Prof. Dr. Biljana Stojcevska
Faculty of Informatics
| Biljana Stojcevska, PhD Academic title: Full Professor
| Biljana Stojcevska graduated from the Institute of Informatics of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at The University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje in 1992. On 23 August 2003, she defended her master’s thesis titled “Improving TCP performance in heterogeneous networks” at the Institute of Informatics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje. On 24 December 2010 she defended her doctoral dissertation titled “The impact of TCP on the performance of computing and communication networks” and received PhD in Informatics. |
Work experience | 2023-present – full professor, American University of Europe – FON 2021-2023 – full professor, University of Tourism and Management Skopje 2018-2021 – associate professor, University of Tourism and Management Skopje 2016-2018 – associate professor, University American College Skopje 2011-2016 – assistant professor, University American College Skopje 2008-2011 – teaching assistant, University American College Skopje 1994-2008 – teaching assistant, Institute of Informatics of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius,Skopje 4-9.1994 – assistant, Ministry of Defense of Republic of Macedonia |
Academic Courses (current and past): |
Undergraduate: Computer Networks Network Technologies and Administration Fundamentals of Computer Science Operating Systems Programming Languages Fundamentals of Programming Object Programming Software Engineering Network Programming Distributed Computer Systems
Graduate: Software Verification and Validation Computer Networks Design Wireless Networks Network Services Advanced Computer Networks Advanced Operating Systems |
Topics and areas in which she mentors bachelor’s theses and master’s theses |
Programming, Computer networks, Operating systems |
Research interest | Her research interests are in, but not limited to, the fields of computer and communication networks, programming, and operating systems. |
Publications |
3. Kristina Jakimovska, Biljana Stojcevska, Anita Vasileva (2020) ASSESSMENT OF INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS FOR IMPROVING ELEVATORS’ PERFORMANCES, Journal of Information Technology and Applications, 4. Boro Sitnikovski, Biljana Stojcevska, Lidija Goracinova-Ilieva and Irena Stojmenovska (2020) PubSub implementation in Haskell with formal verification in Coq, CIIT 2020, Skopje, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference for Informatics and Information Technologies, ISBN 978-608-4699-10-1, pp 181-184 5. Jasmina Markoska, Irena Stojmenovska, Veno Pachovski, Adrijan Bozinovski, Biljana StojcevskaVisual approach to teaching basic function properties – composition of two functions and inverse of a function, Eight International Conference “Modern Trends in Science”26 -30.06.2019, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 6. Sara Temelkovska, Adrijan Božinovski, Irena Stojmenovska and Biljana Stojcevska, Sorting Algorithms and Their Complexities: A Case Study, The 16th Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2019), Mavrovo, 2019 7. Bogdan Jeliskoski, Biljana Stojcevska, Adrijan Bozinovski, Securing a Home Network by Using Raspberry Pi as a VPN Gateway, The 15th Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2018), Mavrovo, 20-22 April 2018 8. Slavco Andreevski, Adrijan Bozinovski, Biljana Stojcevska VPN server versus Proxy server privacy, (2017) , CIIT 2017 Mavrovo, Web proceedings 9. Božinovski A., Tanev G., Stojčevska B., Pačovski V., Ackovska N.,Time Complexity Analysis of the Binary Tree Roll Algorithm, Journal of Information Technology and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 53-62, 2016 10. Ristana Mitrovska, Veno Pachovski, Adrijan Božinovski, Biljana Stojcevska, Current Level of Implementation of e-Health Services in the Republic of Macedonia, ICT-Innovations 2016, September 5-7, Ohrid, Web proceedings ISSN 1865:0929 11. Viktor Denkovski, Biljana Stojcevska, Toni Dovenski, Veno Pachovski, Adrijan Bozinovski (2015) Performance evaluation of routing protocols in a wireless sensor network for targeted environment, Journal of Information Technology and Applications, Volume 5, Number 2 Banja Luka, December 2015 (77-132), ISSN 2232-9625 (Print) UDC 004, pp 110-116 12. Viktor Denkovski, Biljana Stojchevska, Martin Nikolovski, Monika Dovenska, Toni Dovenski (2015) “Wireless sensors for heard health monitoring and production management in dairy farming”, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Meeting Days of veterinary medicine 2015, Struga Macedonia, September 24-26, Macedonia, 2015, poster, Mac Vet Rev 2015; 38 (Suppl. 1), ISSN 1409-7621, pp 41 13. Ivana Stojanovska, Marjana Vaneva, Biljana Stojcevska, (2015) E-Inclusion: Digital Divide and ICT Acceptance among Elderly People in Macedonia Compared to Bulgaria and Romania, 10th annual international academic conference on European integration, EUROPEAN INTEGRATION – NEW PROSPECTS, May 21 14. Kocho Hrisafov, Adrijan Bozinovski, Ivana Stojanovska, Biljana Stojcevska (2015) Cloud Computing – Challenges and Demands of the Business Sector, CIIT 2015 Bitola, Web Proceedings, ISBN 978-608-4699-05-7, pp 83-86 15. Arbnor Grubi, Biljana Stojcevska, Ivana Stojanovska (2015) Better IT Administration with the help of Network Data Acquisition, CIIT 2015 Bitola, Web Proceedings, ISBN 978-608-4699-05-7, pp 203-206 16. Nenad Trajkovski, Biljana Stojcevska, Ivana Stojanovska (2015) Wireless Charging – Concept, Theory and Applications, CIIT 2015 Bitola, Web Proceedings, ISBN 978-608-4699-05-7, pp 192-196 17. Bane Georgievski, Veno Pachovski, Biljana Stojcevska (2014) An Implementation Of A NoSQL Based Web Crawler For Image Storage And Retrieval, ICT-Innovations, 2014 Ohrid, 11-13.09, Web Proceedings, ISSN 1857-7288, pp 326-335 18. Aleksandar Milenkoski, Biljana Stojcevska, Oliver Popov, Statistical framework for ns-3: terminating simulation and regression analysis, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, ISSN: 1746-7233, UK, Volume 10 Number 2, May 2014, pp 81-160 19. Davor Naumoski, Biljana Stojcevska, Zlatko Ivanovski (2014) Next Generation Wireless Technology: The 802.11ac Wireless Network, CIIT 2014 Bitola, 11-13.04, 2014, Web proceedings, ISBN 978-608-4699-04-0, pp. 81-83 20. MarjanTanevski, AdrijanBozhinovski, Eva Blazhevska, Biljana Stojchevska (2014) Using the Spring Framework with Java Enterprise Edition when Creating MVC Platform, CIIT 2014 Bitola, 11-13.04, 2014, Web proceedings, ISBN 978-608-4699-04-0, pp.67-71 21. Adrijan Bozhinovski, Biljana Stojchevska, Veno Pachovski, Enumeration, Ranking and Generation of Binary Trees Based on Level-Order Traversal Using Catalan Cipher Vectors, Journal of Information Technology and Applications – JITA, (Exchange of Information and Knowledge in Research), Volume 3 Number 2 Banja Luka, December 2013 (61-116) ISSN 2232-9625 (Print) UDC 004, pp 78-87 22. Dobre Blazhevski, Adrijan Bozhinovski, Biljana Stojchevska, Veno Pachovski, Modes of operation of the AES algorithm, The 10th Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2013), Bitola, 18-20 April 2013, Web proceedings, ISBN 978-608-4699-01-9, pp.212-216 23. Milenkoski, A., Stojcevska, B., Popov, O. B., ” Transport Protocol Evaluation System with Automatic Statistical Accuracy Calculation and Distributed and Parallel Execution”, Proc. of SIMUTools2011, 4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, poster presentation, Barcelona, Spain, March 2011 24. Milenkoski, A., Stojcevska B., “Loss Differentiation Algorithms vs. Congestion Control Schemes: Dynamics and Performance”, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.1, No.1, September 2010 25. Stojcevska, B., Popov, O. B., Milenkoski, A., ” Iterative System for Simulation of E2E Transport Protocols in Heterogeneous Networks”, Proceedings of EUROSIM 2010, September 2010 26. Stojcevska, B., Popov, O. B., Milenkoski, A., “The Performance of a Packet Pairing TCP Modification in Networks with Lossy Links”, ICT Innovations 09, poster presentation, Ohrid, Macedonia, September 2009 27. Stojcevska, B., Popov, O. B., “Primers of Using Analytical Tools to Capture TCP Behavior”, Proc. of the Sixth Conference on Informatics and Information Technology, Bitola, Macedonia, January 2007 28. Stojcevska, B., and Popov, O. B.,: “Packet Pairing for TCP in heterogeneous networks”, ACTA ELECTROTECHNICA ET INFORMATICA, No.4, Vol. 6: pp. 1- 12, 2006 29. Stojcevska, B., Popov, O. B., “Loss Pairs for Congestion Detection and Control”, Proc. of the 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI2004, Orlando, Florida, June 2004, Vol. XI, pp. 263-267 30. Stojcevska, B., Popov, O. B., “A Loss Pair Approach towards Congestion Management”, Proc. of the Fourth Conference on Informatics and Information Technology, Bitola, Macedonia, Dec 2003 31. Stojcevska, B., “ns Simulator in Computer Networks”, Proc. of the Workshop on Lab Practicing on Computer Science Education, Nis, Serbia and Montenegro, June 2003 32. Stojcevska, B., Popov, O. B., “TCP in Heterogeneous Environments” – Proc. of the Third Conference on Informatics and Information Technology, Bitola, Macedonia, December 2002, pp 42-53 33. Popov, O. B., Stojcevska, B., “Some Issues in Mobile Computing”, Proc. of the Second Conference on Informatics and Information Technology, Bitola, Macedonia, Dec 2001, pp. 144-153 34. Markovski, S., Gligoroski, D., Stojcevska, B., “Secure two-way on-line communication by using Quasigroup Enciphering with an almost Public Key” Proc. of the Third International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Informatics and Applications, TARA 2000, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, September 2000
Textbooks |
Јованчевски Ѓорѓи, Зоранчо Алексов, Билјана Стојчевска, Татјана Иванова, Елизабета Џонова, „Информатика за 5-то одделение за осумгодишно основно образование“, 2009 Јованчевски Ѓорѓи, Миле Јованов, Ацковска Невена, Стојчевска Билјана, „Збирка Алгоритми и Програми во C++“– ГОЦМАР 2007 Јованчевски Ѓорѓи, Стојчевска Билјана, Ацковска Невена, „Основи на програмирање – С++“, учебник за студентите по информатика – ГОЦМАР 2006 Јованчевски Ѓорѓи, Ацковска Невена, Стојчевска Билјана, „Збирка Алгоритми и рограми“, за студентите по информатика – ГОЦМАР 2005