Prof. Biljana Puleska

Prof. Biljana Puleska

Faculty of Law & Political Science

Prof.  Biljana Puleska Janushevska

Teaching scientific title: Tenure Professor

Scientific areas: Private International law, Public International law


University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Faculty of Law “ Skopje, Doctoral Studies

Title of Doctoral thesis “Conflict of laws for civil delicts in EU and Macedonia”, 02 February 2009, PhD. in law

University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Faculty of Law- Skopje, Postgraduate studies in international law and international politics

Title of Master Thesis:” Responsibility of states for international wrongful acts” 08April 2005; LL.M in international law

University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Faculty of Law, Skopje, Bachelor of Laws, LL.B VII/1

Short narrative bio

Academic engagement started in 2005 at FON University. From 2005 to 2009 she was engaged as an associate in the field of legal sciences at the Faculty of Law within the FON-University as an teaching assistant. In 2009 she was elected in title Assistant professor in the field of legal disciplines, and in April 2014 she was elected as Associated professor in the field of international law. From July 2020, she is tenure professor in Private International law and Public International law.  From this period until today, she has been engaged in teaching international law: International Public Law, International Private Law, Arbitration Law and International Commercial Law at the Faculty of Law and Political Science within FON University. In the period from 2010 until present she performed important University functions, such as University Coordinator for the EU Erasmus Program for Academic Mobility (2010), University Coordinator for International Cooperation (2013) and Secretary General of the University (2016) and acting rector (2021). She participate in the work of number of University committees. She contributed in number of international conferences and debates in the field of European integration and harmonization of national to EU Acquis, international human rights law, mediation and alternative dispute resolution, as well as cross-border management of natural resources.

For more than two decades, she has been involved in the implementation of international and national research and application projects to support institutional development of governing bodies, harmonization of national legislation with European Union law, cross-border management of natural resources and implementation of international instruments in domestic law.

Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently

Public International law Private international law

International commercial Arbitration, International trade law and EU environmental law

Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising

Private International Law, Public International Law, International commercial Arbitration, International trade law and EU environmental law

Research interests (and on-going research, if you are conducting one)

Research interests include topics and issues related to regime of natural resources and cross-border management; human rights; international private law and interactions

List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books

1. Biologically-assisted fertilization and private international law, Prof. Dr. Biljana PULESKA, International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 26/201634/2020, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2020) ProQuest&Cite FactorOpen Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor, First Published in August 2004 ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form; ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form, UDC: 347.63:616.177-089.888.11 (497.7), page 111-123;

2. Guaranteeing the human right to water, Prof. Dr. Biljana PULESKA, International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 34/2020, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2020) ProQuest&Cite FactorOpen Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor First Published in August 2004 ISSN: 1409- 8962- printed form; ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form, UDC: 342.7:628.1 342.7:628.1]:341.24 page 183- 190;

3. Affordability of water services as an element of the human right to water-the problem of implementation in Macedonia, Prof. Dr. Biljana PULESKA, International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 34/2020, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2020) ProQuest&Cite FactorOpen Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor First Published in August 2004 ISSN: 1409- 8962- printed form; ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form, UDC: 342.7:628.1]:341.24(497.7) 291- 296;

4. General conditions for responsibility of states for internationally wrongfull acts, Prof. Dr. Biljana PULESKA, International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 30/2018, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2018) ProQuest&Cite Factor, First Published in 2004, ISSN: 1409-8962- printed, 295-305 pp, UDC 336.02 (497.7)UDC 336.02 (497.7), 117-131;

5. Applying the law of the place of the tort as connecting factor for determination of the applicable law for non-contractual obligations arising from violation of the right to privacy, reputation and other personal rights, Prof. Dr. Biljana PULESKA, International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 27/2017, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2017) ProQuest&Cite Factor, First Published in 2004, ISSN: 1409-8962- printed, 239-249 pp, UDC 336.02 (497.7)UDC 336.02 (497.7), 239-249pp;

6. Conflict of laws on non-contractual liability for infringement of intellectual property rights, Prof. Dr. Biljana PULESKA, International magazine for social sciences “Vizione” Nr. 26/2016, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2016) ProQuest&Cite FactorOpen Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor First Published in Август 2004 ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form; ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form, 142 pp, UDC 336.02 (497.7)UDC 336.02 (497.7), 145pp;

7. Macedonian water management policy and climate change, SDEWES12-0097 Macedonian water management policy and climate change, Archival Paper, selected for a journal special issue (“Управување со води и климатски промени во �?епублика Македонија“), 12-0097, страна 106, SDEWES, Book of abstracts, 2012;

8. The implementation of the climate change regime in the Republic of Macedonia – some aspects on the EU emission trading scheme („Имплементација на режимот на климатски промени во �?епублика Македонија- некои аспекти на Шемата за трговија со стакленички гасови на ЕУ“), European Journal of Management and Public policy, 2012, страна 114 – 130;

9. Development tendencies of the conflict of law norms for non-contractual liability in Republic of Macedonia (“�?азвој на правните норми за деликти во република Македонија“), Правни живот, број 10, 2011, Право и одговорност, Kopaoничка школа природног права 2011, страна 357-370;  

10. Стратешка студија за потребите, бенефициите и можните импликации, завршен извештај на проектот перспективи за примена на нуклеарни електроенергетски извори во �?епублика Македонија, 2011, МАНУ;

11. Suggestion to ehence cultural dialogue, co-author Seventh ECPD international conference reconciliation, tolerance and human security in the balkans ”new balkans and european union enlargement”, („Предлог за подобрување на меѓукултурен дијалог“) зборник на трудови 2011, страна 265- 278;

12. The EU concept of environmental liability and some international private legal issues related to cross-border environmental liability, Conference proceedings, International scientific conference, Ecology and Law, University of Nis 2011, page 66;

13. Towards integrated management of the Prespa lake watershed – models for stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process,  BALWOIS International Conference on Water Observation and Information System for decision support, Conference proceedings, manuscript number 2010-355, March  2010;

14. Application of the concept of „ manifestly more closely connected“ for civil delicts conflict of laws in Republic of Macedonia: relativization of the general conflict of law rule, Yearbook of FON University, 2009; 

15. Human rights protection from infringement based on national, racial and religious basis in the provisions of the criminal legislation of the Republic of Macedonia and its harmonization with European legislation, coauthor,  Globalization of the Region – EU Perspectives as a Challenge, Third Annual Conference on European Union Integration- conference proceedings, University American college Skopje,  manuscript 20, May 2008;

16. Macedonia and the Globalization process and Euro-Atlantic Integration, coauthor, Globalization of the Region – EU Perspectives as a Challenge, Third Annual Conference on European Union Integration- conference proceedings, University American college Skopje, manuscript 21, May 2008;

17. The EU Water Framework Directive in Macedonia, Stanislava Dodeva, Biljana Puleska, – BALWOIS International Conference on Water Observation and Information System for decision support, May 2004,  2004-0023;

18. Analysis of the water Supply Consumer rights  in Republic of Macedonia: water rights Law on waters-2008, (Анализа на водокорисничкото право во �?епублика Македонија: водни права Закон за водите 2012),  Центар за еколошка демократија- Флоразон, Скопје 2012 , ISBN 987-608-4601- 04-3;

19. Recording the pressures on the water resources: Who pollutes the waters in Macedonia?, Biljana Puleska Janusheska, Dejan Andonov , Institute for Communication Studies, Skopje, 2020;

20. Monitoring the water resources: How to establish the real situation? Biljana Puleska Janusheska,  Dejan Andonov , Institute for Communication Studies, Skopje, 2020;

21. Better coordination and implementation of the inspection supervision: What will help? Biljana Puleska Janusheska, Dejan Andonov , Institute for Communication Studies, Skopje, 2020;

22. Issues in water resources management: How to use and protect water, Puleska Biljana, Popovski Nikola Institute for Communication Studies, Skopje, 2020;

23. Assessment of the local action for mitigating and adapting to climate change in the Vardar and Southeast planning regions, Biljana Puleska, UNDP, November 2013;

24.  Strategic concept on the role of the spatial and urban planning for better climate change governance,  Biljana Puleska, UNDP, November 2013;

25. Amendments of the Law on Private international Law: new general conflict of laws rule applicable to non- contractual   liability  договорна одговорност за штета со странски Pravnik, number 230, june 2011, page 51;

26. International Conference on Partnership and Dialogue – Preconditions for Good Governance for Implementation of the EU Environmental Acquis, Maj 2009;

27. “Model for the Involvement of Stakeholders in Water Management Issues”  „Border lake protection and management network, International Workshop on Cross-border Lakes in South Eastern Europe, international workshop, May, 2005;

28. “Water rights”, IX Water management Conference, proceedings October, 2003.