Ass. Prof. Tatjana Srceva Pavloska
Faculty of Economics
Short bio:
Tatjana Srceva-Pavlovska is an Assistant Professor of English at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at the AUE- FON University in Skopje, Macedonia. She teaches number of courses in American and British literature and civilization, as well as a course in Feminist theory and criticism for graduate students. Her main research interest is within the field of literary criticism, feminism and gender studies as well as the presentation of suicidality, witchery and the subversiveness of female madness in literature; abortion/reproductive rights She is an alumna od the U.S. Department of State SUSI Program - Study of US Institute on Contemporary American Literature, Louisville, Kentucky. From 2018-2021, Prof. Srceva-Pavlovska has been an expert consultant and a national curricula developer for the national English language curricula for primary education and secondary vocational education. Prof. Srceva-Pavlovska works in the field of literary translation as well and she is a co-founder and active member of the EFACIS- Macedonia (European Federation of Associations and Centers of Irish Studies). Also, Prof. Srceva-Pavlovska is a member of the editorial and journalistic team of the MAAA (Macedonian-American Alumni Association) for their Newsletter. Prof. Srceva-Pavlovska has published several books/monographs in English and Macedonian: Za ženskata divina Skopje: DataPons; On Female Wilderness. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing; On Female Madness. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Course that she been teaching and courses she is teaching currently:
- American literature 1
- American literature 2
- British/English literature 1
- British/English literature 2
- British/English literature 3
- British/English literature 4
- Modern English language 1
- Modern English language 2
- Intercultural Communication
- Feminist theory and criticism
Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis she supervised and is interested in supervising:
- American and British literature
- American and British civilization and culture
- Feminist, gender studies
- Research interests (and on-going research, if you are conducting one)
Main research interest is within the field of literary criticism, feminism and gender studies as well as the presentation of suicidality, witchery and the subversiveness of female madness in literature; abortion and reproductive rights
List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books, exhibitions and audiovisual works
Published books/monographs:
1. Double jeopardy - being a woman and radical Suicide as liberation tool in Atwood's The Testaments - Филологическое образование и современный мир - Забайкальскйй государственный унйверсйтет, 2021 Transbaikal State University, Chita, the Russian Federation, July 2021;
2. When PRO-choice becomes ANTI-democratic notion: Pro-life lessons on violence in A Book of American Martyrs by J.C. Oates - International magazine for social sciences VIZIONE, Skopje, July 2021;
3. Prosopopoeial poetry of a personal prophetic transfiguration -Sylvia Plath's "Lady Lazarus" and David Bowie's "Lazarus" - in process of publication, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Russian Federation, 2021;
4. Disneyfication of the (b)witches - feminist perspective on past and present witchcraft International magazine for social sciences VIZIONE, Skopje, September 2020;
5. Female madness as a sub-element of gothic and fantastic literature ESIDRP Proceedings e-volume, Skopje, June 2020 DOI / УДК: 305-055.2:821.111-31;
6. Judith Shakespeare's imaginary ''off the road'' feminist rewriting of On the Road International magazine for social sciences Spectrum, May 2020;
7. (Re)naming and identity issue in Jhumpa Lahiri's novel The Namesake vis-à-vis The Republic of Macedonia's name change International magazine for social sciences VIZIONE, Skopje, March 2019, pp 225-235. Vol. 32, ISSN:1857- 9221;
8. The Mystical nature (the wild zone) of the woman in literature, International Scientific Journal HORISONS September 2014, Bitola, Vol. 15, pp 179-191. ISBN: 305-055.2:821;
9. Fusion of literature and social media: fact or fiction? International magazine for social sciences VIZIONE, January 2017, Skopje, Vol. 27, pp 83-91. ISSN 1409-8962/ISSN1857-9221;
10. Intertextual female madness fighting conformism - reflections on subversiveness in sequels, International Scientific Journal HORISONS, Bitola, December 2017, Series A, Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 21, pp 259-269, ISSN 1857-9884;
12. The metaphor or silence and the madness of the Macedonian literary woman, International magazine for social sciences VIZIONE, Skopje, July 2018, pp 57-67. Vol. 30, pp 57-67. ISSN: 1409-8962