Prof. Zunun Zununi
Faculty of Law & Political Science
Title, Name and Surname
Zunun Zununi PhD
Short narrative bio (max 250 words)
PhD, University "St. Cyril and Methodius ”, Skopje, PhD in Sociology (2008)
Master studies, University "St. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, Master in History Science (2004)
Undergraduate studies, University "St. Cyril and Methodius”Skopje
Prof. Dr. Zunun Zununi is a full professor at AUE-FON University, an active participant in a number of domestic and international conferences, seminars and scientific projects.
He is a mentor and reviewer of a number of master's, specialist and diploma theses.
Prof. Dr. Zunun Zununi is fluent in English and Italian.
Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently
Sociology of law,
Political history of Macedonia,
International Relations and Organizations,
Alternative and peaceful dispute resolution,
Political science methodology,
Political philosophy,
International communication
Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising
Research interests (and on-going research, if you are conducting one)
Zunun Zununi PhD has participated in several Scientific International and Domestic Projects:
- "In the Macedonian culture as well: leadership is the power of the person, not the gender", Ministry of Culture of R. Macedonia, Skopje, 2019
- Tet-a-tet With the Euro - Atlantic Values, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung offices of Skopje and Paris, 2013;
- Tet-a-tet With the Euro - Atlantic Values, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung offices of Skopje and Paris, 2012;
- Factory of Knowledge, FON University, Skopje, year - 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012…
List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books, exhibitions and audiovisual works
Publications Presentations, Projects, Conferences, Seminars...
Book: Zunun Zununi., Emigration movements from Macedonia to Europe, America and Australia, NUB "St. Kliment Ohridski ”, Skopje, 2019
Book: Zunun Zununi., Development trends in the villages of the municipality of Mavrovo and Rostusha (1945-2010), NUB "St. Kliment Ohridski ”, Skopje, 2010 (peer-reviewed university textbook)
Book: Zunun Zununi., Monograph of the Municipality of Centar Zupa, Skopje 2012
Open Access Journals (EBSCO) и Global Impact and Quality Factor:
1. Zununi Z., Jovcheska S., “Multinational and International Teams - Strategy for Performing Critical Organizational Projects”, Vizione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.32, 2019
2. Zununi Z., Jovcheska S., “The Necessity of Professional Mentors for Successful Expatriate Adaptation on Their Retrieval to Their Home Countries” Knowledge, (International Journal Scientific and Applicative papers), 2019 (EBSCO, Global Impact & Quality Factor 1,322)
3. Zununi Z., Jovcheska S. “Brand Management and Intellectual Property”, Vizione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.30, 2018
4. Zununi Z., Jovcheska S., "General Electric Company - Successful Strategy for Successful Performance in the International Market", Vizione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.23 / 2015
5. Zununi Z., Chudoska I., Jovcheska S., “Profile of Professional and International Managers”, Vizione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.24, 2015
6. Chudoska Blazevska I., “Globl Character of Economic Immigration”, Vizione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.22, 2014
7. Zununi Z., Jovcheska S., “Planning Human Resources - Practice for Working of Modern and Successful Companies in a Global Level”, Vizione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.21, 2014
8. Z. Zununi, Crossroads, The Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, 2015 (in print)
9. Mr. Zununi, "General Electric Company - a successful strategy for successful performance in the international market", Visione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, 2015
10. Chudoska I., Zununi Z. “Global character of economic immigration”, International Magazine for social studies „Vizione” Number.22, Skopje: Visions Magazine -2014, p.393-400
11. Chudoska I., Maliqi N., Zununi Z. "There is no Development without Knowledge - the Problem of Experts Outflow from the Balkan Countries" Presented on the International scientific conference "New Knowledge for New Development", MASA Macedonian Academy for Science and Arts, Skopje 7-8 October 2013
12. Chudoska I., Maliqi.N., Zununi Z. “International Economic Migration as a Global Phenomenon” Presented on the International scientific conference “Migration and Labor Market” organized by St.Cyril and Methodius University, Institute for Sociological political and juridical research, Krushevo, R.Macedonia, 19-20 October 2012;
13. Mr. Zunini, "Displacement of the population from the region of Mavrovo and Rostusha to Turkey", Albanological Studies, Institute of Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians, Skopje, 2012
14. Z. Zununi, "Respect for the national and organizational culture in the organization a prerequisite for effectiveness in teamwork", Institute for Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of Albanians, Skopje, 2011
15. Z. Zununi, "Emigration of the inhabitants of the Municipality of Mavrovo and Rostusha in the Republic of Turkey", Institute for Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of Albanians, Skopje, 2011
16. Z. Zununi "Natural movement of the total population in the villages that today belong to the municipality of Mavrovo and Rostusha" Visione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.17, 2011
17. Z. Zununi “Migration of population-process that never stop”, Crossroads, The Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, edition 9 бр. 2, 2011
18. Z. Zununi, "Strategy for Development of Education in the Western Balkans", I's International Scientific Group on Economic Development and Living Standards, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011
19. Z. Zununi “Europeization and Macedonian Emigration in the European Countries - Example of Italy”, Identity in the Era of Globalization and Europeanization, International Scientific Conference, St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, 2011
20. Z. Zununi, "Implementation of quality social policy a prerequisite for faster economic growth and development of the Republic of Macedonia", Visione, International Journal of Economics, Politics and Sociology, n.16, 2011
21. Z. Zununi, "Emigration movements from Macedonia to Europe with special reference to Italy", NUB "St. Kliment Ohridski ”, Skopje, 2011 ....