Assoc. Prof. Mimoza Klekovska

Assoc. Prof. Mimoza Klekovska

Faculty of Architecture

Title, Name and Surname:

Associate Professor, Mimoza Klekovska, PhD


Short narrative bio:

I received my PhD degree in the field of Graphic Engineering at the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola. I hold MSc degree in Computer Graphics from the University of St. Cyril and Methodius at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT). My BSc degree is from Faculty of Architecture, Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. I was appointed first as elected, then as employed assistant professor, now as an associate professor in the educational and science field Graphic Engineering.

I am an author of scientific and professional papers, published in international journals and proceedings of international conferences and chapter, in the area of pattern recognition, classifiers, character recognition, fuzzy logic, education theories, artificial intelligence.

I have experience both in business sector and education too. My teaching subjects are in the field of digital forensic, descriptive geometry, urbanism, history of architecture and urbanism… I hold license B category for architectural designing projects.


Course you have been teaching and courses you are teaching currently:

Undergraduate studies:

1. Descriptive geometry and perspective

2. Descriptive geometry

3. Perspective

4. Urbanism 1/Basic of urbanism

5. Urbanism 2/Urban planning

6. History of architecture 3/2

7. History of architecture 4/Modern and contemporary architecture

8. Installations

9. Urban shaping

10. Designing commercial buildings


Postgraduate studies:

1. Urban studio

2. Selected parts of urban design

3. Selected parts of urban planning

4. Installations 2

5. Integrative studio 1/2

6. Landscape architecture/Selected parts of landscape architecture

7. Theory of architecture

8. Theory of architectural forms

9. Selected topics from trade and transport facilities

10. Designing commercial buildings 2  


Subjects and research fields of BA, MA, or PhD thesis you’ve supervised and are interested in supervising:

Revitalization of urban complexes, Attractive, innovative touristic settlements, Digital forensic.


Research interests:

Pattern Recognition, AI, Learning theories


List of published articles (academic journals), texts (in edited books) and books:

M. Majstoroska “A ChurchSlavonic Alphabet for reprinting Old Manuscripts Using a Microcomputer”, Proceedings of 1st Int. Conf. on Computer Processing of Medieval Slavic Manuscripts, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, pp.103-113, (1995) (и учество на конференција)

M. Klekovska, I. Nedelkovski, V.S. Antic, D. Mihajlov, Automatic Letter Style Recognition of Church Slavic ManuscriptsProceed. of Int. Scientific Conf. on Information Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria, pp.221-224, (2009) (и учество на конференција)

м-р Мимоза Клековска, Од културната традиција во Битола, Зборник на трудови од Меѓународниот научен собир, Битола, стр.213-224, (2009) (и учество на конференција)

Martinovska, C., Nedelkovski, I., Klekovska, M., Kaevski, D.: Fuzzy Classifier for Church Slavic Handwritten CharactersProc. of 14th Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems, Wroclaw, Poland, pp.310-313 (2012) (и учество на конференција)

Martinovska, C., Nedelkovski, I., Klekovska, M., Kaevski, D.: Recognition of Old Cyrillic Slavic Letters: Decision Tree versus Fuzzy Classifier ExperimentsIn: Yager, R.R., V. Sgurev and M. Hadjiski, (Eds.) Proc. 6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems 2012, vol. I, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 48-53 (2012) (и учество на конференција)

M. Klekovska, C. Martinovska, I. Nedelkovski, D. Kaevski, Comparison of Models for Recognition of Old Slavic LettersBook of abstracts, ICT Innovations Conference 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2012, pp.85-86 (и учество на конференција)

M. Klekovska, C. Martinovska, I. Nedelkovski, D. Kaevski, Comparison of Models for Recognition of Old Slavic LettersAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 207, ICT Innovations 2012 – Secure and Intelligent Systems, Springer, pp.129-139 (2013) (Book chapter)

Klekovska Mimoza and Martinovska Bande Cveta (2014) Harmonic proportions as an important element in recognition of stylish properties from the contours of the Church Slavic alphabet letters. In: 4th International Scientific Conference, The Science and the Social Development, 9 May 2014, Skopje, Macedonia. pp.1137-1152 ISBN: 978-608-4574-62-0 (и учество на конференција)

М.Клековска, Ц. Мартиновска, Одредување на личниот идентитет врз основа на ракописот како биометриска идентификација, II меѓународна конференција 2014, Универзитет Евро-Балкан, 2014, (и учество на конференција)

C. M. Bande, M. Klekovska, I. Nedelkovski, D. Kaevski, Feature Selection for Classification of Old Slavic LettersControl Engineering and Applied Informatics, 2014,vol. 16, No.4, pp.81-90 (2014) (IF (2013)=0.228)

Martinovska, Cveta and Klekovska, Mimoza and Nedelkovski, Igor and Kaevski, Dragan, Methodologies for recognition of old Slavic Cyrillic characters. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, 2 (3/4). pp. 264-287. ISSN 1755-4977. (2013)

Cveta Martinovska Bande, Mimoza Klekovska, Igor Nedelkovski, Dragan Kaevski Recognition features for Old Slavic letters: Macedonian versus Bosnian alphabet, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), Vol. 5, Issue 12, ISSN 2250-3153, pp. 145-153. (2015)

M. Klekovska, C. Martinovska Bande, Computer Support in Graphic Educational Subjects, X Int.Conf.of Information Technology and Development of Education ITRO (10 ; 2019 ; Zrenjanin) Proceedings of papers; ISBN 978-86-7672-322-5, p.p. 57-61 (2019)