Ass. Prof. Anita Gligorova
Faculty of Law & Political Science
Short narrative bio
She completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski", University "St. Cyril and Methodius ”, in 2001. In 2011, she defended her master degree thesis titled “NATO Enlargement Policy and Relations with Republic of Macedonia” and obtained a Master of science degree in political science in fields of the European and international politics and diplomacy, at The Faculty of Political Science, Diplomacy and Journalism at FON University. In 2017, at the Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, she defended her doctoral dissertation titled "Practicing Military Operations and Civilian Missions of European Security and Defense Policy and Candidate Countries for European Union membership" and obtained a scientific degree of Doctor of Political Science.
Since 2018, she is an assistant professor in the field of International Political Organizations and Diplomacy at the Faculty of Low and Political Science at FON University.
She is a member of the Senate of FON University, as well as of several faculty and university commissions and working groups, including: Commission for Self-evaluation of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at FON University; Commission for preparation of accreditation elaborates for first and second study cycles; and University Commission for preparation of accreditation elaborates for third study cycles.
She has been actively participated in several international scientific conferences. She was also a member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Conference of Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities, "7-th Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People Conference", held in Ohrid in 2018.
Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently
- History of diplomacy
- Globalization
- Geopolitics
- International organizations
- Theory and practice of diplomacy
- Diplomatic consular relations
- Diplomatic Protocol
- Contemporary diplomacy
- International Security
Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising
“Separatist Ideas in Europe - The Example of Catalonia”, Master Thesis, field Diplomacy
"The role of the OSCE in the Western Balkans" - Master Thesis, field International Organizations
“NATO's post-Cold War enlargement policy "- BA thesis, field International Organizations
"The new methodology for the enlargement of the European Union and its impact on the candidate countries for membership in the Union - specialist thesis, field International organizations
"The impact of the unresolved status of the MOC-OA on the international position of the Macedonian state" - MA thesis, field Diplomacy
"Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Northern Macedonia and the Russian Federation after 1991" - MA thesis, field Diplomacy
Research interests (and on-going research, if you are conducting one)
My research interests focuses on field of International Political Organizations, especially Intergovernmental Political Organizations such as NATO, the UN and the EU and exploration of the Common Foreign and Security Policy as well as Common Security and Defense Policy and International Security and Geopolitics in general.
Further, my research interests expands to the field of Diplomacy with emphasis on the History of diplomacy, Theory and Practice of Diplomacy and Contemporary Diplomacy.
List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books
„A Diplomacy as a tool for Conflict Prevention and Management“, Vision International Scientific Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2, International Vision University-Institute of Social Sciences, Гостивар, 2020.
“Excise tax in Kosovo and harmonization with the acquis communautaire - comparative analysis”, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of “Contemporary Trends and Multidisciplinary Issues in Nowadays Society”, Luarasi University, Tirana, 2020.
“EU Emmissions Trading Scheme: Recent Developments”, Vision International Scientific Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, International Vision University-Institute of Social Sciences, Гостивар, 2019.
“The Arbitration Commission and The Dissolution of the Yugoslav Federation”, Knowledge, International Journal Scientific Papers, Vol. 35.5, IKM, Скопје, 2019.
“EU Cyber Defence Policy: Recent Developments”, Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference on Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People (CCEDEP 2019), Novi Sad, 2019.
“Ecologic Cadastre: Comparative Overview of the EU and Macedonian Law”, Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference on Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People (CCEDEP 2019), Novi Sad, 2019.
“The new EU Directive on Combatting Terrorism: a Critical Appraisal”, International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance, University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade, 2019.
“Decision-making and planning of European Union’s peacekeeping missions”, International magazine for social sciences “Vizione”, 29/2018, The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club” Скопје, 2018.
“Financing EU Military Operations: The Athena Mechanism”, Vision International Refereed Scientific Journal, International Vision University, Gostivar, 2018.
„Legal Basis for Participation of Third Countries in EU-Led Peace Missions”, International Scientific Journal, Contemporary Macedonian Defence, Ministry of Defence Republic of Macedonia, No. 33, Vol. 17, Скопје, 2017.
“Measures of administrative protection of classified information in the Republic of Macedonia”, Knowledge, International Journal Scientific Papers, Vol. 13.3, IKM, Скопје, 2016.
“Linking nutrition patterns and the globalised food system to Global Warming and Diabetes”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Economic Sciences and 5th Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People (CCEDEP), Conference of the Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities (ACEU), Kaposvár University, Kaposvár, Hungary, May 2015.
„Special defense-security needs and interests of the European Union and individual defense-security needs and interests of its member states within NATO”, Knowledge, International Journal, Scientific & Applicative Papers, IKM, Скопје, 2014.
„Правото на примена на знаењето и неговото остварување во Република Македонија“, Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International, Mapro, Vranje, 2014.
„Право на одговарајући животни стандард као природно људско право и улога државе у његовом остваривању“, Зборник радова: Економски развој и животни стандард, Паневропски универзитет „АПЕИРОН“, Бања Лука, 2012.
„Proces pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji (sa osvrtom na iskustvo Republike Makedonije)”, Зборник радова: Економски развој и животни стандард, Паневропски универзитет „АПЕИРОН“, Бања Лука, 2011.
“Right to a Healthy Climate as a Function of the Right to Life”, Proceedings of 1st Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People Conference, Нови Сад, 2011.