Assoc. Prof. Liza Pantekovska
Faculty of Sport Management
Short narrative bio:
Born in Struga, where she has finished her elementary and high school. 2001, she graduated from the Faculty of physical culture at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. For her academic achievement, as an honorary student with highest ranking of GPA (graduate points average), she has been awarded by:
The Rectorate of the University "St. Cyril and Methodius ”- Skopje
The Students Union of the University "St. Cyril and Methodius ”- Skopje
She has continued her further education at the faculty where she graduated. With GPA of 10, she has successfully earned master`s degree in kinesiology in 2005.
In order to achieve the research affinity in a complementary area such as sports tourism, she has applied her doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality in Ohrid. In April, 2011, she obtained a doctoral degree with a research subject in sports tourism.
She started her professional carrier as a swimming coach, as well as high school teacher in her hometown. Since 2007, she has been employed at the Faculty of Sports Management, first as teaching assistant in several courses. In 2011, she was elected as an assistant professor in the research field of sports tourism, and since 2016 she has been working as an associate professor in the same field. Within the profession, she is a member of the editorial board of scientific journals, reviewer of books and monographs in the field of sports, as well as a researcher in developing strategies of specific forms of tourism (sports and rural).
Course you she has been teaching and courses she is teaching currently:
- Principle of sport tourism
- Sport and leisure
- Introduction to sport analytics
- Recreation activities
- Sport animation
- Sport and tourism in students leisure
- Contemporary scientific research in sports tourism
Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis she supervised and is interested in supervising:
Topics of supervising BA and MA thesis include research fields of: sports tourism, sports animation in tourism, sports activities and the character of leisure.
Research interests:
Research interest is based on the area of the scientific field of election and related areas that are complemented to its multidisciplinary nature.
List of published books and articles:
1. Savovski, M., Nikovski G., Chakareska L.: Opinions and views by the guest for the animation at the hotel "Drim" - Struga. Physical Education Journal No.2, Skopje. (published in Macedonian language)
2.Chakareska, L.: Relations between some anthropometric indicators swimming аbility among beginners in schools for swimming. Paper presented at Symposium CFO, Skopje, 2006 (published in Macedonian language)
3. Chakareska, L.: Biomechanical order optimality of the training techniques of swimming. Paper presented at Symposium CFO, Skopje, 2006 (pubished in Macedonian language)
4. Chakareska L. et al.: What is "swimming shoulder." Conference proceedings. Macedonian schools sport federation. Pelister, 2006 (pubished in Macedonian language)..
5. Chakareska, L.: Factorial structure of flexibility in swimmers at categories of cadets, youths and seniors with formed dynamic stereotype. Conference proceedings. Macedonian schools sport federation. Pelister, 2006 (pubished in Macedonian language).
6. Chakareska, L.: Relations between some tests to assess the flexibility and results in breaststroke technique. FON - First Private University Proceedings, 2008 (pubished in Macedonian language)..
7. Chakareska, L., Kitanovska, T .: Innovative technologies in developing the sports form. Conference Proceedings. Institute for knowledge management, Ohrid, 2009. (pubished in Macedonian language)..
8. Kitanovska, T., Chakareska, L.: Opportunities in optimizing management of sports dancing club. Conference Proceedings Institute for knowledge management, Ohrid, 2009. (pubished in Macedonian language)
9. Chakareska,L., Kitanoska, T.: Usage of IT communication technologies as a criteria for development of sports tourism in Ohrid and Struga region (Republic of Macedonia). 4 th International sport congress for Phd Students in Istanbul, 2011.
10. Kitanoska, T., Chakareska, L.: Historical and contemporary development of marketing. 4 th International sport congress for Phd Students in Istanbul, 2011
11. Chakareska, L.: Sport events in function of development of tourism in Ohrid - Struga region. Scientific Symposium: "The real sector, financial institutions and services in the global crisis - the possibility of recovery". EDUKONS University, Novi Sad, 2011. (published in Serbian language)
12. Chakareska, L.: Evaluation of resource potential for a segmenat sport – touristic or touristic sport offer in crisis: The third science symposium with international involvement, Educons University, Sremska Kamenica, May 24-25, 2012.
13. Chakareska, L.: Sport tourism in Republic of Macedonia – through the prism of the national tourism policy. The 3 rd International scientific Conference - Capitalism in transition.Higher Educational Institution for applied studies of Entrepreneurship. Belgrade, June 2012.
14. Chakareska, L,. Kitanoska, T, Chakaroska, M.: Disrupted scheme of nutrition among athletes with different levels of risk - analysis of the situation in several clubs in the Republic of Macedonia. XX International multi discipline symposium 'Ecology, sport, physical activity and health of young people. Novi Sad Marathon. University of Novi Sad, 2012. (published in Serbian language)
15. Kitanoska, T., Chakareska,L.,Tsvetkov, Ts.: Physical education in preschool institutions in Kumanovo - Macedonia. XX International multi discipline symposium 'Ecology, sport, physical activity and health of young people. Novi Sad Marathon. University of Novi Sad, 2012. (published in Serbian language)
16. Chakareska, L.: Recreational habits in everyday life as predictors for sport – oriented trip:experiences of tourists from R. of Macedonia. The fourth scienece symposium with international involement, Educons University, Sremska Kamenica, May 29, 2013.
17.Kitanoska, T., Chakareska, L. Management of sport activities at universities in Republic of Macedonia. Coference proceedings, UNSS Sofia (R. Bulgaria). November, 2013 (published in Bulgarian language). Reprented in Journal of Process Management – New Tecnologies, 2014
18.Chakareska, L., Kitanoska, T. Attractive potential of interuniversity sports leagues in Macedonia – problems and challenges. Coference proceedings, UNSS Sofia (R. Bulgaria). November, 2013 (published in Bulgarian language). Reprented in Journal of Process Management – New Tecnologies, 2014
19. Kitanovska, T., Chakareska L. Organization of the sports and physical education management system structure in the Republic of Macedonia. Activities in Physical Education and Sport. International journal of scientific and professional Issues in physical education and sport. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 121-125, 2015. (indexed in EBSCO)
20. Kitanoska, T., Čhakareska, L. Management of sport activities at universities in Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Process Management – New Tecnologies, 2014 (Global impact and Quality factor 1.023)
21. Chakareska, L., Kitanoska, T. Attractive potential of interuniversity sports leagues in Macedonia – problems and challenges. Journal of Process Management – New Tecnologies, 2014 (Global impact and Quality factor 1.023)
22. Chakareska, L., Kitanovska, T. Tourist behavior of non – competitive athletes in the Republic of Macedonia based on certain socio – demographic characteristics. International Balkan sport science congress (IBSSC 2015). Edrine, Turkey, 3-6 May, 2015
23. Chakareska- Pantekovska, L., Brajanovski, T.: Managing of sports animation activities at hotel "Epinal" – Bitola (R. Macedonia). International Journal of Process Management – New Tecnologies, 2014 (Global impact and Quality factor 1.023)
24. Pantekovska, L. Factorial structure of Crouch&Ritchie model of destination competitiveness adapted an applied to the sport tourist with different socio demographic features in the Republic of Macedonia International Journal KNOWLEDGE. Institute of Knowledge Management, 2016 (GIF 1.023)
25.Pantekovska, L. Latent structure of the destination competitivness of Struga region (R.Macedonia) evaluated by the sport tourists from diverse nationality. XII International May conference of strategic management IMKSM Bor (Serbia), 2016 (indexed in EBSCO).
26. Pantekovska, L., Kitanovska , T.: Quality of sport and recreational services in tourism of Struga region (R. Macedonia) – application od adopted SERQUAL model. XIII International May conference of strategic management IMKSM Bor (Serbia), 2017 (indexed in EBSCO).
27. Kitanovska, T., Pantekovska, L.: Anylysis for establishing conditions for managing sport activities at the universities – Republic of Macedonia case studies. XIII International May conference of strategic management IMKSM Bor (Serbia), 2017 (indexed in EBSCO).
28. Pantekovska, L., Dimkovski, D. The influence of dome socio- demographic characteristics among high school students from R. Macedonia in the selection of extra – curricular sport tourism activities. International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM18, May, 25 – 27, 2018, Bor, Serbia.
29. Pantekovska L., Dimkovski, D., Kitanovska S. T., „Participation of sports – animative contents in the structure of the leisure time to the student – tourist“, Knowledge International Journal, Vol. 23.5, with Global Impact Factor 1.322, Budva, Montenegro, p. 1683-1690, May, 2018.
30. Gjuroska, E., Pantekovska, L. Efects of climate change on tourism with special accent of some forms of sport tourism. International magazine for social sciences “ Vizione” 31/2018, Skopje, pp. 191 – 207 (indexed in EBSCO).
31. Pantekovska, L., Hiohi, K. Relations among socio –demogarphic characteristic of tourists and quality dimensions of outdoor sports activities in Struga region IMCSM Proceedings, Volume XV, Issue 1/2019, Bor, Serbia, pp.287 -296 (indexed in EBSCO).
32. Kitanovska – Stojkovska, T., Pantekovska, L. Motives of users towards fitness services and factors that influence the choice of fitness center- in the role of residents and tourists International magazine for social sciences “ Vizione” 33/2019, Skopje, pp. 393-405 (indexed in EBSCO).
33.Pantekovska, L, Kitanovska S. T., „Assessment of motivation related to participation in outdoor sport tourism activities: through the example of students from Private High School “Yahya Kemal”-Struga“, Knowledge International Journal, Vol. 35.6, p. 2129-2136, Bansko, 2019.
34. Kitanovska Stojkovska, T., Pantekovska, L., „Program activities through sport dances – animation and recreation“, International journal „Knowledge“, Vol.35.6, p. 2167-2172, Bansko 2019
35. Pantekovska, L., Arsic N. „Impact of sport leisure activities on local community: resident`s perception in the case of mountain resort Popova Shapka“. Кnowledge – International Journal, Vol.47.5, pp. 861-868.
List of textbooks:
Pantekovska, L.: Principle of sport tourism – practicum. Skopje, 2019
Nevcheva, C., Popovski, A. Pantekovska, L.: Impact of regular Physical activity on health – health workers and coworkers employees un public health organization…Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019