Assoc. Prof. Antonio Arangjelovikj
Faculty of Design and Multimedia
Title, Name and Surname
Professor Antonio Arangelovic
Short narrative bio (max 250 words)
Antonio Arangelovic is born in Skopje, Macedonia on 23.02.1986. He graduated at the high school for art “Lazar Licenovski”, in the graphic art setc.ion in 2004 in Skopje. He enrolled in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje in 2006 and graduated in 2010; he reserved his master degree in graphic art setc.ion in 2014. From an early age he works in the sphere of Visual Art, comic books, animation, music and graphic design. Up until now, has head three individual art exhibitions, multiple group art exhibitions, published four comic books and one graphic novel, two animated shorts and participated on several festivals; he has head designed couple of front book covers and covers of musical albums, visual identity, book illustrations; he had published over ten musical albums and etc.
Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently
Since 2015 Antonio Arangelovic works as a Professor at the Faculty of Design and Multimedia at the FON University. He’s teaching subjetc. are: Drawing Technics 1, Drawing Technics 2, Graphic Design 1, Graphic Design 2, Storyboard, Comic book design, Graphic Design – advance level 2, Art Aesthetics and Design, Printing Preparations and Motion Picture Design; from 2015 to 2019 he is also teaching the subjetc.s Art Expressions 1 and 2 at the faculty for Architetc.ure at FON University.
Subjetc.s and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising
He’s subjetc.s and fields of research are: graphic design, visual identity, comic book and etc..
Research interests (and on-going research, if you are conducting one)
Drawing, comic books, traditional and digital graphic art, video art, music, illustration, concept art and etc..
List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books
2010 – comic book: Faceism 1
2011 – comic book: Faceism 2
2012 – comic book: Faceism 3
2016 – musical album: Legia – Legion of The Dammed (total design)
2017 – comic book: Faceism 4
2019 – graphic novel: Some Little Things
1998 – group art exhibition at the private art school “Dega”
2010 – group art exhibition at “Osten”, Skopje
2011 – Individual art exhibition for graphics, drawings and paintings at Y.C.C., Skopje
2012 – participations in the Art Colony in Plav, Monte Negro
2012 – group art exhibition for paintings in Novi Pazar, Serbia
2012 – exhibition for drawings and paintings in the Japanese spirit in Y.C.C., Skopje
2013 – participations in the Festival for Comic Books exhibition in Leskovac, Serbia.
2013 – Individual art exhibition for traditional graphics at The Graphics Studio in the Skopje City Museum
2013 – participations in the Art Colony “Sophia” in Bogdanci, Macedonia
2013 – group art exhibition of graphics in the Skopje City Museum
2014 – group art exhibition for drawings and paintings in C.I.C., Skopje
2014 – participations with “Empty Mind” in the Festival for animated short BALKANIMA FEST in Belgrade, Serbia
2014 – participations with “Empty Mind” at CINEDAYS film festival in Skopje
2015 – participations in the Art Colony in Plav, Monte Negro
2015 – group art exhibition of paintings in Plav, Monte Negro
2016 – Total Design of The 27th European Kendo Championship (posters, logo, catalog, medal, etc.)
2016 – participations and engagement in the competition for student poster on the subject – “Republic of Macedonia as a tourist destination” under the project “The Polish Poster School”
2017 – Individual art exhibition of traditional graphics and drowings “Whose is my City” at the Skopje City Museum
2017 – group art exhibition of Reborn in the Museum of Debar Maalo
2018 – group art exhibition “Donate Art” at C.I.C., Skopje