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Mark Janura

Faculty of Design and Multimedia


Short narative bio:

Mark Janura was born in Skopje, Macedonia on October 30, 1985. He finished high school in "D.S.U. Orce Nikolov". In 2009 he graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" - Skopje, Department of Traditional Graphics and Graphic Design. In 2021 he holds a Master's degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" - Skopje, Department of Industrial Design and Marketing and acquires the academic title Master of Technical Sciences in Industrial Design and Marketing with an interdisciplinary project - Master Thesis on “Bio kinetic structures for application in design, architecture and art”. In 2021 he acquired the teaching title of Assistant Professor and teaches as a subject professor in the field of Graphics and Graphic Techniques and Graphic Design, at the Faculty of Design and Multimedia, at the American University of Europe - FON, Skopje. Since graduation until today, Janura has been professionally engaged in graphic and industrial design. Over the years he has worked in prominent graphic studios in Skopje. In 2015 he founded his own design studio. For more than 15 years, he has been creating graphic design solutions that include: logo design, visual identity, print media, brand identity, label design, promotions, package design, web design, user interface, user experience and industrial design. His successful work is evidenced by the many satisfied customers and brands who through his design solutions have created awareness of their activity and success in their work.