 in Camperdown, Sydney - Australia.

She has a Master's degree from the Faculty of Architecture Skopje at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje where she completed integrated five-year studies of the first and second cycle in architecture (2014-2020) with an average grade of 9.23 and earned the qualification of Master of Architecture.

In 2020 she successfully defended  Master's thesis entitled "Contemporary Correctional Facility in Krivolak” worked under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Aneta Hristova-Popovska, at the Faculty of Architecture at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje. With her master's thesis, she put focus on architectural design and architectural elements as the main components to achieve a humane space for serving a prison sentence, creating a stimulating and rehabilitative environment through modern design.

In 2021 she enrolled in doctoral studies in architecture and urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture at the School for Doctoral Studies at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, for the purpose of professional qualification and specialization in the field of architecture, intending to study a more detailed approach in the meaning and impact of architecture on the functional needs of modern society and the innovative design-typological and methodological principles used in the design of public buildings.

She gained her teaching and practical experience in the field of architecture as a teaching assistant/demostrator at the Faculty of Architecture at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, in the Institute of Architectural Design, concurrently gaining practical experience by designing independent interior design projects and working as an architect in an architectural studio in Australia, preparing projects for residential and public buildings. She is a native Macedonian and English (C2) speaker and know Turkish at an intermediate level (B2).

Course shehas been teaching and courses she is teaching currently:

-Architectural design of public buildings 1;

-Architectural design of public buildings 2;

-Architectural studio 4 - public buildings 4;

- Selected topics of public buildings.

Research interests: 

As an architect she has a special research interest in the field of architectural design and design, with a special affinity for modern methods and practices in architectural design and architecture as a tool for implementing modern social development through innovative design.

Her current field of research, as well as the focus of doctoral thesis, is a more detailed study on the importance and impact of architecture on the socio-democratic needs for the functioning of modern society and the innovative design-typological and methodological principles used in designing public buildings.

List of published articles:

She has a numerous diplomas, awards and recognitions, including: Recognition from the Faculty of Architecture for a semestral project in Architectural Studio 5.1 IAS09 "Multifamily residential housing, Living in a park - Skopje" and Awarded First place at the international photography competition "Waternet" for the photograph "Ohrid - a city of light".

She actively participate, attend and volunteer in competitions, exhibitions, workshops and seminars in the field of architecture and various types of art, from which I single out: Participation in the international architectural competition "Kaira Looro" - Designing a house for women in Senegal; Participation in Jahn Gehl's workshop as part of the project for rehabilitation of public spaces in the center of Skopje; Participation in the exhibition "Endangered Modernism" with a selected project for rehabilitation of the former House of Culture - Domche in Taftalidze, into a day care center for children; Participation in an exhibition and workshop for the Old Skopje Bazaar as part of the project "ATLAS ROCK"; Volunteer at the SHARE International Architecture Forum and Participation in BISTA 2016 - Bienniale of Architecture Students.

She has publications of selected personal student projects in printed editions from the Faculty of Architecture in the publication Patterns of Growth: Freeingspace - Design Studio 2018/2019, in IAS publications from the exhibitions of the Architectural Studies 2014-2020, as well as on internet portals for architecture.