Prof. Aleksandar Popovski
Faculty of Sport Management
Dean, Sports
Work email: [email protected]
Short narrative bio
Date of birth – 13.05.1968 Skopje
Nationality - Macedonian
EDUCATAION Faculty of Physical Education, Skopje, 1992 Graduated Professor
Magister degree in physical education 2000, Fpc Skopje Kinesiology PhD Professor, Faculty of Physical Education – Skopje, 2005 Faculty of sports management Acting Dean, 2010 – 2011 University Sport Coordinator from 2010 University Basketball Team Selector University Futsal Team Selector SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - Member of Macedonia Olympic Committee Assembly - Member of Management Board of Macedonian Swimming Federation - Member of the University Sport Federation Assembly of Macedonia - Member of the top presidency of two sport clubs "APVK Student" from Skopje and Ski Club "Skopje" from Skopje - Many times supreme Judge at the state swimming competitions in
Macedonia - Swimming Coach at APVK Student since 1990 Scientific study – KINESIOLOGY
Course you are teaching currently:
Sport and society,
Swimming and Waterpolo,
Sport training,
Sport diagnostics,
Programing of transformacion processes,
Tests for evaluation of physical preformance,
Researches in sports.
Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis :
Sport and society,
Olimpisam, Swimming and Waterpolo,
Sport training for all sports,
Periodization for all sports,
Sport diagnostics for all sports,
Programing of transformacion processes for all sports,
Tests for evaluation of physical preformance for all sports,
Researches in sports.
Research interests
- Scientific – expert project implemented abroad, Swimming Association Central Serbia, The Influence of different training programs to non-swimmers on the acquired swimming skills, Krushevac 2008
- Speaker at the Project organized by the Ministry of education, Education Development Bureau, Project for modernization of the education (2010) with total 78 conducted classes. Team work and school partnership – sustainable development
- Local project, Agency for promotion and support of tourism in Republic of Macedonia,, Action Plan Sub-strategy for Sport Tourism Development 2015-2018, global Project Consulting, June – October 2014
List of published articles :
1. Comparative analysis of some morphological, motor and books swimming features for swimmers in Skopje and students from the Faculty of Physical Education, Skopje, 1994.
2. Difference of some morphology features difference between water polo players and Skopje students, 1994.
3. Attitudes and interests for physical education related activities for the student with different morphological results tests, Skopje 1994.
4. Anthropometric variable influence over bio motorical variables for students from other faculties, who chose swimming subject. University bulletin no,628, Skopje, 1996.
5. Influents on some relent parameters on the success in 100 m. butterfly – woman at the OG in Atlanta 1996, Physical Education no. 1-2 from 1997.
6. Regressive analysis on relevant parameters on the success in 200 m butterfly – woman at the OG in Atlanta 1996, Physical education no. 1-2 dated 1997.
7. Relevant indicators relations on the success in 100 m freestyle – woman at the OL Atlanta 1996, Physical Education no. 1-2 dated 1997.
8. Relevant indicators relations on the success in 100 m butterfly – men at the OL Atlanta 1996, Physical Education no. 1-2 dated 1997.
9. Strengthening optimal learning model for basketball elements in accordance with biomechanical structure included in the basic education curriculum, Symposium, 17-19 September 2004, Ohrid.
10. The influence on the latent and morphological structure on some variables for assessing the bio motor area on male students at the University “St,Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje, Symposium, First International Symposium, 2005, Skopje
11. Differences in the preciseness during kick under 45 degrees angle at middle distance from left and right side directly into basketball hoop, after jump kick, for right handed players, First International Symposium of CFO, 2005, Skopje
12. Relationship between specific basketball preciseness from some specific mothoric variables, First International Symposium CFO, 2005, Skopje
13. Comparative analysis of the surveys in sport and sport activates for both gender students conducted at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje (2004-2005) and (2005 2006). Second International Symposium of CFO, 2006, Skopje.
14. The influence of some sociology features regarding physical education and sport for students sportist and non sportist from first year at University St.Syrul and Methodius” in Skopje. Second International Symposium of CFO, 2006, Skopje.
15. Anthropometric variables influence over the static force of male students at the university St. Cyril and Methodius- Skopje.
16. Factor structure of the anthropometric variables for student – sportists and students non sportists at the University “St,Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. Yearly newsletter FON, 2009 Skopje.
17. Regress analysis of social variable- monthly income of the family on the morphological and bio motoric area for students sportists and students non sportists.International Science Conference, The knowledge as future capital, 26-28 November 2009, Ohrid.
18. Factor structure of some measures for assessing the anthropometric features of young karate players, Science and sport, page 29-34, 2009, Skopje.
19. Physical activity and sedentary habits for youngsters. Science and sport, 7-12, 2009, Skopje 20. Regulating the Sports Club Ethics, Code of Ethics Case, FUNTEK, Strumica, 2012.
21. Determining the relation between some test for evaluation of speed and certain situational – motoric tests in football, for 10-12 years old children, Institute of Knowledge Management, International Journal vol 1,2,2014.
22. Morphology features relation with efficiency of jump kick after dribbling. Knowledge Management Institute, international journal vol.1,2,2014.
23. Comparative analysis on the situational efficiency in the game between KK Kolibri – Ohrid and KK MZT-Skopje. Knowledge Management Institute, international journal vol. 1,2,2014.
24. Factor structure of technical tactic activities of the first place representation of Brasil team at the World Championship in futsal Tailand 2012, 5-th international scientific and applicative conference: Knowledge capitol of the future, who and what 21-25 may,2015, Bansko vol.9, 309.
25. Factor structure of technical tactic activities of the second place representation of Spain team at the World Championship in futsal Tailand 2012, 6th International Scientific and Applicative Conference: Knowledge Capitol of the future, the power of knowledge 2-4 October, Agia Triada Greece,2015, vol.10-1, 621.
26. Quantitative intergroup differences in anthropometric and motor skills indicators of students handball players from first, second and third year of the national sports academy in Skopje, Knowledge, international journal, scientific papers, vol 11/2 ,4-6 December, 2015 Bansko, R. Bulgaria,265.
27. Quantitative index change of the special judo fitness test for judoist at different age categories after placebo use, Knowledge, international journal, scientific papers, vol 12/1,8-10 April, Bansko, R. Bulgaria,399.
28. Impact of regular physical activity on health in the health workers and associates with different socio-demographic characteristics employees in public heath organization in Republic of Macedonia,17-19 June,2016, Durres Republic of Albania Books Swimming – basics of techniques and methodic, Book 2005 Swimming Practicum, 2005 Water polo basics of technics and tactics, Book 2006 Swimmers Basics Training, Book 2007 Swimming – basics and techniques and method (added edition) 2012 Sports Survey 2016 Monography “APVK Student”-Skopje 1964 – 2017/2018.