Prof. Aleksandra Srbinovska - Donchevski
Faculty of Law & Political Science
Short narative bio:
2007-2010 Title of qualification awarded: Academic degree of PhD in political science
University “Ss Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Topic of the thesis: “Civil – serviceable character achievement of the municipality administration in Republic of Macedonia”
2003-2007 Title of qualification awarded: Master in political science
University “Ss Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Topic of the thesis: “Citizen Participation in Developing the Concept of Self-Government in Macedonia
1998 – 2002 Title of qualification awarded: Bachelor in political science University “Ss Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Political science, department for Public opinion and mass communications
2020 - Position held: Full time professor, AUE FON, Republic of North Macedonia
2015 –2020 Position held: PhD Associate Professor, FON first private University Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2010 - 2015 Position held: PhD Assistant Professor, FON first private University Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2007-2010 Position held: Master Assistant, FON first private University Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2004-2007 Position held: Assistant FON first private University Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2003-2004 Position held: Assistant at the MM College in Skopje
Other activities:
2012 - 2016 Member of the Senate of FON University
Organizer, project coordinator of AUE FON
Participation in international conferences, tribunes, round tables, debates, etc.
Subjects-courses thas she has been teaching:
- Rhetoric and argumentation
- Local self-government
- Public opinion and mass communications
- Sociology of law
Topics and areas in which she mentors diploma theses and master's theses:
Political Science and Communication and Mass Media
Research interest:
Topics and issues related to rhetoric and argumentation, public opinion and mass communications, local self-government and sociological topics
Published papers:
- Mass-Media and political events; Proceedings - Communications – media- Macedonian transition; European University-Republic of Macedonia; Skopje,2006
- Political propaganda and its role in the electoral process; Proceedings – Parliamentary elections 2006 and Macedonia’ aspirations of EU and NATO, European University-Republic of Macedonia; Skopje,2006
- Council of Europe; contribution to the book “International organizations” Phd professor Gjorgji Tonovski, Skopje, 2006
- Importance of civil participation in local self government in Republic of Macedonia and EU standards; Proceedings - FON first private University and Institute for sociological and political and juridical research, Skopje, 2007
- Civil participation and local self government; Legal Journal LAWYER, number 189, Skopje, January 2008
- Civil participation and decentralization; Legal Journal LAWYER, number 190, Skopje, February 2008
- Municipality administration in the service of citizens-experiences in Republic of Macedonia; Legal Journal LAWYER, number 194, Skopje, June 2008
- Municipality administration in Republic of Macedonia; Yearbook of the FON University, Skopje 2008/09
- Relationship between the local unit and local self government; Legal Journal LAWYER, number 202, Skopje, February 2009
- The role of the subjective factor in municipality administration; Legal Journal LAWYER, number 224, Skopje, December 2010
- Modernization of the municipality administration by applying of information and communication technologies; Legal Journal LAWYER, number 229, Skopje, may 2011
- Criminal Law Protection concerning Criminal Offences against the Environmnet, with Specific Reference to Criminal Offences committed by Legal Subjects; International scientific conference “Ecology and Law”, Nis,18 May 2011
- Reforma nё administratёn publike nё Republikёn Maqedonisё; Revistё e shkencave shoqёrore VIZIONE, Shkup, nr.16/2011
- The condition of information and communication technologies in municipality administration in Republic of Macedonia; Legal Journal LAWYER, number 231-232, Skopje, July/August 2011
- Suggestions to Enhance Cultural Dialogue: concrete suggestions for Macedonia and neighbouring countries; Seventh ECPD International Conference RECONCILIATION, TOLERANCE AND HUMAN SECURITY IN THE BALKANS “NEW BALKANS AND EUROPEAN UNION ENLARGEMENT”, Milocer, Montenegro, 21-22 October 2011
- The Role of Local Self-Government in Protection of Water Resources in Republic of Macedonia, Peer-reviewed Paper, International Conferences BALWOIS 2012,[]=807&path[]=162
- Citizen participation and informed citizens democratic process in local government in the Republic of Macedonia;International scientific journal “International review”; PEP Belgrade 2011 (str.20-41)
- Professional development opportunities for local administration staff in the Republic of Macedonia; The European Journal of Management and Public Policy; 2012; (p.80)
- The importance of citizen participation in the policy making process at the local level ; Legal Journal LAWYER,, number 240, Skopje, April 2012
- The benefits of decentralization of authority for the development of local ecoturism; Zbornik Univerziteta EDUKONS za drustvene nauke, Treči naucni skup sa međunarodnom učeṡče, Sremska Kamenica, 24-25 maj 2012, p. 621
- Repressive and Preventive (Legal and Political) Measures for Curbing Corruption Problem of Stabilization and Integration of Balkan Countries; Eighth ECPD International Conference RECONCILIATION, TOLERANCE AND HUMAN SECURITY IN THE BALKANS “NEW BALKANS IN A CHANGING WORLD WITH A CHANGING EUROPE”, Belgrade, City Hall, 20 October 2012
- Ashtalkoska T./Srbinovska-Doncevski A., The global economic crisis and the emergence of new forms of economic crime – characteristics and impact on business economics; Zbornik Univerziteta EDUKONS za drustvene nauke, Cetvrti naucni skup sa međunarodnom učeṡče, Sremska Kamenica – Novi Sad 29-30 maj 2013, p.31
- Citizen Participation as a part from the decentralization process in realization of the Concept of Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia; International Conference, Decentralization process in Republic of Macedonia main issues, trends and developments in the future, January 25th 2013 South East European University-Tetovo (organized by Institute for political and international Studies-Skopje)
- Direct participation of citizens in local government part of the decentralization process in Macedonia - status and problem; International Scientific Conference: Participatory Democracy: Challenges to the EU; Venue: “Marin Barleti” University Campus Nr.1 Tirana Albania, 30-31 May 2013,
- Srbinovska-Doncevski A., Ashtalkoska T., “Responsibility of mass-media and right for information of the citizens in Republic of Macedonia – a condition for Europeanization”; International Conference Euroregions: “Integrating Societies-Generation Growth-Caring resources”, organize by Institute for political and international studies –Skopje and Institute of collaboration fon integration and development-Tirana, September, 20th 2013 Hotel Drim Stuga RM
- Ashtalkoska T./Srbinovska-Doncevski A., “The impact of management structures and the global economic crisis on emergence of new forms of economic crime”, The 3rd International Scientific Congress, ICON BEST 2013, University of Tourism and Management Skopje, 2013
- AshtalkoskaT.,Srbinovska-DoncevskiA.,, “Combating economic crimes in Republic of Macedonia as part of the modern concepts of achieving criminal justice, International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje, бр.20, IADC, 2014, p.221,
- Srbinovska-Doncevski.A., AshtalkoskaT., Media and politics with emphasized antagonism International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje, бр.24, IADC, 2015 p.27
- Srbinovska-Doncevski.A., AshtalkoskaT., Development strategy of E-government at a local level, International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje, бр.27, IADC, 2017 p.125
- Srbinovska-Doncevski.A., AshtalkoskaT., Responsibilities and competences of the local self-government for protection of the environment in Republic of Macedonia, Twelfth International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS 31.3-2.4.2017, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, International journal scientific papers Vol 16.1, ISSN 1857-923X, p.269
- 28. Srbinovska-Doncevski.A. author of the monography “Step by step to good orator” oratory contest, publisher “Nik Nova Print” Skopje, 2017
- AshtalkoskaT.,Srbinovska-DoncevskiA."Criminal law protection of economic crime Reality or fiction? International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, Vol: -5 No-05, online issn 2411-2933, print- issn 2411-3123, , 2017, p.63-70
- AshtalkoskaT.,Srbinovska-Doncevski A. ”Achieving of transnational justice-challenge and condition on the way to EU” , International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje, бр.28, IADC, 2017 p 121
- Srbinovska-Doncevski.A., AshtalkoskaT., Measures for preventing and minimizing disciplinary responsibility actions of civil servants in the local self-government of the Republic of Macedonia, International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE 29.9-1.10.2017 Agia Triada, Greece, 2017, International journal scientific papers Vol 19.2, ISSN 1857-923X (e-version), p.895
- Srbinovska-Doncevski.A., AshtalkoskaT., Consistency of information are a prerequisite for effective communication between citizens and the local government, International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje, бр.29, IADC, 2018 p 61
- 35. Srbinovska-Doncevski.A. author of the textbook “Local self-government of Republic of Macedonia - civil service orientation”, publisher – “Nik Nova Print” Skopje, printed by TNID Gjurgja, DOOEL – Skopje, June 2018
- Srbinovska-Doncevski.A., AshtalkoskaT., Facial expression as an important component of non-verbal communication in public speaking International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje, бр.30, IADC, 2018 p.79
- AshtalkoskaT.,Srbinovska-DoncevskiA. Prohibition to exercise professional activities as a modern approach of criminal justice protection of economic crime, KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol. 26.6 September, 2018, IKM, Skopje, 2018, стр. 1783-1789
- Srbinovska-Doncevski.A., AshtalkoskaT., Characteristics of good speech” International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje, бр.31, ISSN:1409-8962 printed form, ISSN 1857-9221 electronic form, 2018 p.37
- AshtalkoskaT.,Srbinovska-Doncevski.A, ,,Measures for prevention of corruption in public administration in R.Macedonia” XIX International Scientific Conference, Knowledge in practice Scientific Papers International journal Knowledge Vol.28.6, ISSN 2545-4439, ISSN 1857-923X, 14-16 December, 2018, p.1919
- Srbinovska-Doncevski A. author of the practicum “Communicational skills”, publisher “Nik Nova Print” Skopje, printed by TNID Gjurgja, DOOEL – Skopje, March 2019
- AshtalkoskaT.,Srbinovska-Doncevski.A, ,,Combating money laundering as a part of transnational organized crime-criminal law methods and problems” XXI International Scientific Conference, Knowledge in practice Scientific Papers International journal Knowledge Vol.31, ISSN 2545-4439, promoted in Budva 07.06.2019, p.
- Srbinovska-Doncevski.A., AshtalkoskaT., Culture and language communication, International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje, бр.33, ISSN:1409-8962 printed form, ISSN 1857-9221 electoronic form, June 2019
- AshtalkoskaT.,Srbinovska-Doncevski.A, ,,The right of lawful, humane and justifiable sanction-mechanisms of achieving within the concept of basic human rights and justice” International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje, бр.34 бр.34, ISSN:1409-8962 printed form, ISSN 1857-9221 electoronic form, Januar 2020
- Srbinovska-Doncevski.A., AshtalkoskaT., Strategic development of print media in the future, Spectrum, Studious and scientific magazine, First Published, National and university library "St. Clement of Ohrid " - Skopje ISSN 2671-3489 (print) ISSN 2671-3497 (online), June 2020,
- International Conference - WSF2020 – The 8th World Sustainability Forum, 15-17 September, 2020
- International Conference - Boundary Spanning Champions Online Forum, Bridging University and Industry, 2-3 December, 2020
- Prof. Assoc. Dr. Natasa Todorovska, Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Srbinovska The place of mediation in the Macedonian criminal legislation AUE FONInternational Scientific Conference ,,Contemporary Trends and Multidisciplinary Issues in Nowadays Society,, WBF Western Balkans Fund, 16th April, 2021
- International Conference - ECKM, 22nd European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2-3 September 2021
- Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Srbinovska, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Natasa Todorovska, "Analysis of the psychological profile of women victims of violence", conference on "Women as victims of violence - mechanisms for protection and assistance from institutions,’’ AUE - FON , 07.12.2021